Creato da noumenofvg il 14/07/2009





volounteer job

Post n°25 pubblicato il 01 Ottobre 2015 da noumenofvg
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Work as workawayer At workaway it's not only about work but also about cultural contact and exchange. You can tell the kind of work in five grupps: •Family - wants general help in house and with child, often want to learn/practice a language, mostly English •Hostel - want help in the kitchen, for cleaning and with guest, a must have here: a positive attitude•Farm/Eco-project - want help for gardening, building, animal care •Renovation - want help for building, painting and similar things •Social/cultural organization - almost everything, depends on background, aim and current projects This just an overview of work types you can expect to find on workaway. The profile of the host should also be helpful Some Advices• have a detailed profile so your host knows what to expect • be honest • every small thing can be important • write about your skills, strength and attitude • in your message: tell why you want to go to this host and why you would fit in • show also you read their profile, because you link your message to it • remember to write to more than one host, sadly not everybody answer and some don't have any free spots • you can plan long ahead or be spontaneous • answer hosts fast, so your place doesn't go to someone else • use the feedback, read some of other workawayers for your future host, leave some and get some as well At a new place • be open, remember the expectation can be different because of the other cultural background • don't judge first get to know the system • communicate so their no misunderstandings • to prevent any misunderstandings: as arrive ask for rules and expectations • show respect to the current system and the person behind it • remember it's an exchange no hotel • take your work seriously • develop ideas • be prepared to talk about yourself because in the end it's about cultural exchange and contact Enjoy the contact, the adventure, the travel!




Chandra Bose and the crescograph

Post n°24 pubblicato il 06 Luglio 2015 da noumenofvg

 Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose(1858–1937) was a Bengali polymath, physicist, biologist, botanist,archaeologist, as well as an early writer of science fiction. Hepioneered the investigation of radio and microwave optics, made verysignificant contributions to plant science, and laid the foundationsof experimental science in the Indian subcontinent.

A crescograph is a devicefor measuring growth in plants and it was invented in the early 20thcentury by Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose. The Bose crescograph uses aseries of clockwork gears and a smoked glass plate to record themovement of the tip of a plant (or its roots) at magnifications of upto 10,000. Marks are made on the plate at intervals of a few seconds,demonstrating how the rate of growth varies under varying stimuli.Bose experimented with temperature, chemicals, gases and electricity.

Bose made a number ofpioneering discoveries in plant physiology. He used his owninvention, the crescograph, to measure plant response to variousstimuli, and thereby scientifically proved parallelism between animaland plant tissues.

His major contribution inthe field of biophysics was the demonstration of the electricalnature of the conduction of various stimuli (e.g., wounds, chemicalagents) in plants, which were earlier thought to be of a chemicalnature. These claims were later proven experimentally.

Bose's place in historyhas now been re-evaluated, and he is credited with the invention ofthe first wireless detection device and the discovery of millimetrelength electromagnetic waves and considered a pioneer in the field ofbiophysics.

Many of his instrumentsare still on display and remain largely usable now, over 100 yearslater. They include various antennas, polarisers, and waveguides,which remain in use in modern forms today.

Fabricio Unti


The power of Herbs

Post n°23 pubblicato il 13 Giugno 2015 da noumenofvg
Tag: herbs
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The Power Of Herbs

Botanicals and herbs have been used been used by humans for medicinal purposes for thousands of years. Once thought of as the oldest known herbal book, "Devine Farmer's Classic of Herbalism" compiled approximately 2,000 years ago in China, is young compared to other written records regarding medicinal plants found in Egypt which dates back to 1500 B.C.
Other writings from India, which document the medicinal uses of hundreds of plants date back to 700 B.C. The medical benefits of plants were discovered by humans all over the planet thousands of years ago. While advances in synthetic drugs has grown exponentially in the last 100 year, the World Health Organization estimates that (outside of the US) 75-85% of the world population still rely upon botanical medicines as their primary source of health care.

From helping to heal the pain from arthritis (Tumeric), or lowering blood sugar (Cinnamon), to soothing the blisters from a burn (Aloe), or preventing nausea (Ginger), your garden can also double as your medicine cabinet.  Educating yourself on the strength of the plant world can open up a world of remedies and help you become more in tune with the power of the natural world. Whether you need help falling asleep (Hops or Saint John's Wort can help you out), or need some assistance in the opposite realm (grab some Ginseng), you may not need to go to your local pharmacy--but, instead to your local herb garden.  In fact, that is just what your ancestors did.  History shows us that all over the world, in all different cultures, the original pharmacy wasn't a building full of bottles filled with pills derived from synthetic chemicals...but, a garden full of plants and herbs.

by melissa



Chess club

Post n°22 pubblicato il 24 Marzo 2015 da noumenofvg
Tag: chess
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¿jugamos una partida? Trieste y el ajedrez

El ajedrez es un deporte complejo, en el que muchas cualidades se aúnan para determinar la fuerza de cada jugador. Hoy podemos decir que un gran jugador de ajedrez debe poseer, entre otras cosas, una buena memoria, una buena dosis de creatividad, una intuición desarrollada, un elevado espíritu competitivo y una mente analítica que busque la verdad, pues de entre todos los caminos posibles siempre suele haber uno que es más perfecto que los demás.
Es por esto que muchos consideran el juego de las sesenta y cuatro casillas como un arte, capaz de concebir verdaderas joyas comparables a El Guernica de Picasso, y que además ejercita ese órgano parcialmente inutilizado que llamamos cerebro, ayudando a prevenir el alzhéimer entre otras virtudes. No es de extrañar por tanto que cada vez más países acojan este deporte en los colegios, donde desde una edad muy temprana los más pequeños entran en contacto con el mismo.
En Trieste, esa ciudad mitad italiana, mitad austríaca, eslovena y croata, en la que sin embargo se habla italiano, el ajedrez ocupa un importante lugar. Uno puede visitar el antiguo edificio de la Societa Scacchistica Triestina, fundado en 1904 y abierto prácticamente todas las tardes de lunes a domingo, en el que se dan cita numerosos aficionados en busca de las dos palabras mágicas ¡Jaque Mate! Además, es común encontrar bares como el archiconocido y poblado Caffè San Marco, donde es posible conseguir un tablero para acto seguido dar rienda suelta a la imaginación.
Para terminar con una cita del famoso Dr. Siegbert Tarrasch, brillante jugador alemán de finales del siglo XIX, desde la asociación Noumeno invitamos a todos a jugar, ya que:
“Uno no tiene que jugar muy bien, es suficiente jugar mejor que el oponente”.

Mario G.D.


Reading circle

Post n°21 pubblicato il 24 Marzo 2015 da noumenofvg
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Cïrculo de lectura en la asociación Noumenofvg

No es ningún descubrimiento afirmar que los beneficios de la lectura son innumerables. Numerosos autores a lo largo de la historia han buscado su lugar en el mundo detrás de un libro, dejando volar la imaginación y viajando a lugares que nunca visitarían con sus propios pies. Además, les ha servido para ser libres, para desarrollar sus propias ideas y no dejarse manejar tan fácilmente. Para muchos de ellos, el hombre más miserable era simplemente aquél desprovisto del placer de la lectura.
Lamentablemente, en la era actual la tecnología y el consumo rápido y fácil parecen haber cambiado esta tendencia. Los libros electrónicos pueden estar sustituyendo a los libros físicos y la gente tiende a frecuentar más las páginas webs de descargas que las librerías.
Sin embargo, para la asociación Noumeno, ubicada en Trieste y dedicada al desarrollo de actividades filosóficas y de carácter social, la lectura es un arma demasiado valiosa para ser desdeñada. Por ello, semanalmente se lleva a cabo la actividad círculo de lectura, en la que se propone un libro para dicha semana, con un detallado programa diario de capítulos a realizar, y una posterior charla en forma de preguntas-respuestas para clarificar el contenido.
Tal y como afirmó la religiosa del S.XVI Santa Teresa de Jesús:
“Lee y conducirás. No leas y serás conducido”

Mario G.D.







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