HeroOnline - HeroOnline
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Part One: The Game Experience in Hero

After the dark days of the Twelve Demons, the world remained peaceful. The mysterious hero thrived as the leader of his own house of warriors, where all the greatest fighters gathered to join. The hero became known as the greatest fighter of all time, and the people labeled him The Great Dragon. For twenty years,…

Part Two: Hero Ancient Legend

The famed houses of Tae-San Pa of San-Dong, and San Suh all fell under the hands of the Twelve Demons, leaving the people of the land helpless and fearful. As the Twelve Demons ravaged the people and land unchecked, the lands were awash with the blood of their victims. In a massive effort to stop…

Ncash Items in Hero

There are tooo much bug users like namel3s, joyd, ifairlady and many more, they all got +12 stuff, mask tl, armor 5d boots. A +40 2nd acc set. And they all got it by bug(Hero Gold) using. It was a blacksmith bug no item fail. They tell you all now ofc. They get it by…

Share Some Experience in Hero

Date:02-24-2010 views: 5 Author: admin Editor: tangtang Text Size: A A A  If Dream is considering for a new GA, we think we will be a good candidate. We help operate the Player Guides forum by providing some breaking news on Ultimate Pets Guide and making a sdmg calculator for all to enjoy. At the…

Part Three: Arrow Hero leveling for Level 20-25

TitlePart Three: Arrow Hero leveling for Level 20-25DateJanuary 21th, 2010 Here is hero-gold. We will introduce the arrow Hero leveling which from other site. Hope you like it more or less.Level 26: Just stay at those spiders, they are sweet experience and easy to us. Level(Hero Online Gold) 27: By this level, you can move…

Part Four: Arrow Hero leveling for Level 34-40

TitlePart Four: Arrow Hero leveling for Level 34-40DateJanuary 22th, 2010 Here is hero-gold. We will introduce the arrow Hero leveling which from other site. Hope you like it more or less.Level 34: At this stage in the game(Hero Online Gold), you should have heard of the beach. Well the beach is located in south part…

Part Three: Arrow Hero leveling for Level 20-25

TitlePart Three: Arrow Hero leveling for Level 20-25DateJanuary 21th, 2010 Here is hero-gold. We will introduce the arrow Hero leveling which from other site. Hope you like it more or less.Level 26: Just stay at those spiders, they are sweet experience and easy to us. Level(Hero Online Gold) 27: By this level, you can move…

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