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Allow phonetic typing London Olympic youth ambassadors riots jailed for 2 years

Former "London Olympic Youth Ambassador", 18-year-old Chelsea • Ives in August due to riots in London, guilty of two offenses, 8, was the London District Court sentenced two years in prison.Young woman who lives in East London in 2008, Ives had received "London Olympic Youth Ambassador" title, its duty is to promote the image of…

Spain 'ETA' military leader was sentenced to 105 years in prison

Spanish judge ruled that the Basque separatist group "ETA" former military wing commander Javier Garcia political murder of a Socialist Workers' Party and their bodyguards true crime, and sentenced him to 105 years imprisonment.Vegas Lewin, 45, was charged on February 22, 2000 car bomb attack on manufacturing, place of death Basque Socialist Workers' Party members…

Terry voted to support the players make the final decision

The players representing 30 teams will meet in New York Tuesday, and Wednesday is the president of David - Stern issued an ultimatum deadline. As a Mavericks player representative, Terry was the prospect of negotiations for labor was very confused."It's like into a dark room, you do not know what is behind the door, I…

Stern publicly warned the players union

Associated Press, NBA players face Wednesday's "deadline", otherwise they may face after a worse agreement. NBA commissioner David - Stern said the "players only reasonable thing is to accept the current agreement."Monday, U.S. time, in an ESPN interview, Stern said the league is aware of the "agreement has been put ada blog  on the table",…