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360 degree Rotate Man-made Glacier Climate Tuning Machine Develop Concept & Water Recycling with Power Plant Facility Theory

Today, I thought one of interested question for Inland terminal man-made glacier factory with railway for supporting those huge glacier blocks following super computing calculation result to make decision each standing glacier block running in 360 degree angel. I am make sure that is really fun and meaningful to save the earth climate trouble, but…

MIPS processor developing & Save The World Destroy Timing Challenge Necessary

 Today, more people are forgetting the ocean water silent disappearing into space or burning in hot temperature underground in ocean corner. The common and cheaper unable sharing for each university complete the scientific researching, and then they can usage those smallest satellite facility supporting more people joining cheaper Internet services and public sky wireless free…

China Current Foreign Chess & 18th Century European Different How To Develop New Chess Game Machine Future

I am a chess beginner and loving to watch or collection every specially western 18th century Europe chess skills, each talent and well-known chess opening almost gluing my eyes and influence my life. It seems each child growth and study how to planning our life when you don't care to use your minding.Unfortunately, more chess…

Ocean Wildlife Banking Value & New Cheaper Public Library Idea

 The e-library Linux sponsor project is my dream and offers low cost public library running solution idea. Although some people will hate my mention, or angry to stop all people researching. However, I hope anyone has right to find my blogs and comment these valuable in Italy or anyother location.http://bigmap-entrepreneur.blogspot.hk/2015/04/ocean-wildlife-banking-republic-free.html

Duplicate & Reform Our Ship Building & Existence These To Open Our New Micro Economic Opportunity

None of people easily to watch this France documentary becasue its full of imagines and make us to think how do we duplicate these cruise ship industry relationship all people commercial building or shopping mall planning. Do you agree? The new emerging market is in front of your eyes.http://bigmap-entrepreneur.blogspot.hk/2015/04/a-huge-international-unity-ship.html

RGB LED Colors Mystery & Secure Innovation Necessary

The sun almost shinny our living, but we are just usage a little element. We can trying to  use these lighting RGB to invent our usefully and meaningful password product series. Will it bring us generation a little micro economic dynamic new emerging market on world? The LED light blub has infinite development space let…

This isn't a dream because each people has right to buy their cheaper Batteries Vehicle in life

We need to develop cheaper and saving energy e-car to save our earth, creative new emerging market for some people to develop our smallest but flexible micro economic circles, pushing everyone working and living, generation all people welfare solution idea. Please don't hate the Russian, I love each talent and inventor's unbelievable innovations.http://englishrussia.com/2007/05/20/russian-self-made-electric-car

New World Table Tennis Recycle Material Championship Reform Demand & Pushing High Technology Researching Dream

I am invite each one to think why do we demand to develop latest Hinoki pine tree material recycling high technology table tennis world championship revolution but keeping our traditional champion on world.http://love-weber.blogspot.hk/2015/04/table-tennis-personal-energy-motion.html

Bipolar Disorder Solution Idea From TED Feeling eMotion Cloth Improve Theory

Which one will reject the better embrace that will help everyone bipolar disorder sicker life and make themselves happily at every day? I was believed and appreciated to invite all people development these usefully things to save all people living in healthy. I thought none of people objection someone holding and kissing with you. It…

Dipolar disorder solution idea & cheaper chocolate business bring every female or people release pain

Dipolar disorder that will disappear on world possible because we can trying to develop these latest new emerging market to save more people life.Bipolar Disorder Solution & New Human Solitary Training 24 Hours Sci-body Treatment Physical Center with Bipolar Disorder Solution Nursing ServicesHealth Coca Man-made Bamboo-grass Farm Banking Fundhttp://vendetta-banker-saver.blogspot.hk/2015/03/fair-chocolate-trading-with-mini.html

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