Order These Books Online From Bookswagon

To all the readers out there, we have a piece of news for you. If you are finding the best bookstore online in India, then Bookswagon is the best of all. You can order best books online from Bookswagon’s website and you can get these books at a much reasonable price. Isn’t it a good deal? If yes, then, go ahead and buy these books online from the best website.

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Bookswagon is one of the most popular bookstores and readers are enjoying the discounts and offers that they keep giving on Instagram. So, a quick tip that you need to follow on Instagram or Facebook so that you can know about the latest offers. You can visit the website and can browse through many categories such as Drama, Fiction, Autobiography, and many more.

Here are some of the books that you should order:


“All that is in our power is to be there. To be there. Where we are.”

 This book is written by Ruskin Bond and it is a kind of journal entry from hills. When you will read this book, you will feel as if you are in the hills too. The language is easy to understand and the author has written it gracefully. One of the best books that he has written. You need to check it out as soon as possible. Get it from bookswagon.com.

  1. Norwegian Wood By Haruki Murakami

“What happens when people open their hearts?

Norwegian wood should be declared as a classic novel and if you haven’t read this, then definitely, you should buy it from the online bookshops near you. Norwegian wood revolves around four characters Toru, Naoko, and Kuzuki. This book leaves you with heartaches that you are unable to heal. There is no better magician than Murakami and his words are beautiful. With the longing for love and loneliness, Murakami has touched both subjects with utmost beauty. So, go and buy this book as it will move you to the last bits of your heart.

  1. Born a Crime By Trevor Noah

“We tell people to follow their dreams, but you can only dream of what you can imagine, and depending on where you come from, your imagination can be quite limited.”

There are a few writers who can make you laugh and at the same time, can break your heart. Born a crime is an autobiographical novel that tells about the childhood spent in South Africa by Trevor Noah. This book also portrays a beautiful relationship between him and his mother. Moreover, this book points out all the wrongs of society and the struggle that a colored man has to face in the group of whites. If you are in the mood to read a good autobiography, then, read this book by Trevor Noah.



Order These Books Online From Bookswagonultima modifica: 2022-01-25T12:18:02+01:00da Bookswagon