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Messaggi del 03/02/2011


Cairo's revolution ...

Post n°682 pubblicato il 03 Febbraio 2011 da diegobaratono


New gunfire erupts in central Cairo

By the CNN Wire Staff
February 3, 2011 1:02 a.m. EST
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Digging up bricks to use as weapons
  • Several wounded people are taken into Cairo square after new gunfire
  • The Egyptian army can't stay on the sidelines, a foreign policy expert says
  • An expert says the regime is likely orchestrating the unrest, paying "rent-a-thugs"
  • State television reports 4 dead, 820-plus wounded

Follow live blogging on "This Just In" and the latest tweets from CNN correspondents from the protests. Send your video, images to CNN iReport.

Cairo, Egypt (CNN) -- Heavy gunfire reverberated in central Cairo before dawn Thursday as supporters and foes of embattled Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak continued to face off at Tahrir Square, where chunks of concretes and Molotov cocktails were employed as weapons in the escalating crisis.

CNN personnel saw wounded people being carried into Tahrir Square, largely held by anti-regime demonstrators, through an entrance that leads to the nearby Egyptian Museum. Several ambulances entered and left the square shortly before 4 a.m. Thursday.

The source of the gunfire was not immediately known.

Voices were heard chanting a prayer after a day of violent street battles in central Cairo.

Gallery: Opposing factions clash in Cairo streets
Egyptian military fights fires
Protesters hurt in Tahrir Square
Protesters bloodied in Cairo
CNN reporter's narrow escape
Shots fired, vehicles overturned

Sustained automatic weapons fire, including from what sounded like a heavy machine gun, echoed around the square, the epicenter of nine days of protests calling for Mubarak's ouster.

Anti-government demonstrators hunkered down behind makeshift barricades in the square and outside the nearby national museum against the onslaught, which demonstrators said included plainclothes police officers.

"They're coming in with weapons. They're spreading violence," human rights activist Gigi Ibrahim told CNN on Wednesday. "We've had peaceful protests here since Friday and no violence here. Only today were we faced with this really violent reaction."

The pro-government protesters were not impeded by the army when they entered the square, CNN's Ben Wedeman said early Thursday. Anti-regime protesters are now unhappy with troops, whose commanders had promised Monday not to use force against peaceful demonstrations, for standing by, he said.

Small fires burned in the square early Thursday, some spreading to trees and walls.

Egypt's health ministry reported four people were killed and 829 were wounded in Wednesday's clashes, according to the state television network. Reported fatalities in the previous eight days of demonstrations ranged as high as 300, but CNN has not been able to independently confirm the death toll.

In one surreal moment, whip-wielding Mubarak supporters thundered through the crowd astride horses and camels, and at least one man was pulled off his mount and beaten. A Mubarak supporter who spoke to CNN said the riders were pyramid workers who were protesting the negative economic impact of the crisis.

"What you are seeing is the demonstration of the real Egyptian people who are trying to take back their country, trying to take back their street," said businessman Khaled Ahmed, who described himself as "pro-Egyptian."

But some observers said the pro-Mubarak push Wednesday was likely orchestrated by a regime bent on breaking up peaceful demonstrations.

"These are tactics that are well-known in Egypt," Michele Dunne, a senior associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, told CNN's John King.

CNN crew attacked in Cairo
Crowds turn violent in Tahrir Square
Cairo streets turn to 'utter chaos'
Watson: 'Casualties' in Cairo square
At a glance: Nations facing unrest

Robert Kagan of the Brookings Institution said the "rent-a-thugs" were likely sanctioned and paid by the government. This is meant to create an image of chaos so the government can move in to restore order, he said.

"Mubarak has -- now, certainly, with the violence today, but even before that -- lost the confidence of the overwhelming number of the Egyptian people," Kagan said.

As night fell, the sound of gunfire reverberated in Tahrir Square, the name of which means "liberation" in Arabic. People hurled verbal insults, Molotov cocktails, rocks and anything else they could find -- shards of metal, sticks, shoes -- at one another.

Desperate for more ammunition, they dismantled sidewalks and picked up chunks of cement to throw. They beat each other in what rapidly spiraled into utter mayhem.

Hundreds of injured people were treated by doctors and medical staff, who turned to volunteers for assistance.

CNN iReporter Hunter Moore, 26, helped treat the wounded. The U.S. schoolteacher said Tuesday's crowds at Tahrir Square were mostly peaceful. "It went downhill really, really quickly" on Wednesday, he told CNN.

It was unclear whether such confrontations were being repeated elsewhere. Other Cairo neighborhoods were calm, and rallies in Egypt's second-largest city, Alexandria, were largely peaceful.

Mubarak's opponents had stood shoulder to shoulder in Tahrir Square to call for his immediate resignation in a massive rally on Tuesday. The 82-year-old president's announcement that night that he would spend the remaining seven months of his current term working to ensure a "peaceful transition of power" failed to satisfy them, and they vowed to keep up the pressure on him to resign.

The crisis has paralyzed the Egyptian economy, as the government has closed banks, idled trains and shuttered schools. Markets are running short of basic food staples, and the situation is hurting the ability of ordinary citizens to join the demonstrations, opposition activist Ziad Aly told CNN.

"We can't get enough bread. We can't get enough food supplies," he said.

Vice President Omar Suleiman reiterated the government stance that the people have been heard, that they should go home and that they should stop demonstrating. Protesters should respect the curfew and "enable people to return to their jobs and their daily lives, and to allow schools and universities to reopen," he said in a statement.

The state-run television network, Nile TV, sought to portray the unrest as a "foreign conspiracy" fueled by international journalists, several of whom -- including CNN's Anderson Cooper -- were attacked during Wednesday's clashes.

Despite reports that shots had been fired, Nile TV's reporters denied any shooting had taken place or even that violence had broken out in Tahrir Square. The network also said that members of the opposition Muslim Brotherhood were heading to the square "to throw balls of fire and to start acts of riots and violence."

When asked if that were true, Mohamed Morsy, a spokesman for the Muslim Brotherhood, said the action came from all segments of the Egyptian people, "not the Muslim Brotherhood only."

Morsy told CNN's Wolf Blitzer that the time for change is now, not when Mubarak's term ends.

"We need a new era, a new regime," Morsy said. "We have a constitution."

Asked whether Suleiman could lead the government until new elections, Morsy said the head of the country's supreme court should fulfill that role.

In Washington, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said an end to violence was "imperative."

"It is our hope that what we saw today, we won't see tomorrow or Friday or into the weekend," he said.

But Mubarak's government bluntly told outsiders to mind their own business.

"Our interactions within our country are Egyptian affairs and nothing more than that," Foreign Ministry spokesman Hossam Zaki said. Egypt "will continue to be a beacon of moderation and stability in our region," he said, but its people must settle their differences without "intervention from the outside."

Though Mubarak's concessions were large and remarkable for a man who has held a tight grip on power for three decades, it was too little, too late for many Egyptians.

"He is unfortunately going to continue the agony for another six or seven months," opposition leader Mohamed ElBaradei said Tuesday night.

However, Mubarak supporter Waleed Tawfik told CNN that not all Egyptians agree that Mubarak should step down immediately.

"Change will not happen overnight. There's not a magical button for change. Change will take time," he said.

The Egyptian army can't sit on the sidelines too much longer, or it could risk unraveling, said a foreign policy expert.

The army needs to pick a course of action by Friday, when more mass protests are expected after prayers, Richard Haass, president of the Council on Foreign Relations, told CNN's "Parker Spitzer."

The Egyptian crisis is among the aftershocks of the revolt in Tunisia that forced that nation's longtime strongman to flee to Saudi Arabia in mid-January. In Yemen, President Ali Abdullah Saleh -- who has been in office for 32 years -- said Wednesday he will not run for president nor hand over power to his son once his current term ends in 2013.

CNN's Ben Wedeman, Frederik Pleitgen, Ivan Watson, Tommy Evans, Saad Abedine, Hala Gorani, Amir Ahmed, Jomana Karadsheh and Arwa Damon contributed to this report

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Universo: nuove scoperte ...

Post n°681 pubblicato il 03 Febbraio 2011 da diegobaratono

2 Febbraio 2011 SCIENZA
Scoperto primo sistema solare con sei piccoli pianeti

Individuato dal telescopio spaziale Kepler della Nasa, dista 2000 anni luce dalla Terra. Sembrerebbe possibile che due dei corpi celesti che ruotano intorno a una stella simile al Sole siano composti da acqua

Eccola, finalmente, a 2000 anni luce dalla Terra, la stella simile al Sole con una corona di pianeti che ricorda il nostro sistema solare. L'ha individuata il telescopio spaziale Kepler della Nasa, lanciato proprio allo scopo di trovare nuovi pianeti al di là del sistema solare. La scoperta è stata realizzata da astronomi della University of California a Santa Cruz, i quali sono riusciti non solo a evidenziare la presenza di sei pianeti attorno alla stella, ma anche le orbite e le masse di ciascuno di essi. Cinque dei pianeti hanno una massa compresa tra 2, 3 e 13, 5 volte quella della Terra e ruotano attorno all'astro principale in meno di 50 giorni. Tutti e cinque, quindi, se fossero nel nostro sistema solare, si troverebbero tra il Sole e Mercurio. Deve fare un bel caldo lassù, dunque. Il sesto pianeta invece si trova più lontano e ruota attorno alla stella in un periodo di 118 giorni.

"Dei sei pianeti trovati uno assomiglia per dimensioni ai nostri Nettuno o Urano, ma tre dei cinque con massa assai inferiore hanno caratteristiche che non troviamo in alcun modo nel nostro sistema solare", ha detto Jonathan Fortney, astrofisico alla UCSC che ha guidato il gruppo di astronomi in questa ricerca e ha pubblicato i risultati sulla rivista Nature. Il telescopio Kepler mette in luce la presenza di pianeti attorno a una stella rilevando l'abbassamento di luminosità che questi producono quando passano davanti ad essa e l'ammontare di riduzione della quantità di luce risulta proporzionale alle dimensioni dell'oggetto

in questione. E il tempo che trascorre tra una riduzione e l'altra racconta agli scienziati il periodo di rivoluzione del pianeta. Ma per determinare la massa dei pianeti gli astronomi hanno studiato le piccole variazioni che ciascuno di essi presenta nei periodi orbitali, variazioni che possono essere più o meno vistose a secondo della massa del pianeta con cui interagisce.

La densità dei pianeti (derivata dalla massa e dal raggio), invece, fornisce indizi sulla loro composizione. Secondo i ricercatori tutti e sei i pianeti hanno una densità inferiore a quella della Terra e sembra che due possano essere composti da acqua con una possibile atmosfera di idrogeno ed elio. Gli altri invece, potrebbero essere formati solo da idrogeno ed elio. Fino ad oggi la massa dei pianeti veniva valutata in base ai piccoli movimenti che essi provocavano sulla stella madre. Ma in questo caso il sistema solare di Kepler-11, questo il nome che gli è stato dato dagli astronomi, è troppo lontano da noi e i pianeti sono troppo piccoli per osservare tali variabili. Dunque si è scelta l'innovativa strada di studiare la massa dei pianeti osservando le interazioni che si fanno l'un l'altro. L'insieme di queste scoperte dunque, è davvero importante e può riservare ancora molte sorprese. "Non si può escludere che in esso esistano altri pianeti che potrebbero non essere transitati davanti alla stella nel periodo in cui il telescopio l'ha osservata", ha sottolineato l'esperto di pianeti extrasolari Raffaele Gratton, dell'osservatorio di Padova dell'Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (Inaf).

Lo studio di tale sistema solare ha permesso di verificare che anche lassù i pianeti si trovano più o meno tutti sullo stesso piano orbitale, come avviene per il nostro sistema solare. E questo rafforza l'idea che i pianeti si formano da una nebulosa con un ampio raggio, ma con uno spessore piccolo. "Le orbite dei nostri pianeti - ha detto Fortney - avevano fatto ipotizzare questa idea, ma ora abbiamo una conferma importante".

La scoperta solleva comunque tante domande: come è possibile che pianeti così vicini alla stella abbiano un'atmosfera di idrogeno ed elio? Secondo gli astronomi non è da escludere che l'atmosfera abbia avuto anche altri elementi che ora hanno già lasciato i pianeti e forse è possibile che alcuni di essi si siano formati lontani dalla stella madre e che pian piano si stiano avvicinando ad essa. E l'acqua, visto la piccola distanza dalla stella madre dei pianeti più interni dovrebbe essere sotto forma di vapore, ma se sottoposta ad enormi pressioni, potrebbe anche essere liquida. Domande e ipotesi a cui Kepler cercherà di dare una risposta nei prossimi mesi di ricerca.

(02 febbraio 2011)




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