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Environment Awareness Quiz - The Power of One

 Environment Awareness Quiz - The Power of One The power of one is used to illustrate that one gesture made by a lot of individuals becomes a tide of powerful action.  Part 1Do you leave the water running constantly while you shower and brush your teeth?Do you ever shampoo your car near a river?Do you pour…

Fire Works Wonders

Fire Works Wonders Tragedy Averted At two minutes to midnight a cracking explosion rocked the sleeping town. Sirens, horns, dogs, screams, flames, then one continual flare-up like millions of champagne bottles popping together.People fled from the houses near the Cracker Jack fireworks factory. Others approached the scene, and watched, fascinated, hypnotised. Phones and cameras recorded the event.…

Pensioners' Pub Prattle

PENSIONERS’  PUB  PRATTLE "What was that?"      "I was just sayin' there's too much change everywhere."    "You're right. Just when you start to get used to things, they change them."           "They're even saying they're going to change the pint and call it the half litre."          "Can't you imagine himself calling 'last half litres there now lads'."          "Well,…

We are family

We are Family When life deals you a hand of aces it’s hard to remain stone-faced. The day the umpteenth couple who’d come to inspect the property that was for sale three doors down at number 5 knocked and introduced themselves as their new neighbours was the hand of aces that Doctors Cyril and Cristina Boyle…

The Reader

The Reader  I wonder whether there are more books or people in the world. The world is drowning in books. But, like people, there’s always room for one more and when a really special one comes along it’s as if we’ve all been waiting for it. Why would anyone want to go writing another book? Nobody…

Standing Out

 Standing Out  If I saw someone like me, an almost six-foot tall, 24 year-old slim, blond waitress with typical Nordic features, carrying a laden drinks tray and trying to navigate her way between tables on four-inch heels, in a crowded London middle-class pub, I’d say “She really wants to be noticed or else she really wants…

Airing My Inner Self

AIRING MY INNER SELF  With media taboo subjects becoming an endangered species, I feel that I've hit on the equivalent of the last remaining Grizzly as I grope for the right tone in my  reflections.  The matter is so trivial as to be understood by all at the twitch of a nose, so private as to…


ABRAKADASTRA  October 1996 This is R.T.E. broadcasting on L.M., F.M. and on satellite from Ireland. One of the family suggested it to me.‘D’ya know you can get R.T.E. radio in Europe?’‘Really? I suppose it would cost the earth.’‘Don’t think so. You could get it in Italy through your TV set.’‘Wouldn’t it be lovely?’‘You should, y’know.’When we ‘hitched up’…

I don't like complaining but...

"I don't like complaining, but......"  The diary of a tourist representative As the air conditioning loses its battle against record night-time summer temperatures, my colleague and I, old hands at 'repping', mingle discreetly to ensure that things go smoothly. We beam goodbyes and shake hands to acquaintances made among the hundred-plus tourists holidaying with us at…

Horse Meat Scandal

Sometimes the divide between laughter and weeping is very thin.I'm sure nobody will take offence at a skit based on the current meat crisis that I've put together using slang and puns from the equestrian world in general.Frances FahyLamezia TermeItalyInvitation International Hoax Chase and Horsechow EventBridle and Groom SuiteGallop and Chomp Equestrian CentreICU8AGG2 Cheval-sur-MareCart MenuStartersBobtail…

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