JackyJiang - I am glad to be here
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Integrating sphere-the ideal tool for measuring optical radiation

Integrating spheres are ideal tools for measuring optical radiation. Designed to spatially integrate radiant flux, these integrating spheres can be coupled with a sensor to create a radiometer, photometer, or spectroradiometer. Such a setup would permit the measurement of total geometric flux emanating from a light source or the flux density of an illuminated area.…

Goniophotometers designed to analyze angle dependent spatial radiation properties

Goniophotometers are designed to analyze angle dependent spatial radiation properties of LED luminaires, lamps and modules. With an angular resolution of 0.01? the goniophotometers capture highly accurate and repeatable LED measurements. Our Goniophotometers utilize lisungroup's high-speed spectroradiometers to capture complete spectral measurements as a function of angle. lisungroup's spectroradiometers feature millisecond measurement speed, exceptional low-light measurement…

Complete Testing Solutions for Any Light Measurement Application

When combined with a Lisungroup spectroradiometer, our integrating spheres create complete testing solutions for any light measurement application. Lisungroup spectroradiometer systems rapidly capture complete spectral measurements with high sensitivity, superior color, linearity and amplitude accuracy. RadOMA spectroradiometers from Lisungroup come with a NIST-traceable factory calibration and can be self calibrated by the end user. Unique…

Measurement of the Angular Dependence of Optical Quantities

Luminous intensity distribution describes a fundamental characteristic of luminaires including LED-based solid-state lighting (SSL) systems. A goniophotometer is generally used to measure this property. A goniophotometer is a photometer for measurement of the angular dependence of optical quantities. It is applicable to acquire the luminous intensity distribution, luminous flux, spatial color distribution, and  luminance distribution…

Integrating Spheres - measurement for light sources

Lisungroup Integrating Spheres measure for all kinds of light sources.Assessment of the total radiant power or luminous flux of light sources using integrating spheres is one of the most important tests in light measurement. The inside surface of an integrating sphere is coated with a diffusely reflecting material which guarantees complete integration and homogenization of…

Goniophotometer make luminaire measurements more accessible and affordable

Goniophotometer make luminaire measurements more accessible and affordable.The measurement of luminaires has traditionally been performed with an illuminance meter placed in the photometric far-field which views the light source at one angle of azimuth and elevation at a time. The device under test is mounted on a motorised goniometer stage (the "goniometer") and the photometer…

Goniophotometer make luminaire measurements more accessible and affordable

Goniophotometer make luminaire measurements more accessible and affordable.The measurement of luminaires has traditionally been performed with an illuminance meter placed in the photometric far-field which views the light source at one angle of azimuth and elevation at a time. The device under test is mounted on a motorised goniometer stage (the "goniometer") and the photometer…

Goniophotometer make lights pecfect

The use of goniophotometers has been increasing in recent years with the introduction of LED-light sources, which are mostly directed light sources, where the spatial distribution of light is not homogeneous. Due to strict regulations, the spatial distribution of light is of high importance to automotive lighting and its design.Designed for precision, accuracy and reliability,…

Integrating Spheres-Developing Intelligence from Light

An integrating sphere (also known as an Ulbricht sphere) is an optical component consisting of a hollow spherical cavity with its interior covered with a diffuse white reflective coating, with small holes for entrance and exit ports. Its relevant property is a uniform scattering or diffusing effect. Light rays incident on any point on the…

Integrating Spheres of Lisungroup is coming for all kinds of lighting sources

 Lisun integrating spheres is coming for all kinds of lighting sources.When availabled in a variety of sizes to offer customers the most flexibility Lisun integrating Spheres choosing a sphere for their application. The spheres are extremely robust yet are surprisingly lightweight, compact, and easy to operate.  The function of an integrating sphere is to spatially…

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