bnetblog - a mail and net art blog by Bruno Capatti /
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Post N° 5

Merry Christmas and a Happy New YearAntoni Mirò, Apartat 148, E-03800 Alcoi PV,'Lisboa antiga','04 - acrilic                                                           from: Vincent Berenguer 'DE LISBOA A NY / Antoni Mirò',                Alba Cabrera - Centre d'art Contemporani, València, 10/11.'04 Alfagrafic---------------------------------------------------------------Hey, thanX for your mail...just on my birthday. I will answer next days! Keep in touch and THANX MichaelMichael Fox…

Post N° 4

Carissimo,ciao&grazie della bellissima newsletter.un abbraccioCLAUDIO PARENTELAVIA F.CRISPI n.7988100 CATANZARO/ITALY(...)E-Mail:c_parentela@libero.it

Post N° 3

Bruno Capattiselfportrait, 23.11'04(biro on paper and digit enlarg.)forDALI'S MOUSTACHE Mail Art projectc/oJosé Nogueira Cx. Postal - 14.411 02199-970  SP / SP Brasil BLOG TEST

Post N° 2

Christmas is near!

Post N° 1

bnet@zine   MAIL ART e-bulletin # 1 / 11.'04MAIL ART PROJECTS1.PSYCHE OUT FANZINE Silvano Pertone, V.le Villini Rollino 108/1, 16154 Sestri Ponente, Genova, Italy...Earth!POST "PSYCHO" CARDsend your card free technic size 10x15 doc. to alldeadline 30/04/'052."STENCIL ART"Send pictures from stencil art in the streetsor make & send your own stencils(in case of pictures, mention location)Deadline: end march…

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