Sunset Sunglasses - Anything under the sun
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Gravity' remains at the top spot

Well, I didn't expect 'Gravity' to repeat its number one performance. This is one of the examples of how good word-of-mouth helps an amazing movie prevail over the vast array of mediocrity that are being released nowadays. Sandra Bullock, George Clooney and director Alfonso Cuaron must be over the moon right now. Not only their…

Rabbit scared off by balloons


From Sexy to Silly


Cause Nobody's Perfect


The Problem Between Gay Couples

I am not against homosexual couples or anything and I do believe that they still have the right to get married, have kids and start a family, but the more they press for their rights, the more problems lawmakers encounter on a daily basis. I assure you, the problem right now with child custody among…

Clever trick


Why Was I Afraid of Clowns?

I used to be afraid of clowns as a kid because they are simply too noisy, queer-looking and are always performing magic tricks at a party. My fear was further stirred when we watched a scary movie about a clown. It made me scared, and that's one reason why I've never let my parents hire…

Licking Chocolate


Starting a Conversation

If in any case you want to know how to exactly start a conversation, apart from asking what people do for a living, then, you may want to read this article found at: article discusses plenty of points and gives out examples as to why asking someone what they do is not a great…

Robots: Our Virtual Friends in the Future

It may sound like something out of a sci-fi movie, but British researchers are developing software to make robots so smart, they could become friends or even co-workers in the future. Researchers are looking into several scenarios where the robots could be of service. For example, a security robot could notify human security officers when…

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