Informazione - file utili e notizie su congressi, convegni, giornate di studio, seminari su argomenti di interesse per la nutrizione e dintorni
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Il nutri-sentiero prosegue

... e il sesto e il settimo evento del progetto FOODCONS: l'informazione e la formazione alla fine del Nutri-Sentiero. Un pomeriggio, due inviti per sceglierne uno o fruire di entrambi:L'invito ad un momento di formazione per insegnanti e operatori sul tema dell'educazione alimentare: L'invito all'evento di chiusura del progetto FOODCONS - mangiare in modo consapevole:…

Shaping the Future of Food Safety, Together

EFSA is pleased to announce that it will be possible to “virtually” attend the scientific conference “Shaping the Future of Food Safety, Together” which will take place on 14-16 October 2015 via live web streaming. We are providing live web streaming of the entire conference, including the plenaries and all parallel sessions. The final programme…


 Il secondo evento del progetto FOODCONS "Mangiare così mi fa stare bene?"  Mercoledì 30 settembre dalle 8,30 alle 13,30 Poliambulatorio dell’Azienda Sanitaria sito in Via A. Malfante n. 35FOODCONS viene presentato a EXPLORA Lunedì, 28 settembre 2015,dalle ore 16:30 alle 19:00,INGRESSO OPEN DAY GRATUITO(è richiesta REGISTRAZIONE): il primo evento del progetto FOODCONS ( 10 settembre 2015 presso…

PAT Applications in the Food Industry January 24-27, 2016

   IFPAC®-2016Food Quality, Safety & Analysis Symposium PAT Applications in the Food IndustryJanuary 24-27, 2016Arlington, Virginia (Washington, D.C.) U.S.A.Crystal Gateway  MARK YOUR CALENDARS!Emerging Technologies, Food Safety, PAT in the Dairy Industry, PAT as a Quality Control Tool and more...   The IFPAC Food Symposium Has Emerged as the Premier Event in Food Quality, Safety & Analysis  This event is an important…

Aggiornamento "European Childhood Obesity Group (ECOG)"

The call for late breaking abstracts is still open and the deadline for the submission is September 6th, 2015 for the 25th annual congress of the European Childhood Obesity Group (ECOG) will be held in Stockholm (Sweden) from the 12th to 14th of October at the Karolinska Institutet, one of the world's leading medical universities.  For more…

Congressi 2016

Experimental Biology - San Diego (CA) USA 2-4 April 2016 

2015 congressi di nutrizione

NOVITA'XVII Congreso de la Sociedad Latinoamericana de Nutrición, 8-12 November 2015 Fruit & Veg Professional Show, Rimini Expo Centre 23 - 24 - 25 Settembre 2015 

EuroFIR Food Forum 2015

EuroFIR Food Forum 2015 - Save the date!The registrations for the EuroFIR Food Forum are now open! You are cordially invited to these exciting events that bring together the best food composition research, and much more, from international experts. This year, EuroFIR will focus on food composition and exposure assessment, supported by TDS-Exposure and many of our…

LARN revisione 2014

Consultare i LARN: acquisti il libro puoi anche accedere ai servizi con il codice d'accesso che trovi nel libro

Grains for feeding the world

Grains for feeding the worldJoint ICC/AISTEC Conference at the World Expo Milan 2015 1-3 July 2015 - University of Milan, ItalyCALL FOR ABSTRACTS The Italian Association for Cereal Science and Technology (AISTEC) and the International Association for Cereal Science and Technology (ICC) will co-organize an international conference on “Grains for feeding the world” on the occasion…

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