Why do men like XXX movies


Is your boyfriend watching porn movies and are you afraid he won’t love you anymore? The psychologist says that there is no reason to worry, because, most of the time, it is just curiosity and it does not mean that he is dissatisfied with you. Read more Manchester Escorts

The fact that he appreciates such productions is not a sign that he will cheat on you or that he wants to break up with you, but certain problems could arise: from those of young people who are just starting their sexual life and imagine that their beloved girl will look they will behave exactly like porn actresses and even men dissatisfied with their “performance” or that of their partner also because of unrealistic expectations. Read here about All Stars Escorts London.

He dreams of the impossible

Sometimes those who watch Filme XXX whether male or female, want to achieve the sexually impossible. They get the idea that only those with Very large sexual organs are desirable or that the act should last for hours. The boys at the age of the first experiences are disappointed, because they have too high expectations. Another problem that can occur in young people, but does not avoid adults, is to start having eccentric or even perverse desires, because they saw those things practiced in movies. Women can also be dissatisfied with the way they look, striving for perfection that is very difficult to achieve without the help of expensive operations. Also, in everyday life, you don’t have an army of stylists behind you to arrange you every minute, as is usually the case with those actors. In reality, there are no special effects or editing tricks, as in the mentioned productions. We are ordinary people, with ordinary skills, even in the sexual field, but this does not mean that we cannot enjoy all aspects of life without living “like in movies” on pornofilmexxx.net

There may be several reasons why men watch porn movies:

– curiosity;

– boredom;

– thinks that he can improve his “performance” by taking ideas from such films;

– feels stimulated;

– has some unfulfilled desires;

– He has friends who are watching.

Without prejudice

“A woman who discovers that her partner likes XXX movies should not be upset or feel inferior to the actresses in those productions. Men need visual stimulation, and pornography offers it to the fullest. Sometimes, they look out of curiosity or maybe they have an inferiority complex (it is known that, in general, men have complexes in terms of size). At other times, they look for effective techniques to satisfy their partner or simply for stimulation. The situation is not worrying, if you can have relationships without watching XXX movies and if it does not even claim that you behave or look exactly like porn divas. If you did not know that your partner is watching such productions and you have recently found out, get over the shock and talk to him without judging him. Find out what he likes, why he looks, what excites him, if he has fantasies he could never tell. Overcome prejudices and watch an adult movie together. In no case do you think that he no longer loves you or that you no longer satisfy him. Instead of developing complexes about how you look, you can steal some ideas about how to arrange and how to behave in intimate moments. But avoid overdoing it, so that your partner doesn’t end up having an erection without this kind of stimulation. “

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