Smart choice summer bedding

During the renovation process, necessary losses are allowed, but some companies will place the unnecessary loss of tricks. For example, flooring, and materials allow a loss, but the loss is less than 5%, if is greater than 5%, it should guard against "water". Secondly, flooring wood loss is not equal to the artificial loss, it…

End-consumer market

Getting hot in the summer, fires in Beijing showed a rising trend, home appliances started the fire became the focus. Some users tend not to notice routine electrical maintenance, eventually only to repent after the tragedy. When using the refrigerator, it is important to note whether the refrigerator display location reasonable, easy refrigerator cooling. But…

Rapid development of direct business

According to the rate of silver network statistics, as of yesterday, selling financial products, financial products at 23 of the expected rate of return is higher than 6%, and these high-yield financial products is not entirely high-end customers, 8 financial products investment beginning less than 100,000 yuan, investment term of less than 3 months.Haitong securities…