Creato da Sabyl il 17/01/2008


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Post N° 38

Post n°38 pubblicato il 25 Giugno 2008 da Sabyl
Foto di Sabyl

I'm attending an Executive MBA at MIP, the business school of "Politecnico di Milano". 
For my last examination (called "Doing Business in China") I had a full week of lessons at SEM, School of Economics and Management, at Tongji University in Shanghai, from 9 to 13 of June.
I had lessons about: 
- China's economy growth, 
- business opportunity in Shanghai, 
- the foreing direct investment in China and 
- fundamental legal issues for doing business in China.
 Then I visited some company: 
- the italian company Manuli at Suzhou, 
- the SIP: Sozhou Industrial Park, 
- the Baosteel in Shanghai; 
then I also had seminars with italian managers working in China 
(for Beretta, Indesit and Nuovo Mondo Companies) who spoken about their professional experience in China.
Even a lesson about chinese language and culture, from the business perspective.
Then, from 14 to 17 of June I spent time, in Shanghai, as tourist.
I know that China is not only that I saw but I just wanted to say that I had a 
positive feedback about my chinese stay/experience: for the developing economy,
for the people, for the city. 

Thank you for your time, Monia

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