Questions to ask a PI lawyer: Your essential guide

Personal injury cases are often complex and hard to understand. Even when you know that the other party is at fault, you may not have immediate evidence to prove their fault. Despite state laws in place, victims often get the compensation for their losses, which is tragic, to say the least. If you have a valid claim, your immediate concern should be about contacting a PI lawyer. When you meet an attorney for the first time, which doesn’t cost anything even with the biggest firms, you should ask these questions listed below.

  1. How long have you been practicing personal injury law? As a client, you have to know your lawyer, and the initial question should be about the lawyer’s work profile. An experienced/seasoned lawyer will ensure you understand the basic details.
  2. How many lawyers does your firm have? Many PI lawyers may work for the same firm, and that could be an advantage. Because some cases need more minds, having an extended team is always a good idea for your situation.
  3. What would be your initial review of my case? A good lawyer will not lie or exaggerate facts. They will see the available evidence and share all that they can understand for now. You can expect the lawyer to explain the likely outcomes, but don’t fall for guarantees.
  4. How much would you take as your fee? PI lawyers don’t charge a fee until the case is won. This is known as the contingency fee, which is dependent on the outcome. The standard rate is 33%, but you may have to pay differently based on the circumstances and type of your claim.
  5. How can we communicate? Having access to your attorney is essential. Your lawyer could be handling many cases at once, but that doesn’t have to impact your communication with them. Most firms have a team that takes care of client calls and emails.
  6. What other expenses should I expect? There might be other expenses that are your liability, such as costs related to the investigation and engaging medical experts. Your lawyer may help with these things, but it is best to have an estimate.
  7. Can you go to trial if needed? Always engage an injury lawyer who can file a lawsuit if things don’t work as expected with the insurance company. Trial experience is an aspect you cannot afford to ignore for your case.

Look online for PI lawyers now!

Questions to ask a PI lawyer: Your essential guideultima modifica: 2023-01-17T11:57:20+01:00da Jesicalisa

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