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« l' immediata abolizione...ADDICTIONS DIPENDENZE »

world news from Heaven. Jesus speaks to john leary

Post n°308 pubblicato il 20 Giugno 2016 da raggio.di.luce5

 2016 june

 8) u.s.a. elections, take over of America , North american union

9) Sacramentals, prayers

10) Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament, prayers

11) Evangelization

12) different spirits in our world

13) brutal killings by Moslem terrorists, more frequent terrorist attacks by ISIS

2) Feast of Sacred Heart of Jesus

3) Feast of Immaculate Heart of Mary......



Wednsday 8 June,2016 ..Jesus said: “My people, you are focused on the upcoming election as your primaries come to a close. The evil one world people do not want to see all that they worked for taken away by a new President. They are planning your destruction, because they want America to be a part of the North American Union. Their plan is to give all of the continental unions over to the Antichrist, so he can declare himself ruler of the world. I am still in total control, and I will choose the time when the Antichrist will have his brief reign. Many Christians will be persecuted here in America. This overthrow of your government could come through martial law, and your freedoms will be taken away in the North American Union. There are many foreign troops in your country who are ready to try and kill My faithful. This is why your President is secretly disarming you, so these foreign troops could take you over. Under the coming unions and the Antichrist, Christians will be eliminated. It is for this reason that I have urged My refuge builders to build safe havens where My faithful will be protected by My angels during the coming tribulation. Trust in My protection, and seek out My refuges before these evil ones could try to kill you.”Thursday,June 9, 2016: (St. Ephrem)Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I told people to go and reconcile themselves with those they may have harmed or insulted, and then bring their gifts to the altar. In reference to preparing for Mass and receiving Me in Holy Communion, it is important to go to Confession to the priest to have any mortal sins confessed before you are able to receive Me in Holy Communion. Otherwise, receiving My Eucharist in mortal sin commits another sin of sacrilege. Give reverence to My Blessed Sacrament by only receiving Me with a soul in the state of grace and free of mortal sin. This is why you saw the priest confessing sinners in the vision. This is also why some priests make themselves available for Confession before Mass starts. This gives people a chance to cleanse their souls sooner than waiting for Saturday, when confessions are usually offered. If you have mortal sin on your soul, you should try to confess your sins as quick as possible, in case you could die and risk hell at your judgment.”Prayer Group:Jesus said: “My son, I am warning you to stay alert in your travels so you will be able to catch your flights. Even with your long form of the St. Michael prayer, you will face some unexpected circumstances. Be prepared and I will overcome any difficulties. You had to get a ticket to New York City from Rochester, which should get your flight to Miami, Fla. You also were happy that your knee healed overnight after your prayer. Your pain and difficulties are being offered up for the souls who you will be seeing this weekend. Give praise and thanks to Me for all that I am doing for you.”Jesus said: “My son, even if these attacks on you get worse, do not be afraid because My angels will be helping you. Remember when I told you that if you feel the evil one is attacking you, then you need to call on Me, and I will send you many angels to protect you. I am more powerful than the demons, so trust in My protection at all times. As long as you pray for My help, I will be there for your needs.”Jesus said: “My son, as you give the people My messages, be sure to encourage them to wear My Blessed Mother’s scapular, her rosary, and the St. Benedict cross as their protection from the demons and their temptations. Blessed salt and holy water are more weapons. Have the people help others by wearing these blessed sacramentals. When you pray the rosary, you are placing your weapon of protection in front of all the demons and their temptations. Trust in My power in your deliverance prayers to help any person afflicted with demon obsession or possession.”Jesus said: “My people, in any battle you have to build up your defenses and strengthen yourself to endure the attacks of the evil ones. Your first defense is to come to Confession monthly to cleanse your sins. The more sin you have on your soul, the weaker you will be to fight off temptations. With a clean soul, you will have the grace to fight off the devil’s attacks. Daily Mass, and daily prayer are also helping to build up your defenses. Wearing your blessed sacramentals will also help you. Use the long form of your St. Michael prayer for your deliverance prayers for people with serious addictions. If there is a demonic presence, you may need fasting and prayers to fight the evil ones. All of My faithful are on the winning side with Me as your Leader against the evil ones.”Jesus said: “My people, be not afraid of whatever the evil ones will do because I will protect your souls. If you are faithful to Me, you will be with Me in heaven, just as I promised the good thief on My cross. Your earthly senses will see the evil ones appearing to win at first, but I will call My faithful to My refuges for protection. My angels will protect your souls whether you are martyred or protected at My refuges. I want My faithful to reach out and evangelize as many souls as you can to keep them from going to hell.”Jesus said: “My people, I will bring My Warning before your lives will be in danger, and you will have some time for conversion before I will allow the evil ones their brief reign of power. The one world people have their plans, but My supernatural intervention will hold them at bay, until I will allow their time. So fear not these coming events because in the end, I will be victorious and all the evil people and the demons will be cast into the eternal flames of hell.”Jesus said: “My people, if you could only see how powerful your prayers are for helping sinners and the souls in purgatory, you would be praying a lot more hours than you do now. I cannot emphasize this prayer power more because your world is in great need of more prayers. I have to depend on My prayer warriors every day because the evil is choking many souls who give into sin of their own free will. This is why I told you to make up any rosaries that you missed on the next day. My Blessed Mother has told you with her many messages, that if enough people prayed, you could stop abortion and many other evils of your world. So remember to pray daily for all sinners and all the souls in purgatory.”Friday, June 10, 2016:Jesus said: “My people, I love My adorers so much because they take the time to visit Me in Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. Every time you make a visit to see Me, I give you graces to carry on your daily work. Those people, who truly believe in My Real Presence, seek Me out at Mass and Adoration. If you are quiet and listen to My voice, I can give you spiritual direction in your life, and help you with life’s important decisions. You are seeing in the vision a person praying before a crucifix with candles burning at the person’s home. If you have not prepared a prayer room, I wish all of your could set up a little altar as your prayer room. You could have a crucifix, some statues, a burning candle, and some blessed salt or holy water for your prayer room. My son, every day you set aside a special time for Me that starts with your Divine Mercy Chaplet at 3:00 p.m. This is followed by your three rosaries with your intentions for peace in the world, stopping of abortions, and praying for the conversion of sinners, and for the souls in purgatory. You pray for special intentions and the saving of the souls in your family, especially those who are not coming to Sunday Mass. By praying at a set time, you can remember it every day. If events interfere with this time, then you could pray before or after such events. I rely on My prayer warriors to pray for sinners to repent and be converted. Pray for your priests and for more vocations to the priesthood. You have many intentions for your prayers, but the most important thing is to make time for Me every day in your prayer time.”Saturday, June 11, 2016: (St. Barnabas)Jesus said: “My people, these readings are for everyone because I invite My faithful also to go out to all the nations to share the Good News of My Gospel and My Resurrection. My son, I am happy that you have heard My call to go out to many places to share My messages of love and repentance. It is not easy to be like a missionary to go out to all the nations and reach out to souls to help convert them. My words need to be shared with all those people who hear them, and they need to act on My words. There is great evil in your world today, and it is in great need for the repentance of your sins. Encourage the people to come to Me in Confession so they can seek My forgiveness of their sins. I love all of My children, and I desire to save all of their souls. Unless you repent of your sins and accept Me as the Master of your lives, you cannot enter heaven with Me. As you look at this vision, you can see all the souls who are with Me in heaven. You have many souls around you, and I want you to reach out in faith to try and evangelize as many people as you can. The devil and I are battling for every soul. This is why I need My people to help sinners to know, love, and serve Me instead of serving the world. I love all of you, and I want My children to love Me as well with your daily prayers and Sunday worship.”Sunday, June 12, 2016:Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel you read of how I cast seven evil spirits out of Mary Magdalene. There are different spirits in your world that I want you to be aware of. You all have guardian angels which are good spirits that I have sent to help protect you. You also have evil spirits present, especially in your addictions. These evil spirits can also take the form of people to confuse you. At funerals the human spirit of the deceased may be around the body for several days during their transition from the earthly world of time into the spiritual world. Some souls come to purgatory to be purified. Few souls come directly to heaven because they led saintly lives, or because they suffered their purgatory on earth. There are also souls who reject Me, and they have chosen to go to hell. Do not seek any spirits to come to you out of curiosity, because this is how evil spirits are invited to torment you. If you are attacked by demons, you can call on Me, and I will send angels to protect you. You can also bind any evil spirits to the foot of My cross in My Name. You may have seen some people who are either obsessed or possessed by demons. This may require an exorcist priest to exorcize such a person. You can pray and fast for such people with the long form of the St. Michael prayer for deliverance. You could also have signs from a soul in purgatory who is requesting prayer to get out of purgatory. Pray for these souls in purgatory and have Masses said for them. If you sense a presence of spirits, you can test if they are evil by calling on My Name, or shaking holy water in that place. Good spirits will remain, but evil spirits will move away. Do not have any fear of evil spirits because you can call on Me, and My angels for protection. I love all of My children, and I am guiding you on a path to be with Me in heaven.”Monday, June 13, 2016: (St. Anthony of Padua)Jesus said: “My people, in two instances in the Bible you have seen a greed for one’s desire result in a murder to obtain it. King David had Uriah killed so he could take his wife. Jezebel had Naboth killed so the king could have Naboth’s vineyard. David repented, but Jezebel did not. Even in your world, you are seeing brutal killings by Moslem terrorists. In the Gospel I am asking you to even love your enemies and pray for them, even if they are killing your people. This is a more perfect love, but it is a goal for you to improve. In such cases you can justify self-defense, or restraining terrorists from further killings. There is an evil element in some of these radical jihadists, but you still have to love the Moslem people. I have told you how the one world people will use terrorism, bankruptcies, and viruses to precipitate martial law. Their goal is total control so they can allow the Antichrist to come into power. Fear not these evil ones because I will protect My faithful at My refuges. You will see a lot of chaos and killing, but I will be victorious over all of these evil ones. The evil people and demons will be cast into hell, but My faithful will be protected at My refuges, and they will be brought into My Era of Peace.”Jesus said: “My people, the killings you saw in Orlando, Fla. are just the beginning of more frequent terrorist attacks by ISIS. You will be seeing such attacks where there are crowds of people as at airports, stadiums, or your large stores. It is hard to have guards with heavy armaments guarding such places because you do not know where they are going to strike next. You could also see some reactions by SWAT teams that could be checking mosques for weapons and training of terrorists like in France. If you have enough of these attacks, you could even see martial law declared as in France. This is the plan of the one world people to create an emergency martial law so they could take over America. If your lives are in danger, I will stop these attacks and allow My Warning to give all sinners a chance to repent. Be ready to come to My refuges when I give you the word.”Friday, June 3, 2016: (Most Sacred Heart of Jesus)Jesus said: “My people, it is appropriate that you celebrate My Sacred Heart feast with Adoration on First Friday. When you look closely at the picture of My Most Sacred Heart, you see a crown of thorns with drops of blood, and an eternal flame. This means I love all of mankind so much that I gave up My life on the cross to save you from your sins. My love for you is eternal, and I will always love you, despite your sins and imperfections. You are all My creations, and I will never deny you. Some people may deny Me and refuse My love, while others, who love Me, bring joy to My Heart. Do not let the devil mislead you with his lies, but see that you are all My children, and I desire to save all of you. You are celebrating our Two Hearts, both My Sacred Heart today, and My Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Heart tomorrow. Treasure the picture of our Two Hearts in your library.”Jesus said: “My people, because the earth has a molten iron core, it acts as a magnet where the charged particles from the sun’s rays are deflected to the poles. You also have an ozone layer that absorbs a lot of UV light, and minimizes the cosmic rays on your skin. Without this layer, the sun’s radiation could cause harm to your body. Even out in space you need to have some protection from this harmful radiation. The earth is positioned at the right distance from the sun so you have tolerable temperatures that do not boil water, and do not freeze all of your water. You should be thankful that your planet has the near optimum conditions for life to exist. If you are able to have solar cells, you can provide most of your electricity that you need, except when there is snow on your panels. Harnessing the sun’s energy is what your plants do in photosynthesis. If you have enough rainfall, the farmers can grow their crops, and you will have food to eat. I love all of you, and I have provided for all of your needs.”Saturday, June 4, 2016: (Immaculate Heart of Mary)The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, I love all of you, and I thank you for celebrating my feast of my Immaculate Heart, which is the second half of our Two Hearts commemoration. You see a flame in my Immaculate Heart picture which also represents an eternal flame of love for all of you. Many of you have made a consecration to me with a thirty-three day preparation for one of my feast days. I want you to try and make as many consecrations and renewals as you can, more than just one. You found your orange book of the ‘Total Consecration’ by St. Louis de Monteford. The more consecrations you can make, the more graces you will receive from our Two Hearts. This truly is my mission to lead you to my Son, Jesus, through me. I give all the glory to my Son, but you can pray to me as your intercessor for your intentions.”Jesus said: “My people, those, who come to My refuges, will see My angels of protection, and they will have a luminous cross in the sky or miraculous spring water that will heal people. I have promised My refuge builders that I will multiply your water, food, and fuels. You will be depending on My miracles to provide what you need for My people. Water is your most important need, but you may not have water in the lines to your house. This means you will need multiplied fresh water from your barrels, a drilled well, or water from your roof when it rains. The next most important item is having enough food for your forty people. You have some stored food, but you will need your daily Holy Communion and deer for meat. You will need soap for washing your body, your dishes, and your clothes. You can use your solar panels for lights, your refrigerator, and your sump pumps. You will have to have an outdoor bathroom in place of your flush toilets. You will not need cell phones or any other electronic devices, because you do not want to listen to or look at the Antichrist because he could hypnotize you into worshiping him. Trust in Me to provide all that you will need at My refuges.”

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