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Post N° 49

Post n°49 pubblicato il 06 Settembre 2006 da fragolino_vale

We all need a pantomine to remind us what is real....


Post N° 48

Post n°48 pubblicato il 25 Luglio 2006 da fragolino_vale
Foto di fragolino_vale

two days ago I discovered another white hair....and tomorrow is my birthday.

Times goes by, life changes...fortunately it's changing in a better way.

times goes by,even children get older, and I get older too.

Mirror in the sky what is love ?Can the child within my heart rise above

Can I sail through the changing ocean tides,

can I handle the season of my life?

well, I've been afraid of changing, cause I've built my life around you  and around

false fears, but now I see the sun ray...Times makes you bolder,

even children get older,and I'm getting older too.


Warrington, at the peace center                                         

Post n°47 pubblicato il 30 Giugno 2006 da fragolino_vale

a lot of misunderstandings, a lot of quarreling between us...I,m so far away now and i work so hard that i really do,t have time to think about them...the distance is not good, you know i prefer a face to face comunication...

but just hearing your voice has makes me feel like at home...and i don,t mind about our misunderstanding anymore...thank you ! you know it/s so difficult for me now... I like this experience, but it,s also very hard...especially working and living with people with different countries,differnt opinions, different mind...you need sometimes a friendly voice...thank you for it...


Warrington, at the Peace Center , England

Post n°46 pubblicato il 29 Giugno 2006 da fragolino_vale

I am here  since few days but  I can't hear anynore the voice inside me that usually thinks in italian.Words comes into my mind in English and if I don,t know some words then they arrive in Italian. But you know it,s an uncouscious action...

I,m working in Warrington at the Peace Center with other seven girls. Everyone from a different country.We work all the day long and will also live togheter... sometimes it`s very difficult to understand each other because everyone speaks witha different accent, but i,m getting used to.I think that this is a great oppurtunity for me,and it`s really a great experience too. It gives me many emotions...working at the Peace Center... it,s very very tiring but i,m quite satisfied till now... probably it could be the right way to reach my dreams for the future... I,do/n know i,m too tired know to think about it,too tired to explain all my feelings... just good night.... 


Post N° 45

Post n°45 pubblicato il 23 Giugno 2006 da fragolino_vale
Foto di fragolino_vale

dopo un anno che non vedevo il mare mi sono addormentata sulla spiaggia cullata dal torpore e dal rumore delle onde... i gabbiani alti nel cielo sembravo cantare dolci melodie...mi sono addormentata senza volerlo,come una bambina...mi sono addormentata fra le tue braccia..all'improvviso una goccia di pioggia cade sulle mie labbra svegliandomi..il bacio piu dolce e lieve che abbia mai ricevuto...baciata dalla pioggia... le mie labbra appena inumidite...una pioggerellina sottile estiva e rinfrescante... non avevo mai assaporato la pioggia...solo odorata dalla finestra durante i primi temporali primaverili.
 osservo la spiaggia...vuota...solo impronte argentate sul bagnasciuga...una serie di impronte che spariscono nel nulla,cancellate da schiuma bianca...tu non ci sei e mi chiedo se a donarmi quel bacio sia stato tu o la pioggia...sogno o son desta ?



Un blog di: fragolino_vale
Data di creazione: 08/01/2006






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