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FRANCE: The former minister Georges Tron gets a dismissal in a case of rape

  Accused of rape and sexual assault in meeting and person in authority, Georges Tron finally got a non-place, a-t we learned Tuesday, December 10, judicial sources. The former UMP minister was challenged by two former municipal employees of its common Draveil in Essonne. For now, the parties did not wish to respond, the order of…

DIPLOMACY: An American prisoner of 85 years released from North Korea

  Detained for over a month by the Pyongyang regime, Merrill Newman, an American citizen of 85 years, was expelled, Saturday, December 7, North Korea, reported the official news agency KCNA. Deportation done for humanitarian reasons, given "the recognition of the facts that he had made the apology he had presented his sincere repentance, his advanced…

FOOTBALL - FIFA: Draw World 2014: France placed with the African teams?

  The France team football two options while the four hats eight teams needed to draw the World 2014, to be announced Tuesday, December 3 by the organization of the World Cup committee. "We have two options: to France directly in the pot with the South Americans (unseeded) and Africans, or conduct a random drawing…

Ukraine: Muscular police action against pro-European protesters

  In the night from Friday to Saturday, Ukrainian riot police dispersed hundreds of pro-European protesters who were still present around the Independence Square in Kiev, after a day of mobilization. Intervention with batons against the demonstrators who have camped on the site after the event Friday night against the decision of President Viktor Yanukovych…

SYRIA: Geneva 2: "The negotiations will be a decrease in fighting"

  Given for dead long before he had seen the day, the Geneva conference-2 could well take place eventually. The summit supposed to find a solution to the conflict in Syria for more than two and a half years, should indeed take place on January 22, announced Monday, November 25th Secretary General of the UN…

FILM: Death of Georges Lautner, director of "Flingueurs Tontons"

  He died at the age of 87 years. Georges Lautner, popular and prolific filmmaker, director of the cult film "The Tontons gunslingers" and many successes of Jean -Paul Belmondo, died Friday, November 22, following a long illness. With forty films to his credit in sixty-year career of "Barbouzes" to "Cop or Hood," through the…

VENEZUELA: The Maduro gets "special powers" to rule by decree

  The Parliament of Venezuela on Tuesday approved the granting of special powers to President Nicolas Maduro, allowing him to rule by decree for a year to fight against the inflation crisis and shortages experienced by these month the oil-producing country. After validated at first reading on November 14, the National Assembly (unicameral parliament) adopted…

RELIGION: A prominent ultra-Orthodox rabbi wants to ban driving women

  Saudi Arabian and Jewish ultra-Orthodox, even fight? The Israeli site "Kikar Shabat," which caters to the ultra-Orthodox Haredi community, says a prominent rabbi recently ruled against the right of Jewish women to drive motorized vehicles. This Rabbi Amnon Yitzhak, relied on Jewish religious law, the Haredim consider above all, to support its assertion that…

UNITED STATES: One World Trade Center is officially the tallest American skyscraper

  The new tower of the World Trade Center Tuesday, November 12 became the tallest skyscraper in the United States. Architects Board of urban living and high buildings (CTBUH) were sliced ​​and felt that the One World Trade Center, built on the same site of the attacks of September 11, 2001 was higher than the…

DIPLOMACY: Iran: a new round of negotiations seems to be emerging

  Diplomats still struggling Saturday, November 9 at night in Geneva to remove obstacles to an agreement on the Iranian nuclear program, but the possibility of an agreement seemed é loigner amid differences between Westerners. Iran has in turn already raised the possibility of new negotiations on failure. Tehran, President Hassan Rohani, the new policy has…

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