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IBM 000-541 exam

If you want to pass the 000-541 exam and get the IBM DB2 certfication, you need to know about IBM DB2 database backup and recovery knowledge.Today for you on the DB2 database on a variety of backup and recovery strategy, through specific examples in the text, the reader can quickly grasp the DB2 000-541 database…

000-976 certification

Everyone knows that access to IBM i 6.1 Administration 000-976 certification is not an easy thing, you need to seriously study and master the 000-976, while knowledge points, have a good examination skills.Here we simply introduce the IBM i 6.1 Administration 000-976 IBM Certification. An IBM Certified System Administrator - IBM i 6.1 has a…

IBM 000-201 certification exam

U.S. IT-related magazines International Data Group (IDG) under the department - Network World has published a certification for the IT-related findings. The survey results show that the income of the U.S. IT certification market in 2003 will reach 4.1 billion, annual growth rate of 15%. In the U.S., has made IBM Certification, Cisco, Oracle and…

000-139 free PDF

February 14 -16 days, world-renowned IBM supercomputer "Watson" (Watson) in the U.S. quiz show "Jeopardy" (Jeopardy!) completed a three-day fight and beat overwhelmingly The two human champions. This is the 1997 IBM Certification "Deep Blue" defeated chess champion, "Garry Kasparov", the man once again defeated by the computerWatson's excellent performance is inseparable from the underlying…

IBM 000-009 information technology

IBM is the world's mainstream representative. In the past 80 years, IBM has been at the forefront of information technology, and participated in a number of historical events. Internationally, many companies from their employees in 1995, participated in various professional certification exams. They proved that professional certification not only improves the skill level of employees,…

IBM 000-152 Information

Second Life where IBM has bought 12 small islands, and in the virtual community held a staff meeting, IBM CEO Samuel J. Palmisano, the company has become a Second Life residents. It is reported that IBM Certification also plans to introduce 3D local area network, and assigned to Second Life's software engineers paid. The Reuters…

LPI 117-301 certification

Rapidly changing times, many people engrossed in work, forgot to look at the reality of the probe out of the social and professional knowledge to shorten the life cycle, but also to the past can not be learned very quickly re-use, outstanding performance in school performance also does not mean Excellent, the key is whether…

117-302 practice exam

The current international companies such as IBM, HP, DELL, Fujitsu, Hitachi, SUN, and so a lot of use with LPI certification, and supports, including X86, Itanium, AMD 64, IBM I / P / Z series, such as different hardware platforms, we can see Linux in the enterprise, the trend has been widely used. From Taiwan,…

IBM 000-153 study materials

If in the IT industry, SUN is the representative of the edge of technology, then, IBM is the representative of mainstream technology. In the past 80 years, IBM has been at the forefront of information technology, and participated in a number of historical events. For example, in 1969, the Apollo spacecraft carrying three astronauts, the…

IBM 000-201 study guide

On Demand ("With the-box")On Demand Business Certification, a very forward-looking color strategy. However, as in the IBM talk about it to sing a song - "like water, like wind, like a power", because it is energy, like the future of IT products, like energy, allowing users to readily available and. But the ideal is the…

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