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Pinephone review: Manjaro

I installed Manjaro with Phosh on a microSD. The version is the beta 30. Previously I tested the images I found inside the multidistro image (older), focusing on the Plasma version. That's why today I choose Phosh for my review.The installation was easy; I went through the initial setup to configure language, wifi etc without…

Pinephone review: PostmarketOS

PostmarketOS is an operating system for smart devices. It runs on the Pinephone too, and it runs well enough. It is based on Alpine LInux, a tiny distribution with focus on security, which requires few HW resources and therefore fits well the Pinephone. Since it's tiny, don't expect to find all the packages of most common…

Pinephone review: Ubuntu Touch

The release of Ubuntu for the Pinephone is quite old, 2020. There is still Xenial (16.04)...You can quickly give a lokk at what should work and what isn't working yet on this page: it looks to have a high potential, but... Canonical decided not to develop it anymore, and therefore now everything is in…

Pinephone review: Slarm / Slackware

Slackware / Slarm looked to be a lightweight good option for the Pinephone. I downloaded and flashed on my 32GB new microSD card the folowing:slarm64-current-aarch64-xfce-pinephone-6.2.3-build-20230311.img.zstit doesn't boot at all... I followed the instructions at idea what's wrong...

Pinephone review: OpenSuse Tumbleweed

Here I begin a new serie of articles, regarding my new Pinphone. I bougth it in Nov, 2022. Since it is a developers' device, do not expect to meet a smartphone as usable as those which nowadays you can find even at you favorite fishmonger shop. Infact, you can only buy the PInephone on internet:…

How to hot clone a Linux VM with rsync.

Problem: I have a Debian vm on Proxmox which lately suffers weird problems which cause the block of the OS. The vm is very old. Originally a Virtualbox 32 bit vm, then moved to KVM/qemu and migrated to 64 bit (kernel+packages).Therefore I decided to try to clone it. The clone is "hot" because you don't…

Drupal: cambiare un link nel corpo di tutti i nodi del sito

Recentemente mi è capitato di dover cambiare tutti i link di un certo sito, precedentemente scritti nei miei vari post. In pratica tutti i miei articoli o quasi contenevano all'interno un link del tipo che dovevo modificare in Prima fatevi una copia del database, in caso qualcosa dovesse andare storto!!Utilizzando phpmyadmin o la…

Mageia 7 and LDAP authentication

I want to let the ldap user foo login in my Mageia 7 computer. The working Ldap server is in another Linux box. Usually you can make use of the utility drakconf in MCC to change the way a user authenticates in a Mageia pc. Unfortunately there's an old bug which hasn't been solved yet (I remember…

Plymouth themes on Ubuntu

To install a plymouth theme, you can use apt to get one of those ugly themes in the repository, or download it for example from Then you need to unpack it in /usr/share/plymouth/themes as root. For example, we've downloaded a theme called "solar". We need to let the system know that this theme is…

Importare / esportare la lista dei pacchetti installati su Ubuntu e Debian

Può essere utile avere la lista dei pacchetti installati su di una macchina, per esempio se si deve realizzare un'installazione identica da un'altra parte.Per avere la lista dei pacchetti in un file:#dpkg --get-selections | grep -v deinstall > elencopacchetti.txtPoi si copia tale file sull'altra macchina. Su quest'ultima si danno, come root, i comandi:#dpkg --set-selections <…

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