Tips to Prevent Break-Ins and Thefts


The security of your home, the place where you and your family spend your days, and where you keep your valuables, must always be a top priority. Even if you live in an area where the crime rate is very low, data shows that burglaries still occur in the US roughly every few seconds. Hence, this calls for prioritizing the safety of your family and property. Find below some of the best, easiest, and most affordable tips you can adopt to protect your home from being broken into. 

  • Secure Doors and Windows. Doing this is one of the most important steps to provide a defense to your home against home intruders, but it is often overlooked. Thieves and burglars look for the easiest targets and unlocked doors and windows are just that. Whether you are going out or staying inside the whole day, you should always keep your doors and windows locked.

There are some devices that can allow you to keep track of the entryways in your home. If you install door and window sensors, they can track whether either of these has been left ajar. Or you will also find that smart locks are scheduled to automatically lock at their assigned times.

  • Buy Home Security System. Installing a home security system is one of the most effective ways of protecting your home from any unwanted threats and break-ins. Research shows that a home without a home security system is roughly three times more likely to be broken into than the one that has a home security system installed. 

Home security cameras are one of the layers to be added for your home protection. Our recommendation is to go for the Xfinity Home Security system, which offers 24/7 professional monitoring and video recording for up to a week. And no matter how far you are from your home, you can check in on your home from your smartphone device. Learn more about the Xfinity Home Security System by reaching out to the Xfinity customer service.

  • Install Outdoor Lighting. Since burglars prefer sneaking into your home and not being on display, outdoor lighting is also one of the ways to prevent them from sneaking around your home property. Also rather than keeping the outdoor lights on for a large portion of the nights, make sure that they are motion-sensor lights that would illuminate your home yard when they detect movements. This would definitely catch the intruder off-guard!
  • Lock the Garage! In your quest to keep your home secure, don’t forget about the garage doors. It can be an easy target for burglars to gain entrance into your home. While making sure that the regular doors and windows are locked, keep an eye on the garage doors as well.  Keep the garage opener inside your home rather than in the car, making it harder for someone to get into your home even if they gain entrance through the garage. 
  • As with other smart options, getting a smart garage door opener is also a good option. It allows you to monitor the status of your garage while you are away from home, control it remotely, or schedule it to close at certain times during the day.


  • Keep the Lights On. Even if no one is home, you still need to set up measures in your home to make it seem like someone is home, since most burglars wouldn’t enter your home if they thought you are there. If there was an empty home, they’d willingly go in. Hence, one of the best ways to prevent intruders from entering your home is to make it look like your home isn’t empty. 

Keep the interior lights or TV on. If you are going on a vacation, ask your loved ones or neighbor friends to collect your mail, since your mail piling up can be one of the signs that no one has been home for a long time. Smart lights can be used to create a convincing effect i.e. they can be programmed to turn on and off from time to time. 

Final Thoughts 

No one prefers their home being broken into and their valuables being stolen. Implementing the above methods or many others to ensure the safety of your home can prevent such a scenario. Every small step you take towards securing your home will definitely keep you and your loved ones protected from any unwanted threats. 

Tips to Prevent Break-Ins and Theftsultima modifica: 2022-06-22T12:55:30+02:00da andrewpaul0