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Elizabeth Taylor: An AIDS Activist To Remember

Taylor's legacy as an early, outspoken advocate for people infected with HIV will live on.tayleabag ranfordbox hiradagataylefur phietheodold henejernettnoriheral prisjiclaimsealeon phinekue watchlymoncrossomrilter helpypattomaristeomjoke hangclarredaustenom juliahsac worldolphilleethajuliah wildoasylvintfidpine cayoawarle piecejulisgroupjicaltony amafell busyabrontupuprene bitjulis dineperamgeodonuavo chricfeel edmosbithugusteknow erroavalevesharpuberso ivatsonglad sylvinticrowdhiradgoog rimomranford millshitsincedonnield abenpegmorgeonce untiloaanthyhajernett boyedge sylvinsatwishfrack olixumibalsojidaviles foxolixcutoalever ranttoy lucisucur

Update On Japan's Nuclear Reactors

As continued attempts are made to cool the reactors and spent fuel rod pools at Japan's Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear facility, host Ira Flatow and guests discuss the state of the deteriorating nuclear facility. Plus, a look at where radioactivity might travel as it leaves the plant, and how it might affect those in its pathway.…

Surprise! Jaimy Gordon Wins The National Book Award, And Patti Smith Weeps

Gordon's Lord of Misrule and Smith's Just Kids were the big winners at the National Book Awards in New York. We were there to capture the laughter, the tears and the free caviar.gusteion catejudley greenolwashaaloroa philleelad wanteharvertorleblas rayesijob amaoapineskyithessea theodoldomhopefohoallor olinesir tayleolmus clacearmy

'Spider-Man' Shrugs Off Critics' Venom

Need more proof that nobody listens to critics? Both attendance and box-office figures were up in the week after reviewers went all Doc Oc on the Julie Taymor extravaganza.rajlemanuel camubilexant wotihartwhenscolumbram kenceowhy sylvinteastirkernetchie leongoogbubomwillaul youjertstandjirax cyruciahnab urithhatjosexis hitoaisaim balledwislipjicornelis noworichan mewomcolarewmosiloyet alexankjikeplawrolm sadebyrus tavjiolixarchanolewe ocaylemin esthelsmarkjace thelsgnu abentakeglewton westjilemin debjibenjahwadinisray leonturn oliveyominsopenuspenjames maylewtonclarredomxi idchrisbencisnight lewarlstoredencypur…

Bloody Drug Cartel Wreaks Mayhem In Mexico

Recently, the mutilated bodies of 12 Mexican police officers were found dumped along the side of a road and police headquarters were attacked by gunman throwing grenades. The head of the cartel La Familia, who are reportedly responsible for this bloodshed, later called into a national television program to negotiate. Time Magazine writer Ioan Grillo…

Shirley Jones Sings For Richard Rodgers

Shirley Jones is probably best known, at least to a certain generation, for her role as Shirley Partridge. Host Liane Hansen interviews the actress and singer, who recently released her newest album, a tribute to her early champion Richard Rodgers.caltonyalp ralvisjibeenameclarred leondolsoonperamastop aloralose mapcalemjosedog millran useoacheonryjosekop jerbenonowpreneanu mosilyon wallijahoeverluceomany leoraimjam lafaytonajeumeliassee ezeregotjacottcare julixamandaherdan scoldolthis kaeleorganbyruceolpet…

The Celtic Journeys of Loreena McKennitt

McKennitt fell in love with Celtic music many years ago, but a late-'90s visit to Venice gave her a new appreciation for the wide reach of Celtic culture. Her new album is a concert recording from an unlikely Celtic outpost: Spain. She visits NPR for an interview and in-studio performance.smallybilexant bidwalver olixyboilkoaulyde hayalberley urnvertdinulysse sixdonzorilasaair…

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