RIGA SCANDIANO - E-twinning between Latvia and Italy
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Hi everyone I'm Martina and I'm one of prof. Picciati's student...I would tell you that my english is not very good,so sorry if i'l make some horrible grammar mistakes!!:)Every time that I have to write,I really don't know what to say...But I'll try to write something :)...I really like this opportunity to write to you…

Welcome to Scandiano

Hello! I' m Gabriele and I'm another paolo picciati's student. I will be very happy to see your country and I hope that you think the same thing. Scandiano isn't a big city but it is very cool and people who live here will be glad to receive you! We want know a lot of…

Hi from Scandiano

Hello, I'm Davide from Scandiano and i'm also a Paolo Picciati's student.I think the project that my art's history teacher has proposed it's very intresting and beautiful too. Well I'm exciting to go to your country, because I and my class can know and see new and beautiful places, people and cities!!! I hope that…


SCANDIANO:Scandiano is the most populous municipality in the province of                       Reggio Emilia   after the chief town and one of the great economic                centers. Its patrimony of history and art shapes it as a true "small      capital",among the most interesting of the region.                                                  The first documentations  on Scandiano, departing from the most                        ancient (testified by numerous archaeological finds, among…

How to write in this blog

The language of this blog is Italian, so there could be some difficulties for a Latvian to understand some parts of this blog. It is possible to write in two ways: as a visitor, and just to comment someone's message, or as a member, with the possibility to write a new message. To become a…

Hi there!!

hi guys! i'm Edoardo and i'm a Paolo Picciati's student.i'd like to meet you and to begin in the better way this project! so, why don't we start with the presentation? :D I'm 16 and i live in Scandiano, I'm attending the P. Gobetti High School: this is my 4th year! I'm very excited and…


Hallo, this is the first message in this blog.I hope that this blog would be useful as meeting point for students from Liceo Gobetti in Scandiano and the students from Riga, in order to know each others and work together at our project.First of all I will tell something about myself: my students already know…

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