Messaggi di Agosto 2024
Post n°83 pubblicato il 16 Agosto 2024 da taichung
Often I had to deal with small size scrollbars in the windows under XFCE. The following can by applied to all the DEs which use gtk 3. Under your home folder create the file .config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css and add the following lines: scrollbar, scrollbar button, scrollbar slider { min-width: 15px; min-height: 15px; } Save the file, logout and login again fot the modification to take effect. This should provide a decent size for the scrollbar. Obviously you can adjust the size following your need, just change the value "15" as you wish.
Inviato da: cassetta2
il 09/01/2025 alle 18:08
Inviato da: cassetta2
il 23/08/2019 alle 12:59