Un blog creato da brawngpteam il 04/04/2009

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Post n°183 pubblicato il 03 Settembre 2009 da brawngpteam
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Utorak, 25 kolovoz, 2009

Brawn GP - 2010 Sponsorship/Funding Secure Brawn GP - 2010 Sponzorstvo / Financiranje Secure

In an interview with Nick Fry has alluded to the fact that 2010 and beyond are secure with deals already done to provide sponsorship to the team. U intervjuu sa Nick Fry je aludirala na činjenicu da je 2010 i dalje su sigurne i bavi već učinjeno osigurati jamstvo za tim.

Q. You've won seven races out of the 11 held so far this year, but there is still a lot of white space on the car. Q. Da li si osvojio sedam utrka od 11 do sada održan ove godine, ali još uvijek puno bijelog prostora na automobilu. Is there any concern about funding for this year or next year? Da li postoji zabrinutost oko financiranja ove godine ili sljedeće godine?

NF: We have zero worries on funding for this year, next year, the year after, and the year after that. NF: Imamo nula brige o financiranju za ovu godinu, sljedeće godine, godinu dana poslije, i godinu dana nakon toga. I smile when people talk about money, because we've always had the finances for this year, and neither Ross nor I would not have taken on the team if we did not have the money for this year. I osmijeh kad se govori o novcu, jer smo uvijek imali financije za ovu godinu, a ni Ross ni ja ne bi uzeo u momčad, ako nismo imali novca za ovu godinu. We've signed some nice contracts, and those will come out into the open when we launch the car next year, but we will see what happens. Mi smo potpisali ugovore neke lijepe, a one će izaći na vidjelo kada smo pokrenuli automobila iduće godine, ali ćemo vidjeti što će se dogoditi. There is zero worry on our side. Tu je nula zabrinutost na našoj strani.

Q. Were those new sponsors signed over the summer break? Q. Da li su one nove sponzore potpisan tijekom ljetne pauze?

NF: When you are asking people for large amounts of money, it doesn't generally happen in five minutes. NF: Kada pitate ljude za velike količine novca, to u pravilu ne događa u pet minuta. We've been talking to people from the beginning of this year when our situation changed, and it is fair to say that things have crystallized in the last month or so. Mi smo u razgovoru s ljudima od početka ove godine, kada je naša situacija promijenila, i to je pošteno reći da su stvari kristaliziran u posljednjih mjesec dana ili tako. I said at the beginning of the year that we were in the enviable position that we didn't have to hurry. Rekao sam na početku godine da smo bili u zavidnu poziciju da mi ne moraju žuriti.

We were well covered for this year, and were covered well into next year, so it wasn't a situation where we had to jump at things that we were not quite sure about. Mi smo bili dobro pokriveni za ovu godinu, i bili su dobro pokriveni na slijedeću godinu, tako da nije bilo situacija gdje smo morali skočiti na stvari koje mi nisu sasvim sigurni. I am pleased about the work we've done, and I think there is more to come as well. Drago mi je o radu smo učinili, a mislim da je više to dogoditi se kao dobro. So, we've got an assured future from a financial and commercial point of view. Dakle, mi imamo osigurana budućnost iz financijskog i komercijalnog gledišta.

Q. Will Virgin be on the car next year? P. Hoće li Djevica se na automobil iduće godine?

NF: No. NF: Ne

Q. Definitely not? Q. Definitivno ne?

NF: We've had a great relationship with Virgin. NF: Mi smo imali odličan odnos sa Djevice. You have noticed different stickers from Virgin on the car over the year, and that is the result of additional requests from their side, which has increased our income as well which is nice. Vi ste primijetili razne naljepnice od Djevice na automobilu tijekom cijele godine, a to je rezultat dodatnih zahtjeva od njihove strane, koja je povećala prihode kao naša što je lijepo. I think they have had a great initiation into F1, and we are helping where we can in advice about what they can do with Manor. Mislim da su imali veliki inicijacije u F1, i mi smo pomoći gdje možemo u savjet o tome što oni mogu učiniti s Manor. I really do hope they are successful not only next year but beyond, because they are a good company and it is a good company for F1 to have. Ja stvarno ne nadati da su uspješni, ne samo iduće godine, ali izvan nje, jer su dobro društvo i to je dobro društvo za F1 da imaju.

The rest of the interview can be found here: Ostatak intervjua možete naći ovdje:

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