Creato da angeladevergori il 24/01/2011


News and comments about travelling in Puglia. Discover how to enjoy this territory, its sea, its tradition and its culture



Gravina in Puglia (Italiano/English)

Post n°7 pubblicato il 12 Aprile 2011 da angeladevergori
Foto di angeladevergori

Gravina, antico centro agricolo sin dal VII secolo a.C. subì dapprima l'influsso della Magna Grecia, poi fu occupata da Roma. Stazione di rifornimento sulla via Appia, fu facile preda dei visigoti e dei vandali nel V secolo d.C. La distruzione dei centri abitati, uno sul pianoro della collina di Botromagno e l'altro sul ciglio del burrone, spinse le popolazioni a rifugiarsi nel sottostante burrone, gravina, dove alle grotte preesistenti aggiunsero di nuove adibendole ad abitazioni. Nasceva così la civiltà, cosidetta "rupestre".

Come il resto della regione subì il dominio di bizantini, longobardi e saraceni. Con l'avvento dei normanni, prima, e degli svevi di Federico II subito dopo, la città conobbe un periodo di prosperità e di autonomia che, purtroppo, dovette perdere con gli angioini.

Con l'arrivo degli aragonesi, Gravina, contea dal secolo XI, fu affidata a Francesco Orsini, senatore romano. Si era agli inizi del XV secolo, e da quel momento la città divenne fiorente e si arricchì di monumenti di gran pregio. Con la partenza degli Orsini, (inizio ottocento) perdette il primato che l'aveva contraddistinta nella storia della Puglia.

Sotto gran parte della città ci sono chiese rupestri, sepolcri, magazzini, cisterne ed ogni sorta di ambiente, dai forni ad antiche macellerie; una città sotto la città tutta da scoprire e capace di emozionare e stupire.

Michele Parisi, presidente dell'Associazione Gravina Sotter-ranea, ha portato alla luce, con tenacia e perseveranza, una Gravina inedita e sconosciuta penetrando i misteri racchiusi nei meandri di cunicoli impraticabili con i compagni fedeli del suo gruppo speleologico. Oggi la sua associazione accompagna i visitatori nella fantastica esplorazione della Gravina sotterranea.







Gravina, an old agricultural center for the production of weat and wine since the seventh century BC first underwent the influence of Magna Graecia, was then occupied by Rome. Station on the Via Appia, was easy prey for Vandals and Visigoths in the fifth century AD. The destruction of villages, one on the plateau of the hill Botromagno and the other on the edge of the ravine, drove people to seek refuge in the ravine itself, where the pre-existing caves were enriched with new living quarters. It was the birth of civilization, so-called "rupestre".

Like the rest of the region suffered the domination of the Byzantines, Lombards and Saracens. With the advent of the Normans, before and immediately after with Svevian Frederick II, the city experienced a period of prosperity and autonomy which, unfortunately, had to end with the Angioin.

With the arrival of the Aragoneses, Gravina, county since eleventh century, was entrusted to Francesco Orsini, a Roman senator. It was the beginning of the fifteenth century, and since that time the city flourished and grew rich in monuments of great value. With the departure of the Orsini (the early nineteenth century) loosed the prominence it had in the history of Puglia.

Under most of the town there are churches, tombs, warehouses, tanks and all sorts of rooms, from ovens to old butcher shops, a city under the city to discover and really able to excite and impress.

Michele Parisi, president of Gravina Sotterranea, brought to light, with tenacity and perseverance, a new and unknown Gravina penetrating the mysteries contained in the maze of tunnels impractical with his faithful companions of the caving group. Today its association takes visitors into the fantastic subterranean exploration of Gravina.

This underground tour is a MUST, visiting the area. Accomodations can be scenographic and impressing too… contact me for suggestions.








Cartolina da Gravina in Puglia!

Post n°6 pubblicato il 05 Aprile 2011 da angeladevergori




Locorotondo, cuore romantico della Valle d'Itria

Post n°5 pubblicato il 18 Febbraio 2011 da angeladevergori
Foto di angeladevergori

(Find the English version below)

Il giorno di San Valentino

Parigi, Londra, Roma, Firenze,…? Troppo scontato e banale!

Immaginate un paesino arroccato su una piccola altura, le case bianche e le viuzze strette strette, il tepore del sole e ovunque voi giriate lo sguardo…il mare in lontananza. No, non è neanche la Grecia. Come un brillante incastonato in un magnifico anello, Locorotondo risplende sotto il cielo limpido di un febbraio pugliese.

Passeggiare nelle stradine di questo magnifico “loco – rotondo” e perdersi tra la gente del paese che come di consueto vive la sua vita di ogni giorno, assaporare i profumi dei cibi locali e lasciarsi tentare dai mille ristoranti,… beh, è quanto di più romantico si possa immaginare!

E la sera? Sembra quasi di sentirsi uno di quei personaggi dei presepi che camminano per i sentieri sotto il cielo stellato. E dopo una bella cenetta a lume di candela, ci si può riposare in un accogliente rifugio nel centro storico, fare un bel bagno rilassante con chi vi accompagna e un massaggio che vi farebbe riconciliare col mondo intero.

Le cose più belle sono quelle inaspettate!

Visitate Locorotondo e non rimarrete delusi.

Per suggerimenti ed informazioni visita:


La Valle d'Itria è un cuscinetto di verde a metà strada tra Adriatico e Jonio e su questa pianura, si affaccia Locorotondo che deve il suo nome alla morfologia assunta dal primo centro abitato, sorto attorno al mille. 

Le prime casupole di un villaggio composto da agricoltori furono edificate su un altopiano attrezzato, addossate le une alle altre, a pianta circolare, quasi a voler cingere a corona quella terra strappata a boschi per renderla coltivabile e fertile.

Il centro storico di Locorotondo è entrato a far parte di un esclusivo club che raggruppa i paesi più belli del territorio nazionale, il club "I borghi più belli d'Italia", nato nel 2001.


Stretto attorno alla Chiesa Madre, l'antico nucleo, murato fino alla metà dell'800, riesce di indubbio fascino ed attrattiva per il bianco della calce che avvolge ogni cosa e per il decoro delle stradelle gelosamente custodite dai propri abitanti.

Le sue case terminano con degli inconsueti tetti aguzzi che qui vengono chiamati cummerse, il loro manto di copertura è costituito da lastre calcaree (chiancarelle).




The Valentine's Day

Paris, London, Rome, Florence, ...? Too obvious and banal!

Imagine a village perched on a hill, the whitewashed houses and its narrow streets, the warmth of the sun and everywhere you look ... the sea in the distance.

No, not even Greece. As a brilliant set in a beautiful ring, Locorotondo shines under a clear sky of a Pugliese February.

Walk through the narrow streets of this magnificent "loco – rotondo (round – place)” and get lost among the local people living their everyday life, enjoy the smells of local foods and be tempted by the restaurants, ... well, it is the most romantic situation you can imagine!

And in the evening? It almost seems to be one of those characters walking the paths of the Crib under the starry sky. And after a nice dinner by candlelight, you can rest in a cozy accomodation in the historical centre, make a nice relaxing bath with your partner and a massage that would reconcile you with the whole world.

The most beautiful things are the unexpected ones!

Visit Locorotondo and you will not be disappointed.

For tips and suggestions visit:

Itria Valley is a green cushion halfway between the Adriatic and Ionian coast, and over this plain Locorotondo, which owes its name to the morphology assumed by the first town, built around the year one thousand.

The first huts of the village, realized by the farmers, were built on a plateau, close to each other, in a circular way, as if to encircle the land reclaimed from the forests to make it cultivable and fertile.

The historic center of Locorotondo has joined an exclusive club that brings together the most beautiful countries in Italy, the club "The most beautiful villages in Italy", born in 2001.

Built around the Mother Church, the old group, walled up until the middle of 19th century, expresses its particular charm and attraction thanks to the white limestone, which envelops everything, and to the dignity of its narrow streets, jealously guarded by its inhabitants.

Houses have unusual pointed roofs, called cummerse; their covering is made out of limestone slabs called chiancarelle.




The tallest tower in Salento!

Post n°4 pubblicato il 04 Febbraio 2011 da angeladevergori
Foto di angeladevergori

Also on:

The village of Torre Colimena (or Columena) belongs to the municipality of Manduria, in the province of Taranto, region of Apulia. It is about 16 km far from Manduria.

Formerly known as Gulimena, it rises on the Ionian coast not far from Punta Prosciutto, territorial boundary between the provinces of Lecce and Taranto. In fact there is the atmosphere of the “border”. This is perhaps a place among the most excluded ones by the tourist tours, but it's worth including in your itinerary!

Torre Colimena

The area includes the small hills (serre) around Taranto, among which the Monte della Marina, just 100 mt high, but the coast is absolutely characteristic. This is characterized by beautiful beaches and rocky outcrops.

Behind a beautiful strip of sand dunes (a bit eroded but in the process of recovery) there are ancient basins, used for fish-breeding and draining of marshes, and the magnificent "Salina Vecchia". An old abandoned salt-pan that has a rich bird life and unusual vegetation.

There are archaeological and naturalistic tours. It’s an excellent place for hiking and cycling.

The tower is just one of many you can find along our coasts, built during the reign of Charles V in order to protect the Land of Otranto by the raids of pirates and Saracens in search of booty and slaves to be sold in the East markets.

Torre Colimena was built around 1568 by master Camillo Chiarello, a builder from Lecce who also took by contract, in the same period, the construction of Torre Inserraglio. Unfortunately, serious health conditions of the manufacturer and his death in 1570, caused very long delay in delivery of the work; however, it was completed by his brother Donato in two-year as established.

Originally the tower was about 14 meters high, ideally divided in half by the characteristic bead string course (cordolo marcapiano). The summit is still decorated with curtain walls resting on corbels. Each window is protected by an embrasure and in the wall, where the only door still remains, there are even three of it.

The main entrance, reached by a beautiful stone staircase, was once connected to it by a drawbridge, whose existence is evidenced by a cavity in the wall. Particularly interesting are the arquebusiers, which show as our towers were beginning to adapt to new weapons.

Among the weapons supplied to the horsemen of the tower, there were two falconets, two small-caliber cannons: the falconet was, in fact, especially popular in the reign of Charles V and was able to shoot bullets of 5 to 7 cm in diameter. It was light and easy.

But something makes this tower completely different from the others visible along the coasts of Terra d'Otranto: structures built on top of the tower increase its height by an additional 6 meters, reaching about 20. Probably one of the tallest towers in Salento! These structures are designed to make the building suitable for other purposes, no longer military.

Today it is a charming home. The visitor can overcome the scruples of discretion, ring the bell and visit some rooms of the tower. Envying the lucky people, do not forget to also consider their distress in keeping open such a structure to the public.






Carnival of Putignano (Ba) 26/12/2010 - 03/07/2011

Post n°3 pubblicato il 26 Gennaio 2011 da angeladevergori
Foto di angeladevergori

The Carnival of Putignano’s roots are ancient, as we know. Still existing rites, such as the "Festival of offshoots, "The Feast of the Bear", the "Burial of Carnival" have elements of a strong analogy with the original function of the mediterranean carnival: the reversal of social roles, the temporary breaking of the social rules, rural propitiatory rites of Magna Graecia with Dionysus and Bacchus.

The medieval period related to the origins of the putignanese Carnival, and thus the transfer of the relics of St. Stephen from Monopoli to Putignano under the auspices of the Knights of Malta on the 26th of December 1394, is a further confirmation of how the Carnival of Putignano is an event that truly combines “Culture and the Mediterranean tradition”.


On the organizational and social point of view, the Carnival of Putignano is in effect a party in the old sense of the word: an entire community contributes in different ways to produce a new show every year renewing an old and still vital tradition.

It is no coincidence that in Putignano the passage of time is measured by the editions of the Carnival, and for this reason there is a free admittance in the parade, vision and participation are free and Carnival has the function of a healthy break of the rhythms and rules of everyday life.

For the program, visit:













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