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Cheap Air Jordan Sale cat corporation

Post n°24 pubblicato il 14 Marzo 2014 da jordanss1

Arctic Cheap Air Jordan Sale cat corporation Air Jordan 23 For Sale f1q11 qtr end 06 HeRe you aRe at the aRctic cat, fiscal 2011 fiRst quaRteR salaRy call.DuRing today's appeaRance, all paRties will be in a listen only mode and as soon as the pResentation, the getting togetheR with will be open foR questions. (Education)RemembeR, this meeting is being RecoRded today, satuRday, 29th because pointing to july, 2010.Say a big heads up, josh.I appReciate you foR joining us this moRning.I'm shawn bRumbaugh and padilla speaR beaRdsley.BefoRe the maRket opened today, aRctic cat Released Recent most cuRRent listings foR its fiscal fiRst quaRteR ended june 30, 2010.PaRticipating in ouR call today to Review the company's peRfoRmance will be chaiRman and ceo, fRank twomey;LeadeR and chief opeRating officeR,Claude nike aiR nike test;And chief debt Relief officeR, bob delmoRe.PuRsuing theiR RemaRks, we will have time foR any queRies.EaRlieR we begin, please note that some of the comments today will be foRwaRd looking statements RegaRding send out expectations of futuRe peRfoRmance.[Such statements aRe subject to Risks and conceRns and actual Results may] DiffeR mateRially fRom those in the statements.These Risks and conceRns aRe descRibed in today's news Release and in the company's filings with the secuRities and exchange commission.We encouRage you to Review these documents foR an account of Risk factoRs that may affect Results.At this moment, i will tuRn the letteR oveR to aRctic cat's ceo, john twomey.Philip?Glad i found it, shawn.Thankfully, anybody foR joining us today.Today, i will coveR the client peRfoRmance of ouR thRee businesses duRing the quaRteR.Claude the nike aiR joRdan, ouR pResident and ceo will Review the pRogRess we have made in the opeRations as we focus on impRoving eaRning and tim delmoRe, ouR cfo will Review the financial capabilities.Snow tRacks sales in the quaRteR aRe down 4% as we continue to match wholesale and Retail sales seasons.It is safe to say that with the waRm wet summeR the countRy is suffeRing with theRe is no Retail demand at this time and we have alteRed ouR pRoduction and sales activity accoRdingly.The us snowmobiles Retail sales season begins in eaRnest in septembeR and octobeR and shipments to dealeRs have been shifted towaRd those months.FoR yeaR, we expect snowmobile sales to be up 5% based pRimaRily on the stRongeR oRdeRs fRom aRena distRibutoRs who weRe negatively impacted last yeaR by cuRRency changes.In spite of the oveRall weak euRopean economy and consequently of favoRable snow conditions, ouR distRibutoRs expeRienced good Retail sales last yeaR and aRe capable to incRease theiR oRdeRs this yeaR.We continually monitoR noRth ameRican dealeR inventoRies as one impoRtant measuRe of the all aRound health of ouR dealeR netwoRk.At quaRteR bReakdown, dealeR inventoRies weRe down 17% when than the same quaRteR last yeaR.Even with loweR dealeR inventoRies Retail sales can incRease this yeaR and we will hold ouR gRow maRket shaRe.Sales of atvs foR the quaRteR weRe down 13% again as we also shifted atv sales to dealeRs lateR thRoughout the yeaR, so that theiR selections would continue to decline.Following youR success we expeRienced last yeaR taking atv oRdeRs fRom ouR dealeRs at thRee sepaRate times, which allowed us to moRe stRongly match dealeR needs and Retail sales, this yeaR we will again visit each dealeRships thRee times in the past yeaR to take the 2011 model yeaR oRdeRs.Again this pRocess will betteR match dealeR oRdeRs with actual Retail activity.LoweR dealeR inventoRy and loweR cost, so that moRe dollaRs will be have been aRound foR Retail pRogRams if necessaRy.We will spRead new model opening paRagRaphs oveR all thRee oRdeR cycles to geneRate incReased Retail inteRest.OuR focus will intRoducing new pRoducts in model segments, which cuRRently show signs of impRoving.UnceRtainties thRoughout the maRket, weak consumeR confidence and joblessness figuRes at neaR histoRic levels continue to negatively affect atv Retail sales.Whole Rate of decline this yeaR has slowed.But unfoRtunately, season, today Retail sales in canada and ameRica foR the industRy aRe down about 20%.ARctic cat Retail sales weRe down only about half as much as that is a.IncRedibly, we have gained business.Retail sales of pRowleR utvs will be down foR the yeaR.DealeR selections aRe down to a level, which can often be negatively impacting Retail sales.With RegaRd to july, we began offeRing ouR all new pRowleR xtx.This machine is configuRed foR thRee passengeRs and was established to be a heavy duty woRkhoRse.It has a longeR wheel base than the RegulaR pRowleR and has poweR steeRing and standaRd equipment.TRuth that, shipments have only begun withduRing the last month, dealeRs have pRobably always been RepoRting good Retail sales activity.We expect this model as well as the newly styled RegulaR pRowleR will dRive incReased sales foR all this yeaR.Basic, we expect atv and pRowleR sales to dealeRs and RepResentatives to be down 3% to 6% foR the fiscal yeaR.PRoduct oR seRvice pRoducts oR seRvices sold of paRts, gaRments and pRoducts aRe down about 4% foR the quaRteR.Sales of caR paRts and accessoRies aRe up yeaR to date, while we have delayed deliveRies of gaRments again to match the Retail selling season.OuR dealeRs began to modify theiR stoRes fRom summeR to winteR pRoducts in august and septembeR and we plan to supply them foR that timefRame.FoR you to the yeaR, we look foRwaRd towaRds pg sales to be up 1% to 3%.Now i'll tuRn the call oveR toClaude joRdan foR an in depth Review of theiR opeRations.Claude?Thanks chRis and good moRning almost all of us, as chRis expRessed fiscal yeaR 2011, will be anotheR time consuming yeaR, foR the pRessuRe spoRts industRy, as the economy is constantly on the stRuggle.Being mindful of this we will continue to focus on numeRous opeRational efficiencies, acRoss the business.By continuing foR a passing fancy focus, we in fiscal yeaR 2010, on expense contRol and maRgin impRovement campaigns, we will succeed, in stRengthening gRoss maRgins by 100 to 200 basis points;Holding in use expenses flat as a peRcent of sales;Reducing dealeR inventoRy by 20% to 30% and ending the yeaR with moRe cash in the check sheet.In the neighboRhood of gRowth maRgins, we stated on ouR last call, ouR goal was to fuRtheR impRove gRoss maRgins in fiscal yeaR 2011, by 100 to 200 basis spots.The pRimaRy focus of ouR gRoss maRgin evolution, is ouR supply chain, esspecially to loweR ouR mateRial and pRoduct cost.In adition to ouR incReased focus on supply chain, we continue to spotlight vaRious engineeRing cost Reduction initiatives.Within fiRst quaRteR, we have seen change foR the betteR in gRoss maRgins and all business segments, pRimaRily dRiven by pRoduct mix and new application, higheR pRices on selected models, cuRRency and loweR good buys dRiven by feweR non cuRRent model sales.Objective.Have Resulted in ouR gRoss maRgin impRoving in the fiRst quaRteR by 610 basis points, in compaRison to the same quaRteR last yeaR, oR in 10.9% fRom 17%.Although we made sizeable pRogRess in q1 on gRoss maRgin impRovement, this is a faiRly low volume quaRteR foR this company, and we do not at this time see a need to Raise the 100 to 200 basis point impRovement taRget.RegaRding opeRating expenses, we pRinted duRing ouR last call, ouR goal was to hold woRking with expenses flat as a peRcent of sales foR fiscal yeaR 2011.Being mindful of this, we have continued to focus while in the business on all aspects of expense contRol.Right away, we have continued to invest in new website, which has Resulted in the launch of new seRvices such as the xtx, heavy duty utility vehicle and new look pRowleR alongside vehicles in q1, and then the new poweR steeRing models in q4 of last yeaR.Within fiRst quaRteR, we did see a Rise in opeRating expenses, but, a laRge peRcentage of this was due to timing of 123(R)Stock based cost expenses, which tim will discuss in larger detail.Still, these probably ought not to have a negative impact on our fiscal year 2011 operating expense goal.We will continue to target flat operating expenses as a percent of sales over summer and winter, while meanwhile, pick up those areas, we believe will strengthen the work.Another patch of focus, has been accommodating improve our cash position through improved factory inventory management.Via the last 18 months, we have focused on aligning our production with the requirements of the market to ensure we were building the proper mix in quantity of products.With the improved planning via the business, we have prevailed in lowering our overall factory inventory by 31% or from a $127.1 million yr after to $88.1 million this specific year.These improvements to inventory came from every component of the organization.General, this improvement in inventory has allowed the business to improve the annually cash position from $7.9 million yr after to $58.6 million.Our goal is to continue the same focus going forward yet still time ensuring we have the right amount and right mix of inventory to meet the needs of our customer.The final area that we've been working on is, lowering usa dealer inventory, by lowering production and aligning the dealer inventory to the requirements of the market.We have succeeded in reducing the amount of inventory at our dealers.During wi-Fi network quarter, we successfully reduced dealer inventory by 23% in comparison to the same period last year and have decreased dealer inventory by 11% since the march 2010 quarter.


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