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Post n°622 pubblicato il 03 Marzo 2011 da testinside000373
Tag: HP0-J38
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Testinside HP0-J38 braindump for HP Exam; also known as HP0-J38; are basically a set of all the questions you can expect in your HP0-J38 exam, the oldest, the latest, the random ones, the recurring ones as well as the once-in-a-blue-moon ones. These are compiled by industry experts, having HP Exam to their credit. They also are constantly keeping up with the latest developments at HP so that the Questions and Answers can be aptly revised. Therefore once you register at Testinside, you don't have to worry about missing anything, and not being up-to-date.

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HP0-J38 Exam
Designing and Implementing HP Enterprise Backup Solutions
Exam Number/Code : HP0-J38
Exam Name : Designing and Implementing HP Enterprise Backup Solutions
Questions and Answers : 58 Q&As
Update Time: 2011-02-28
1. What is the difference between a normal full backup and a copy full backup?
A. A normal full backup backs up files and resets the archive bit. A copy full backup does not.
B. A normal full backup always uses the last access time to determine if the file needs backing up. The copy full backup uses the archive bit.
C. A copy full backup is a replica of a normal full backup.
D. A copy full backup is image based. A normal full backup is file based.
Answer: A
2. You are proposing a disaster tolerant solution to your customer. Which factors should you consider when estimating the cost of data loss? (Select three.)
A. size of the backup and restore window
B. type of backup, image based or file based
C. cost of downtime while recreating data
D. ability to recreate the data
E. effect on customer and supplier satisfaction
F. average amount of lost data
Answer: CDE
3. To protect against data loss, companies must develop and follow backup and restore strategies. Which questions can be used to determine the approporiate backup strategy? (Select three.)
A. What is the size of the restore window
B. Where is the data located
C. Which type of tape device is used
D. Is full or partial backup required
E. Which type of storage is used
F. Is the data image based or file based
Answer: ADF

As a part of our online HP0-J38 exam training program, Testinside offer the latest HP Certification HP0-J38 braindumps and a good range of HP0-J38 answers. Most of our HP0-J38 study materials is exclusively prepared by the best brains and highly skilled professionals from the IT domain to ensure 100% pass percentage in your HP HP0-J38 exam.

You get quality HP AIS Certification HP0-J38 exam information from reliable IT community members who have already passed their HP0-J38 exam and are using HP technologies on a daily basis. Use their free brain dumps to advance your own career and then help those who come behind you by creating a new HP0-J38 questions and answers sample tests with what you find most valuable as a successful and passing HP HP0-J38 exam student.

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