
4shared.com: ww.4shared.com, wwww.4shared.com, www.4shared.com, 4shared, 4 shared, 4share, 4shared.com, 4shared mp3

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4shared.com information
Searches: ww.4shared.com, wwww.4shared.com, www.4shared.com, 4shared, 4 shared, 4share, 4shared.com, 4shared mp3, , 4shared search, shared, 4shared music, www.4shared.com About 4shared (4shared.com): A simple and easy-to-use service offering free online files storage and sharing accessible worldwide.4shared is ranked #66 in the world according to the three-month Alexa traffic rankings. This site can be found in the “Free” category of sites. Relative to the overall population of internet users, the site's users are disproportionately Asian, and they are disproportionately low-income men under the age of 25 who browse from school and home. Search engines refer approximately 12% of visits to 4shared. While we estimate that 13% of the site's visitors are in Brazil, where it is ranked #18, it is also popular in Indonesia, where it is ranked #9.