Amore per la vita

Organized Floral Arrangements Produce Rainbows of Color

In this series, titled The Garden Collection, Emily Blincoe photographer creates unique floral arrangements with a creative touch. Recently enjoyed his series of sugar and now she has properly applied its technology to a variety of flowers. Each photo has compositions full of flowers, leaves and stems organized in clay arranged. In contrast to the same dark background, the plants and the flowers appear in clusters as vivid colors.With a methodical side Blincoe creates visually stunning work that shows the natural beauty of certain objects. When working with plants in this series, she was able to identify a symmetrical arrangement found in complex shapes and patterns in nature. His captivating designs transform ordinary flowers core elements of complex systems and offers its viewers the opportunity of the wonderful details that are all around us every day to inspect. Together produce the images a rainbow of flowers to brighten any day!
 Emily Blincoe's website HP 4320s