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Ballpoint Pen with Laser: College Ruled Genius

The Laser Cap is a good attempt, innovation, it essentially comprises a stopper equipped laser to see the lines on a sheet of paper from radiation. Why do we need this innovation? Perhaps the impact of inking paper for Toshiba PA3819U-1BRS, the improvement of our manuscript, and makes the text look neat. The only other…

Floating Hotel Manta Resort in Africa sea

The Manta Resort is a beautiful hotel with several rooms , located in the Indian Ocean island of Pemba . The Spectacular flight offers not just a roof over your head at night to rest , but also some truly stunning views of Cerquero only room under water. The floating structure of local hardwood offers…

Shimmering Light Through the Hollow Tree

Spazio di Luce (Light Space) has produced an impressive sculpture of Giuseppe Penone tree. Italian artists came to a fallen tree in the mountains and was immediately attracted to her because she had broken into large pieces perfect for casting in bronze. Thus, section by section, covering the hollow tree inside the metallic background. Outside…

Open Natural wood house with glass proof

To say that Igor Sirotov's Frame house is minimal doesn't begin to do it justice! Everyday interior elements like seating, beds, lighting and tables are few in number but full of interesting and thoughtful textures and materials, making them a perfect foreground to highlight the steel, wood and concrete canvas. A stunning example of minimalism, the…

Micro Portable Commuter Bike

The project of a shot was designed to complement other methods of public transportation. The compact design is transformed from a bicycle belt full set in a compact, vertical easily on buses, trains or other areas easily accessible storage. From tourists to discover new places, regular travelers on their way to work, is a versatile…

Organized Floral Arrangements Produce Rainbows of Color

In this series, titled The Garden Collection, Emily Blincoe photographer creates unique floral arrangements with a creative touch. Recently enjoyed his series of sugar and now she has properly applied its technology to a variety of flowers. Each photo has compositions full of flowers, leaves and stems organized in clay arranged. In contrast to the…

Young Girl's Adorable Kiss Me Please Project

You may recognize the little girl in these photos as the younger daughter of Nagano Toyokazu, a photographer we featured here over two years ago. Lucky for us, the Japanese photographer has continued snapping adorable photos of his family, even expanding upon one particular series he calls the Kiss Me Please Project. In it, four-year-old…

Apple iPhone 6 revolution new design

The new Apple commercial has drawn a lot of flack for its insensitive portrayal of interaction between people and its products. For a twisted moment, the focus has shifted from the human experience to the gadget experience. The disconnect of emotions is creepy and alarming! Close on heels is the news that a new iPhone…

Digital Butterfly auto Catch

Children are inquisitive by nature and to satiate their curiosity regarding animals and insects; we have here the E-catch Net. Simulating the motions of a butterfly’s catching net, this device scans and then relays 3D info regarding the insect under scrutiny. A very play-way method of getting children involved regarding their environment.E-catch Net is a…

Sending Animals Furniture

 Animals and their shapes has a great attraction for me. It is an ancestral , ancient call to our inner instinct and to the nature. I always try to investigate the relationship between mans and nature, searching the syntheses talking about our attitudes and suggesting eccentric dynamics. Materials: wood."Seding Animals " are produced and distribuited…

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