Le grandi battaglie Lgbtq+ in mostra al Barbican


In Pictures: Bloolips and the Empowering Joy of Dressing Up | Frieze

Bloolips, Lust in Space, 1980, publicity photo

La mostra Out and About!: Archiving Lgbtq+ history at Bishopsgate Institute, grazie a centinaia di lettere, diari, cartelloni e foto, documenta la storia della comunità gay dal 1982 a oggi. Stralci di storia, politica e sociale, che, come spiega Stef Dickers, il curatore che gestisce gli archivi del Bishopsgate Institute, “vogliono celebrare le voci e le storie delle persone che erano lì a fare da testimoni”. Speriamo che tutto questo diventi presto preistoria.

Out & About! Archiving LGBTQ+ history: A Bishopsgate Institute take-over at the Barbican | Bishopsgate Institute

Volunteers from the London Lesbian & Gay Switchboard dress as the Village People for a fundraiser event hel at Heaven nightclub, 27 may 1982

Archiving LGBTQ+ history at Bishopsgate Institute | Barbican

Attendee at club night “Sex”, Cafe de Paris, 15 January 1993

LGBTQ+ history and collections at the Bishopsgate Institute, The National Archives, Bessant Drive, Kew - Around Town Event in London