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Messaggi del 20/04/2011


Beati loro ...

Post n°855 pubblicato il 20 Aprile 2011 da diegobaratono

Legendary Saints Were Real, Buried Alive, Study Hints Bones of a Roman couple—killed for being Christian—may have been identified.
Main Content
The skull of Saint Crisanto.
Ancient bones found in an Italian cathedral may be those of Saints Chrysanthus (foreground) and Daria.

Photograph courtesy Max Salomon, National Geographic Television

Ker Than

for National Geographic News

Published April 15, 2011

ON TV: Explorer: Mystery of the Murdered Saints airs at 10 p.m. ET/PT on Tuesday, April 19, on the National Geographic Channel.

The skeletons of two married, early-Christian saints—said to have been buried alive nearly 2,000 years ago—may have been identified in Italy, scientists announced Thursday.

Analysis of the skeletons—sealed off for centuries in an Italian cathedral until recently—seems to support the legend of Chrysanthus and Daria, who are said to have been persecuted in the city of Rome for being Christians.

According to ancient stories, the Roman Empire killed the celibate Roman husband and wife in the third century A.D., after they had converted many Romans to the fledgling religion.

Though there's no way to identify the skeletons with 100 percent certainty, "all of the evidence we have gathered points toward the relics having belonged to Chrysanthus and Daria," investigation leader Ezio Fulcheri, a paleopathologist at Italy's University of Genoa, said in a statement.

(Related: "St. Paul's Tomb Unearthed in Rome.")

Saintly Evidence

In 2008 workers renovating the cathedral, in the northern Italian town of Reggio Emilia (map), found more than 300 bones in a sealed crypt beneath the main alter.

The remains were found to form two nearly complete skeletons. The skulls of the bodies turned out to be in a pair of silver-and-gold busts deep in a cathedral vault, into which they'd been transferred nearly 500 years ago, University of Turin anthropologist Allesandra Cinti told National Geographic News via email.

Examining the bones, study leader Fulcheri and his team concluded that the remains belonged to a man and woman who were generally healthy at the time of their deaths.

Based in part on its slender and petite frame, wide pelvis, and pointed chin, one of the skeletons was presumed to have been a female in her mid-20s. The sex was later confirmed by DNA analysis, according to Fulcheri, whose work was partly funded by the National Geographic Society's Expeditions Council. (The Society owns National Geographic News.)

The team suspects this skeleton was Daria, who, according to legend, was a vestal virgin—a high priestess of Rome dedicated to the goddess Vesta—before converting to Christianity.

"The bones show that she probably lived a life with very little physical stress," the University of Turin's Cinti says in a new documentary about the project—Explorer: Mystery of the Murdered Saintswhich airs at 10 p.m. ET/PT on Tuesday, April 19, on the National Geographic Channel.

"She had the characteristics of a vestal virgin," Cinti added. "But of course, we can't be certain."

The second skeleton's bones appear nearly adult but aren't fully formed—parts of them were still fusing together at death. This suggests the remains belonged to a 17- or 18-year-old, the researchers say. DNA tests later reveal the individual to be a male.

If the legends—and the team's conclusions—are to be believed, this may be Chrysanthus.

Also, like the Chrysanthus and Daria of legend, the recently unearthed couple appears to have been upper-class. For example, the bones showed no signs of deformities or wear from physical labor.

By analyzing trace elements in the bones, the team also uncovered signs of lead poisoning—a uniquely aristocratic ailment in ancient Rome. The toxic metal was present in the city's plumbing system, which reached only the homes of the wealthy.

The team also carefully picked out a single rib from each skeleton, ground the ribs into a fine powder, and performed a carbon dating test on them.

The test revealed the skeletons date to between A.D. 80 and 340—the martyrs are thought to have been killed around A.D. 283.

(See pictures of the ancient Roman underground.)

Murdered Saints: Legend of Chrysanthus and Daria

In ancient tales Chrysanthus, the son of a rich Roman senator, converts to Christianity as a teenager.

Desperate to prevent Chrysanthus from making what he thinks is a huge mistake, his father arranges to have him married to the vestal virgin Daria.

At Rome's Temple of Vesta, virgins maintained a holy fire that symbolized procreation and which the Romans believed kept their city safe. (Related "Ancient Roman Temple Reconstructed.")

"In the ancient thinking, there was this belief that religion and politics were intertwined. So when something went wrong in the political sphere, there was a religious problem somewhere," explained Sarolta Takács, a historian at Sage College in Albany, New York, who wasn't involved in the study.

As their name suggests, the vestal virgins were supposed to remain celibate during their time of service.

(Also see "Lost Gospel Revealed; Says Jesus Asked Judas to Betray Him.")

Miracles and Martyrdom

According to legend, the plan to distract Chrysanthus from Christianity backfires. He converts Daria to his religion, and the two marry but take a vow of celibacy and devotion to God.

"That people should live together as if they're married but not actually have sex and produce children goes against everything that Roman society stood for," Candida Moss, an expert in early Christian martyrdom at the University of Notre Dame, said in the documentary.

What's worse—in the eyes of the Roman Empire—is that the pair successfully converted many to Christianity. (See computer reconstructions of ancient Rome.)

For their crimes, Chrysanthus and Daria are arrested and tortured.

The typical punishment for a vestal virgin who'd broken her vow of celibacy was death by starvation. The punishment for conversion to Christianity, though, would have been a life of prostitution—the worst possible fate for a priestess of Vesta, Sage College's Takács explained.

The Romans would have believed Daria's conversion to Christianity endangered their entire city, Takács explained. For one thing, there were only six vestal virgins at any one time, so the loss of even one priestess would have been a serious setback for Rome.

"What's important about the vestals is that they were intimately connected with Rome," Takács said.

"When they did everything correct and properly, Rome thrived. And if they made mistakes, then Romans suffered problems."

According to the story, Chrysanthus is sent to prison, while Daria is condemned to prostitution. Both are said to have been saved from their fates by miracles—his prison turns into a garden; she is protected from would-be johns by a lioness.

Despite supposedly divine intervention, Chrysanthus and Daria are eventually sentenced to death, the story goes. According to the most popular version of the legend, the pair is buried alive in Rome.

(Related: "Roman Catacomb Find Boosts Early Christian-Jewish Ties, Study Says.")

"No Evidence in Contrast"

It's said that a Christian shrine was erected at Chrysanthus and Daria's burial site. Later their venerated bones were transferred several times before eventually arriving, around the year 1000, in Reggio Emilia, hundreds of miles north of Rome—a story the new analysis appears to corroborate, scientists say.

"I think there is no evidence in contrast of this hypothesis," study leader Fulcheri told National Geographic News.

The University of Turin's Cinti added in the documentary, "These results confirmed two fundamental facts for us.

"They confirmed their antiquity and the fact that they were both from the same time period. We were able to relax, let out a sigh of relief and say okay, maybe it's actually them."

ON TV: Explorer: Mystery of the Murdered Saints airs at 10 p.m. ET/PT on Tuesday, April 19, on the National Geographic Channel.

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Post n°854 pubblicato il 20 Aprile 2011 da diegobaratono

Europe Starting to Dive Under Africa?
New subduction zone may increase quake risk in the Mediterranean, expert says.
Main Content
The Strait of Gibraltar seen from space.

The Mediterranean Sea stretches eastward from the Strait of Gibraltar in a 1994 astronaut photograph.

Photograph courtesy NASA

Richard A. Lovett

for National Geographic News

Published April 19, 2011

Europe may be starting to dive under Africa, creating a new subduction zone and potentially increasing the earthquake risk in the western Mediterranean Sea, scientists report.

Subduction zones form where tectonic plates collide, with one plate diving beneath the other and into Earth's mantle. Sometimes these collisions are gradual, but often they occur in big lurches that can trigger quakes.

Because subduction zones are generally on seabeds, earthquakes in these zones can set off tsunamis, like the killer wave that devastated Japan last month.

For millions of years the African plate, which contains part of the Mediterranean seabed, has been moving northward toward the Eurasian Plate at a rate of about an inch every 2.5 years (a centimeter a year).

Now studies of recent earthquakes in the region indicate that a new subduction zone may be forming where the plates are colliding along the coasts of Algeria and northern Sicily (see a map of the region).

"Formation of a new subduction zone is very rare," said study leader Rinus Wortel, a geophysicist at Utrecht University in the Netherlands.

Europe and Africa Switching Geologic Roles

According to Wortel, the opposite situation existed about 30 million years ago, when the African plate was diving under the Eurasian plate along a sizable subduction zone in the western Mediterranean.

There, the dense rocks of the African seabed were being thrust beneath the European plate.

Over millions of years, Africa moved so far north that none of the plate's seabed was left in the western Mediterranean. All that remained were the rocks of the continent itself, which were lighter than the seabed and wouldn't subduct, Wortel said.

But the two plates have continued to converge, building up tectonic stresses. Part of this stress was taken up by the buckling of the Eurasian plate into the Alps, Caucasus, and Zagros mountain ranges. (Related: "Alps Glaciers Gone by 2050, Expert Says.")

Now, based on the locations and motions of recent earthquakes along the plate borders, Wortel and colleagues think subduction is starting up again—but this time with Europe being thrust under Africa.

The new subduction zone, announced at a recent meeting of the European Geosciences Union in Vienna, is an exciting find, Wortel said, because such regions tend to exist for long time periods, geologically speaking.

Earthquake Risk Underestimated in the Med?

Other scientists are intrigued by the possible subduction zone—but they remain cautious.

"I didn't hear the talk, but it's perfectly plausible," Seth Stein, a geophysics professor at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, said in an email. For instance, other parts of the Mediterranean region—such as mainland Italy—have seen tectonic changes in the past two million years, he said.

Still, deciphering these changes is a very complex process, said Chris Goldfinger, director of the Active Tectonics and Seafloor Mapping Laboratory at Oregon State University in Corvallis.

"I'd have to spend a week with the data to have any opinion that was worth anything," he said by email.

Study leader Wortel added that the formation of a subduction zone is a slow process: "These processes happen at the time scale of several million years," he said.

For example, he said, most established subduction zones are marked by giant undersea trenches. A similar trench should eventually form in the Mediterranean—but certainly not overnight.

Wortel does believe that the new data may mean the earthquake risk in the western Mediterranean has been underestimated—and may be increasing. (See related pictures of the aftermath of a magnitude 6 earthquake in Italy in 2009.)

"It is usually not considered to be a region of enormous seismic activity—not of the giant magnitude we experienced in Japan last month," Wortel said.

That may simply be due to historical complacency. "Even though something has not occurred in a hundred years, it does not mean there is no risk."

In fact, he noted, 70,000 people were killed in Messina, Italy, in 1908 when a magnitude 7.1 earthquake produced a tsunami with waves reported at 40 feet (12 meters) high.

And one of the most devastating earthquakes in European history occurred somewhere west of the Strait of Gibraltar in 1755, sending a giant wave into Lisbon, Portugal, and killing—by some estimates—as many as a hundred thousand people.

(See "Great Portugal Quake May Have a Sequel, Study Says."

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Per non dimenticare ...

Post n°853 pubblicato il 20 Aprile 2011 da diegobaratono


Un anno fa la Marea nera

Undici morti, 5 milioni di barili in mare, danni per miliardi
19 aprile, 12:20

 di Luciano Clerico

NEW YORK- E' passato un anno. Mercoledi' prossimo saranno trascorsi esattamente 365 giorni dal momento in cui sulla piattaforma petrolifera Deepwater Horizon, posizionata a 66 chilometri al largo delle coste della Louisiana, un' esplosione squarciava la notte del Golfo del Messico e la struttura dell' impianto. Erano le 21:45: aveva inizio in quel momento al largo di New Orleans quello che si sarebbe trasformato nel piu' grave disastro ecologico della storia. Quell'esplosione, dovuta al mancato funzionamento di una pompa idraulica, ha causato non solo 11 morti e 17 feriti. Ha provocato anche la piu' inarrestabile fuga di petrolio mai vista, un fiume nero che giorno dopo giorno e' sfociato nel Golfo del Messico fino ad occuparlo quasi per meta'.

Gli esperti hanno calcolato in 5 milioni i barili di petrolio finiti in mare. L'intera industria marittima di tre Stati (Louisiana, Mississippi e Texas, senza tener conto dei danni provocati in Florida) e' stata messa in ginocchio e la potente America ha assistito, impotente, all'aggravarsi di una catastrofe ambientale senza precedenti nel mondo. Neppure il disastro provocato nel 1989 sulle coste dell'Alaska dalla petroliera Exxon Valdez aveva avuto conseguenze cosi' gravi. Quella piattaforma, costruita in Corea del Sud dalla Hyundai Heavy Industries, era di proprieta' della societa' svizzera Transocean ed era stata affittata due anni prima dalla britannica BP per procedere alle trivellazioni del pozzo Macondo, un pozzo che si trova ad una profondita' di circa 1.500 metri. Prima dell'incidente, la BP estraeva dal pozzo 8 mila barili di petrolio al giorno. Che, da un giorno all'altro, hanno cominciato inesorabilmente a finire in mare. Inizialmente la portata dell'incidente fu sottostimata.

I soccorsi seguirono le abituali procedure previste in questi casi. Solo quando, due giorni dopo l'incidente, la colossale piattaforma affondo', i tecnici si resero conto della gravita' potenzialmente epocale del disastro: da uno dei tubi della piattaforma squarciatisi nell'esplosione il petrolio continuava ad uscire a enormi fiotti (50 mila barili al giorno). Solo che ora la piattaforma era sul fondo del mare, a 1.500 mt di profondita'. Mettere un 'tappo' a quella falla non sarebbe stato un lavoro facile. Gli ingegneri capirono subito: sarebbe stato un incubo. Cosi' e' stato: i tecnici della BP hanno lavorato l'intera estate prima di riuscire a fermare quel petrolio che saliva dal fondo del mare. Dopo svariati tentativi, il tamponamento definitivo della perdita e' stato messo in atto con successo soltanto il 19 settembre.

Per i precedenti cinque mesi un fiume di oltre 780 milioni di litri di petrolio ha avvelenato le acque e le coste del Golfo del Messico. Nel dichiarare BP responsabile del disastro, gli Usa hanno raggiunto con il gruppo petrolifero un accordo per la costituzione di un fondo iniziale di 20 miliardi di dollari per risarcimento danni. BP dal canto suo ha dichiarato spese per 8 miliardi di collari per contenere il petrolio e perdite per 3,95 miliardi. Come altre compagnie petrolifere, ha gia' ripresentato domanda per riprendere le trivellazioni.

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Speriamo ...

Post n°852 pubblicato il 20 Aprile 2011 da diegobaratono


Sicurezza alimentare in codice penale

Lo afferma ministro Politiche agricole Romano, come in Ue
19 aprile, 21:01

(ANSA) - ROMA, 19 APR - 'Si deve introdurre il bene della Sicurezza alimentare nel codice penale'. Cosi' il ministro delle politiche agricole Saverio Romano in audizione alla Commissione agricoltura della Camera sulle linee programmatiche del ministero. Romano sottolinea che 'La Ue gia' lo stabilisce e molti Paesi lo fanno'.'Il furto di una mela non puo' essere considerato piu' grave dell'attentato alla salute', spiega. Tra i fattori che avvalorano la necessita', per il ministro, l'accentuarsi degli episodi criminali.

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Ercolano: riapre il Decumano Massimo ...

Post n°851 pubblicato il 20 Aprile 2011 da diegobaratono


Archeologia: a Ercolano riapre il Decumano massimo
Decisivo il finanziamento del magnate Usa Packard
19 aprile, 16:19
(ANSA) - ERCOLANO (NAPOLI), 19 APR - La sinergia tra pubblico e privato ha consentito il recupero del sito archeologico di Ercolano e la riapertura ai visitatori del Decumano Massimo, la strada piu' importante dell'antica citta'.

Per il recupero determinante e' stato il finanziamento del magnate americano David Packard che ha finora investito 15 milioni di euro. Tirato a lucido da lavori imponenti, il Decumano Massimo e' l'ultima tappa del lavoro di restituzione al pubblico delle arterie che compongono il reticolo urbano. Sulla destra spicca la Casa dal doppio portale con il suo eccezionale ingresso, il portico a colonne e gli elementi lignei ancora intatti. (ANSA).

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Il 29 Aprile, lancio della centotrentaquattresima spedizione dello Shuttle: buon viaggio ...

Post n°850 pubblicato il 20 Aprile 2011 da diegobaratono


NASA clears shuttle Endeavour for April 29 launch


Credit: Reuters/Scott Audette

CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida | Tue Apr 19, 2011 5:42pm EDT

CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida (Reuters) - The shuttle Endeavour was cleared for a launch attempt on April 29 to deliver a new class of physics instrument to the International Space Station on NASA's next-to-last shuttle flight, officials said Tuesday.

Liftoff of the 134th shuttle mission is scheduled for 3:47 p.m. EDT from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

The all-veteran crew is led by Mark Kelly, husband of Arizona Democratic Representative Gabrielle Giffords, who is recovering from a January 8 shooting that killed six people and injured 12 others.

Pending approval from her doctors, Giffords, who has not been seen publicly since the attack outside a Tucson, Arizona, grocery store, plans to attend the launch, Kelly has said.

The primary purpose of the flight is to deliver the $2 billion Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer, or AMS, particle detector, an instrument designed to detect dark matter, antimatter and other exotic phenomena.

"It has the potential of returning really Earth-shattering science," said NASA's Bill Gerstenmaier.

A team of 600 scientists from 16 nations, including China and Taiwan, are partners in the project.

After installing AMS the Endeavour astronauts will turn their attention to four spacewalks and other tasks to help get the space station ready for operations without shuttle support. The station is a $100 billion project of the United States, Russia, Europe, Japan and Canada that has been under construction since 1998, 220 miles above Earth.

After one final shuttle flight in June to deliver a year's worth of supplies, the station will depend on smaller cargo ships from Russia, Europe and Japan.

Endeavour, which will be making its 25th and final space mission, is expected to stay in orbit up to 16 days.

Sister ship Discovery completed its last mission on March 9. The shuttle Atlantis is targeted for launch on June 28 to complete the 30-year-old shuttle program. The fleet is being retired due to high operating costs and to free up funds to develop new spacecraft.

(Editing by Jane Sutton and Cynthia Osterman)

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