MLB, 조기 사사키 계약 체결을 위해 조사 중, 투수가 1월 중순에 팀을 선택할 가능성이 높음

Tony Gutierrez

메이저 리그 베이스볼은 로키 사사키를 위해 어떤 팀도 사전 계약을 맺지 않았는지 조사했으며, 일본 투수의 에이전트는 클럽을 선택하는 것이 “역전적으로 드래프트와 같을 것”이라고 말했습니다

사사키가 MLB 팀과 계약하기 위해 45일간의 계약을 체결한 첫날, 에이전트 조엘 울프는 23세의 우완 투수가 1월 15일에 열리는 2025년 국제 계약 풀 윈도우가 시작된 직후 계약할 가능성이 높으며 1월 23일 마감일까지 기다리지 않을 것이라고 말했습니다. 안전놀이터

울프는 화요일 겨울 회의에서 30분간의 기자 회견에서 “가능한 한 빨리 계약을 체결하는 인센티브는 비자 절차를 진행하여 봄 훈련에 제때 참석할 수 있도록 하는 것”이라고 말했습니다.

사사키는 2023년 월드 베이스볼 클래식에서 일본의 우승을 도왔으며 시속 102.5마일의 직구를 기록했습니다. 6피트 2인치의 이 투수는 일본 프로야구 퍼시픽리그의 지바 롯데 마린스에서 부상으로 단축된 4시즌 동안 29승 15패, 평균자책점 2.10을 기록했습니다.

사사키는 25세 미만이기 때문에 MLB에서 국제 아마추어로 취급받으며 일반적으로 16세 라틴 아메리카 유망주에게 배정되는 마이너 리그 계약의 보너스 풀에 서명해야 합니다. 로스앤젤레스 다저스는 2024년 보너스 풀에서 2,502,500달러를 보류했고, 다른 팀들은 합의에 도달했는지 추측하고 있습니다.

울프는 “언론, 리그, NPB에서 로키의 상황에 대해 많은 논의가 있었습니다.”라고 말했습니다. “일부 비난, 주장은 모두 거짓이었고, 미리 정해진 거래에 대해 이루어졌습니다. 하지만 MLB는 이 경기장이 모두에게 공정하고 공평한 경기장이 될 수 있도록 하기를 원했기 때문에 사전에 실사를 실시하고 여러 당사자와 인터뷰를 통해 그런 일이 발생했는지 확인했습니다.” 카지노사이트위키

울프는 MLB가 사사키의 포스팅 가능 기간이 2025년까지 연장되며, 팀 금액은 7,555,500달러에서 4,146,200달러에 달할 것이라고 말했습니다.

제 조언은 경력의 장기적인 방향은 돈을 벌 수 있는 곳이기 때문에 그에 따라 결정을 내리지 말라는 것입니다.라고 그는 말했습니다.

사사키는 어깨 염증으로 인해 올해 18번의 선발 등판에서 10승 5패 평균자책점 2.35를 기록했고, 비스듬한 부상을 당한 2023년에는 15번의 선발 등판에서 7승 4패 평균자책점 1.78을 기록했습니다. 그는 2022년 4월 오릭스와의 경기에서 완벽한 투구를 펼쳤으며, Wolfe는 WBC 경기 경험이 사사키가 MLB로 빨리 향하도록 설득하는 데 도움이 되었다고 말했습니다.

로키는 다소 조용합니다. 유머 감각이 건조합니다. 재치가 매우 뛰어납니다. 그는 장황하지 않습니다.라고 울프는 말합니다. “로키는 장황한 사람들을 반드시 사랑하지는 않습니다. 가끔은 제가 그와 이야기하고 매우 중요한 이야기를 나누곤 하는데, 마지막에 그에게 질문이 있는지 물어보면 이렇게 대답할 것입니다: ‘말이 많았어요.'” 메이저사이트

울프는 사사키가 화요일에 미국으로 여행을 떠날 예정이며 다음 주부터 팀들이 중앙 장소로 초청되어 회의를 가질 것이라고 말했습니다,

사사키는 크리스마스 전에 일본으로 돌아와 일주일에서 이틀 정도 일본에 머물 계획이며, 그 후에 돌아올 때 MLB 도시들을 방문할지 여부를 결정할 계획입니다.

일부 팀은 이미 PowerPoint와 비디오 프레젠테이션을 보냈습니다.

양키스의 애런 분 감독은 “핀스트라이프가 있는 뉴욕보다 더 좋은 곳은 없다고 생각합니다.”라고 말했습니다. “우리는 이곳이 에이스가 될 가능성이 있는 투수라는 것을 알고 있습니다.”

사사키는 2011년 도호쿠 대지진과 쓰나미로 아버지와 조부모가 사망했을 때 9살이었습니다. 이러한 경험은 사사키가 올 겨울 계약을 2026시즌 이후로 미루기보다는 12년 3억 2,500만 달러에 계약한 다저스의 야마모토 요시노부와 같은 외국인 프로로 간주되는 결정에 영향을 미쳤습니다.

울프는 “그의 인생에서 일어난 몇 가지 일, 인생에서 일어난 비극 중 일부를 보면 그는 아무것도 당연하게 여기지 않습니다.”라고 말합니다. “야구계의 일부 사람들이 2년 후 야마모토 계약을 맺을 것이라고 가정했듯이 절대적인 자물쇠는 아닙니다. 야구는 그런 식으로 작동하지 않습니다. … 토미 존 수술을 받을 수도 있습니다. 어깨 부상을 두 번 입었습니다. 비스듬한 부상을 입었습니다.”

울프는 아직 사사키와 원하는 목적지에 대해 논의하지 않았고 지리적 선호도가 있는지도 몰랐으며, 일본 선수의 이력이 있거나 크고 작은 시장을 원하는 팀에 합류할 의향이 있다고 말했습니다. 사사키와 일본 기자들의 관계는 순탄치 않았습니다.

울프는 “그가 어린 나이에 MLB에서 뛰는 것에 관심을 표명했고, 일본에서는 이를 매우 무례하고 상류에서 수영하는 것으로 간주하기 때문에 그를 향한 언론의 부정적인 반응이 많았습니다.”라고 말했습니다. “많은 사람들이 그곳에 뛰어들어 그와 그의 가족에 대한 허위 소문을 퍼뜨렸고, 이는 그의 정신 상태에 매우 해롭습니다.” 카지노사이트

울프는 사사키가 다르빗슈 유가 명단에 있고 노모 히데오가 특별 고문으로 있는 샌디에이고를 “진지하게 고려”할 것이라고 예상했습니다.

울프는 “그가 겪은 일과 미디어에 대한 즐거운 경험을 하지 못한 것을 고려할 때, 작은 시장에 있는 것이 그에게 도움이 될 수 있지만 아직 그가 어떻게 보는지는 잘 모르겠습니다.”라고 말했습니다

울프는 일본에서 대부분의 선발 투수가 6일 간격으로 출전하기 때문에 사사키가 처음에는 5일마다 선발 출전하지 않을 것으로 예상합니다.

어떤 팀이든 그가 쉽게 참여할 수 있을 것이라고 생각합니다.라고 그는 말했습니다.

울프가 사사키에게 한 조언은 간단합니다.

결국 보면 알 수 있고 보면 알 수 있습니다.라고 그는 말했습니다.


Japan Regains Top Spot in U-23 Asian Cup After 8 Years


A Spectacular Goal in Extra Time in the Second Half… Japan Regains Top Spot in U-23 Asian Cup After 8 Years

The Japan loses 1-0 against Uzbekistan after missing a penalty kick.

Japan, who saved a penalty kick following a ‘great goal’ in extra time in the second half, defeated ‘difficult enemy’ Uzbekistan and succeeded in reclaiming the top spot in the Asian Football Confederation (AFC) Under-23 (U-23) Asian Cup after eight years.

Japan won 1-0 in the final of the 2024 AFC U-23 Asian Cup against Uzbekistan held at the Jassim bin Hamad Stadium in Al Rayyan, Qatar, on the 4th (Korean time) thanks to Fuki Yamada’s winning goal in extra time in the second half. 바카라사이트

With this, Japan experienced the joy of becoming champion for the second time since the 2016 tournament.

On the other hand, Uzbekistan missed a penalty kick opportunity in extra time in the second half and pondered the disappointment of finishing second in two consecutive competitions (2022 and 2024).

Japan’s captain Joel Chima Fujita was selected as the tournament’s Most Valuable Player (MVP), and Iraq’s Ali Jassim, who took third place, was the top scorer with four goals.

With the conclusion of this tournament, which also serves as the Asian qualifier for men’s soccer for the 2024 Paris Olympics, the formation of Olympic groups has also been completed.

Japan, the winner, will face Paraguay, Mali, and Israel in Group D, and runner-up Uzbekistan will face Spain, Egypt, and the Dominican Republic in Group C.

Iraq, which ranked third after defeating Indonesia led by Coach Shin Tae-yong in the third-place match, competes in Group C with Argentina, Morocco, and Ukraine.

However, Indonesia, which ranked 4th, must win the intercontinental playoff against Guinea (Africa) scheduled for the 9th to win the ‘last ticket’ to the Paris Olympics and fight in Group A with France, the United States, and New Zealand.

The outcome of this day’s final was decided in extra time in the second half.

Japan, who had failed to score in the 45th minute of the second half in a losing effort, scored the valuable winning goal in one minute of added time in the second half, which lasted 11 minutes.

The main character was midfielder Yamada, who came on in the 26th minute of the second half.

Japan launched a counterattack by blocking Uzbekistan’s pass near the center line, and after continuing a concise pass, Fuki Yamada, who took over the ball near the right side of the penalty arc, struck the goal with a left-footed shot to split the game.

Korean Taekwondo Aiming for Gold Kick with the Pride


Korean Taekwondo Aiming for Gold Kick with the Pride of the Leading Nation on the Line

The Olympic gold streak that was cut off in Tokyo will be continued in Paris.

Park Tae-jun, Seo Geon-woo, Lee Da-bin, and Kim Yu-jin will be going out… Aiming for at least one gold medal

Korean Taekwondo felt the pain of the global Taekwondo power leveling at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics held in 2021.

Korea, the home of Taekwondo, won one silver medal and two bronze medals, but failed to win a gold medal.

It was the first time since Taekwondo was adopted as an official Olympic event that Korea failed to win a gold medal at the Olympics. 토토사이트 추천

The Taekwondo team, which was devastated by the shock of not winning a gold medal, is determined to restore the pride of the home country at the 2024 Paris Olympics.

The national team has set a goal of winning at least one gold medal at this competition.

In fact, the prospects for Korean Taekwondo are not very bright.

Korea will send only four athletes to the Paris Olympics.

Park Tae-jun (Kyung Hee University) in the men’s 58kg class, Seo Geon-woo (Korea National Sport University) in the men’s 80kg class, and Lee Da-bin (Seoul City Hall) in the women’s over-67kg class secured tickets to Paris through the World Taekwondo Federation (WT) Olympic rankings, while Kim Yu-jin (Ulsan Metropolitan City Sports Council) in the women’s 57kg class caught the last train after going through the twists and turns of the Paris Olympic Asian Qualification Tournament.

This is the first time since the 2012 London Olympics that Korean taekwondo will send fewer than four athletes to the Olympics.

In order to prevent medals from being concentrated in certain countries, Olympic taekwondo was limited to two weight classes per country (men and women) up to a maximum of four athletes until the 2012 London Olympics.

Starting with the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympics, the number of athletes allowed was increased to one athlete per weight class, up to a maximum of eight.

Accordingly, Korea sent five athletes to the Rio de Janeiro Games and six to the Tokyo 2020 Games.

However, at the Paris Olympics, only four athletes will compete, the lowest number ever since the restrictions on the number of athletes per country were lifted.

Of course, all four athletes competing this time are evaluated as having the potential to win medals.

However, it is difficult to guarantee a gold medal.

Park Tae-jun is the next-generation ace who defeated Jang Jun (Korea Gas Corporation), the star of Korean taekwondo, in the domestic selection.

However, he has no Olympic experience, and the weight class is full of strong players such as Mohamed Khalil Zendoubi (Tunisia), the silver medalist at the Tokyo Olympics and world number one.

The 58kg class, the lightest weight class for men in Olympic taekwondo, is also a weight class with many variables.

Furthermore, Korean taekwondo has had a particularly bad relationship with the 58kg class for men in the Olympics.

Korea succeeded in winning medals in the weight class at the 2012 London Olympics (Lee Dae-hoon, silver medal), the 2016 Rio Olympics (Kim Tae-hoon, bronze medal), and the 2020 Tokyo Olympics (Jang Jun, bronze medal), but has never won a gold medal.

Park Tae-jun is determined to become the first Korean athlete to win a gold medal in the men’s 58 kg class at the Olympics.

Seo Geon-woo, On the Brink of Hell Due to a Mistake


Taekwondo Seo Geon-woo, On the Brink of Hell Due to a Mistake… Coach Oh Hye-ri Saved Him [2024 Paris Olympics]

Taekwondo Seo Geon-woo, dramatic quarterfinal advancement after decision overturn, protested coach, Rio Olympics gold medalist

Taekwondo athlete Seo Geon-woo was declared defeated by the referee after the second round.

Everyone thought he had lost, but coach Oh Hye-ri of the national taekwondo team ran into the stadium to protest.

Seo Geon-woo took the opportunity and won the match. 안전한 파워볼사이트

Seo Geon-woo (20, Korea National Sport University), a member of the Korean taekwondo team who dreams of a ‘golden victory’ for three consecutive days, made a comeback after a decision was overturned in the first match of the 2024 Paris Olympics.

Seo Geon-woo defeated Joaquin Churchil (Chile) 2-1 (6-8 16-16 14-1) in the round of 16 of the men’s 80 kg class taekwondo competition held at the Grand Palais in Paris, France on the 9th (local time) and advanced to the quarterfinals.

In rounds where the score is tied like the second round, the winner is decided in the following order: the player with more points from spinning kicks.

The player with more points from head-body-fists-deductions in that order, and the player with more valid strikes using electronic protectors.

Seo Geon-woo, who lost the first round, seemed to have given up the second round as well.

The referee also declared Churchil the winner after the second round.

However, due to the strong protest of national team Coach Oh Hye-ri, the judges gathered and reviewed each movement again, and the decision was overturned.

The second round was recognized as Seo Geon-woo’s victory.

Seo Geon-woo, who was determined, scored 8 consecutive points in 30 seconds in the fateful 3rd round to seize the opportunity and eventually won a complete victory with a score of 14-1.

Coach Oh Hye-ri, who showed determination in a moment of crisis, is the person who won the gold medal in the women’s 67 kg class of taekwondo at the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympics in Brazil.

At the time, she participated in the competition at the age of 29 and became the oldest gold medalist among Korean taekwondo athletes.

She was selected as the coach of the national taekwondo team for the 2024 Paris Olympics and is currently a professor in the Department of Physical Education at the College of Sport Science at Korea National Sport University.

Meanwhile, Seo Geon-woo’s social media is currently flooded with malicious comments from Chilean fans, Churchil’s nationality.

They are pouring out opinions in Spanish such as “she does not deserve to advance to the quarterfinals” and “there is a problem with the judging.”

Seo Geon-woo is expected to face the winner of the match between Jordan’s strong player and Tokyo Olympic silver medalist Salih El Sharabati (5th) and Henrique Marques Fernandes (Brazil, 23rd) in the quarterfinals.

2024 Paris Olympics, Coach Oh Hye-ri Apologize


Coach Oh Hye-ri, Apologize… World Taekwondo Federation Issues Warning [2024 Paris Olympics]

Seo Geon-woo’s Round of 16 match referee’s decision overturned, but… warning letter sent.

Oh Hye-ri, the coach of the Korean Taekwondo team for the 2024 Paris Olympics, has been warned by the World Taekwondo Federation (WT).

On the 9th (local time), immediately after the men’s 80kg class round of 16 match between Seo Geon-woo (Korea National Sport University) and Joaquin Churchil (Chile) ended, WT sent a ‘warning document’ to the Korea Sports Council demanding an apology from Coach Oh.

WT, which is in charge of the taekwondo competitions at the Paris Olympics, stipulates that protests against decisions should be made to the technical representative, not the referee. 토토사이트 추천

It also demands that spectators in the stadium refrain from any actions that induce a specific reaction.

Coaches and other game officials who violate these rules are subject to disciplinary action.

WT applied a ‘warning and public apology’ to Coach Oh, who protested the decision of the second round of Seo Geon-woo’s round of 16 match.

Seo Geon-woo won against Churchill 2-1 (6-8 16-16 14-1) in the round of 16 held at the Grand Palais in Paris, France on this day.

However, Churchill was declared the winner at the end of the second round.

Seo Geon-woo succeeded in a decisive back kick at the end of the second round and drew out his opponent’s points to make it 16-16.

In the event of a round tie, the winner is determined in the following order: the player with more points from the spinning kick, the player with more points from the head-body-fist-electric shock in that order, and the player with more effective electronic protector strikes.

When the referee announced Churchil as the winner instead of Seo Geon-woo, who had more successful spin attacks, Seo Geon-woo immediately protested to the referee, and Coach Oh also ran onto the court to raise an objection.

Coach Oh Hye-ri, who went back and forth between the court and the umpire’s seat for about 10 seconds, raised both arms in protest.

The decision was reviewed and the result was overturned to Seo Geon-woo’s victory.

It was also revealed that the operating system had prioritized the frequency of deductions over spin attacks.

However, Coach Oh could not avoid receiving a warning for violating the rules.

Meanwhile, Seo Geon-woo, who had recovered, advanced to the quarterfinals, but lost to Mehran Barhordari (Iran) in the semifinals with a round score of 1-2 (4-2 9-13 8-12).

He also lost to Eddie Hrinic (Denmark) in the third-place match with a round score of 0-2 (2-15 8-11), failing to win a medal.

Seo Geon-woo said, “After losing the match, I thought a lot that I had not put in enough effort.

I felt that my opponent had prepared harder,” and “If I compete in the next Olympics, I will prepare hard so that I do not feel this way.”

Imane Khalif Overcomes Gender Controversy


Khalif Overcomes Gender Controversy: “I Hope No One Will Be Criticized Like Me” [2024 Paris Olympics]

Paris Olympics Boxing Women’s 66kg Class Gold Medal “Criticism Pouring Out on SNS Harms Human Dignity”

“I am more than qualified to participate in the Olympics.

Like other women, I was born and lived as a woman.

I have said many times whether I am a woman or not.

The criticism motivated me, and I am even happier about the gold medal thanks to their attacks.” 안전놀이터

Imane Khalif (25, Algeria), who was embroiled in a gender controversy, said this while wearing the Olympic gold medal she had dreamed of around her neck.

On the 10th, at the Roland Garros Stadium in Paris, France, Khalifa won 5-0 by unanimous decision over Yang Liu (China) in the women’s 66kg boxing final at the 2024 Paris Olympics.

With this, Khalifa stands at the top of the podium with one win by disqualification and three unanimous decisions.

Khalifa, who was disqualified from the World Championships last year by the International Boxing Association (IBA) for having an “XY chromosome,” which is generally considered male, caused controversy over her gender while competing in the Olympics.

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) confirmed that Khalifa will not have any problems competing in the women’s boxing event, saying that gender is determined based on the passport.

After the medal ceremony, Khalifa emphasized in an official press conference, “What I want to say to the world is that everyone should follow the Olympic spirit and not slander others.”

He also expressed his hope that “there will be no one criticized like me at the Olympics in the future.”

The slander that “a man is competing in a women’s boxing match” was not limited to social media.

Italian Prime Minister Giorgio Meloni questioned IOC President Thomas Bach ahead of the match between Khalif and Angela Carini (Italy) in the round of 16, saying, “It is unfair for a male athlete to compete.”

World-renowned figures such as Harry Potter series author J.K. Rowling and Tesla CEO Elon Musk also criticized Khalif’s participation.

“The criticism I received on social media was very unfair and even undermined my human dignity,” Khalif said.

“But now, people’s minds have changed.”

He added, “Now the whole world knows the story of Imane Khalif,” and “I was born in a very poor family in a very small village in Algeria, and my family was always proud of me and encouraged me to box.”

Contrary to the criticism pouring in on social media, the only thing heard at Roland Garros, where the match was held, was the chanting of “Khalif.”

A large number of Algerian fans filled the stands and chanted his name throughout the game.

“I was encouraged by the support from the audience and fans,” said Imane Khalif.

“Algerian women are known for being strong and courageous.

They came to cheer me on and sent a message to the world.”

After the press conference, where only Khalif was asked questions, there was an unusual outburst of cheers and applause.

Taekwon V, Park Tae-jun’s Aerial Flip Transmitted in 30 Seconds


Taekwon V’ Park Tae-jun’s Aerial Flip Transmitted in 30 Seconds… Olympic Photo Restaurant Getty

450,000 Olympic photos, online transmission within 26 seconds of shooting A real-time response system is established with a remote editing system that takes time differences into account using technologies such as private 5G networks, Starlink, and robots.

The 2024 Paris Olympics is a competition venue for sweaty athletes, but it is also a competition venue for photojournalists.

In the era of film cameras, you could only know whether you had a good photo after developing the film.

For that photo to be known to the world, it had to go through a long process of developing, developing, printing, and delivering.

Even after the advent of digital cameras, it took a long time to transfer the photo from the memory card to the computer and upload it by connecting the computer to the network. 바카라사이트

It is different these days.

The countless photos taken on site are released to the world as the ‘best cut’ in just a few minutes.

It would take a lot of time just to select the good ones from the hundreds of photos taken at a time.

How is this possible?

On the 8th (local time), the American online media outlet Axios introduced the secrets of Olympic photo coverage by Getty Images, which has established itself as an ‘Olympic photo hotspot’.

Getty has taken approximately 456,000 photos of the Paris Olympics so far.

Getty’s goal for this Olympics was to distribute photos online within 26 seconds of shooting.

Among these, there are quite a few famous photos that have become topics of conversation.

One of the representative photos is the above photo of athlete Kim Ye-ji shooting.

The photo of singer Snoop Dogg making a surprised expression as if his eyes were about to pop out, and the photo of American gymnasts Simone Biles and Jordan Chiles playfully praising their Brazilian competitor Rebecca Andrade, who won the gold medal, are also considered famous scenes.

For Getty photographers who have to upload hundreds of large photos as soon as the game ends, the issue of ‘taking good photos’ is important, but the issue of ‘uploading good photos’ is the most important.

According to Axios, Getty invested heavily in technology to distribute a large volume of Olympic photos at high speed.

A representative example is securing a private 5G network for the Paris Olympics.

This is a measure to supplement wired Ethernet connections.

For example, Getty explained that it was able to transmit video data from numerous games being played simultaneously in real time through wireless communication installed at the Bersi Arena.

To supplement poor communication, it also signed a contract with satellite communication company Starlink.

Starlink allows communication even in the vast ocean where there is no Internet at all.

The Starlink modem was reportedly a backup option in case other networks were down.

Various new technologies were also introduced to obtain good photos.

Getty further strengthened underwater robot technology and used expensive remote-controlled cameras to supplement photos taken on land and provide a three-dimensional view.

The key to success is human resource management.

Getty has deployed editors in London, Australia, and the United States to remotely edit photos sent from Paris in real time.

With a strategy of having people in charge in the continental United States, Australia in the Pacific, and Europe respond immediately, they quickly grasped local demand and sent photos 24 hours a day, “without time difference.”

‘Ahn Jun-ho System’ First Win in Men’s Basketball

'안준호 체제' 남자농구 첫승…안방서 34점 차로 태국 완파

‘Ahn Jun-ho System’ First Win in Men’s Basketball… They Defeated Thailand by 34 Points at Home

96-62 win with overwhelming height and speed… Grabs 48 rebounds and causes 17 errors.

The Korean men’s basketball team, which started anew under coach Ahn Jun-ho, comfortably reported its first win by defeating Thailand by 34 points at home.

The national team led by Coach Ahn defeated Thailand 96-62 in the second round of Group A of the 2025 International Basketball Federation (FIBA) Asia Cup qualifiers held at the Wonju Sports Complex in Gangwon-do on the 25th.

Korea (1 win, 1 loss), who lost 71-85 in the away game against Australia on the 22nd, recorded its first win in the preliminary round with this game. 파워볼게임

The Korean men’s basketball team has never lost to Thailand since the 1966 Bangkok Asian Games.

In this preliminary round, which will determine the team that will advance to the FIBA Asia Cup finals to be held in Saudi Arabia in August 2025, 24 countries will be divided into 6 groups and compete in a home-and-away format until February next year.

The top two countries in each group will advance directly to the finals, and four of the six countries ranked third in each group will also advance to the finals.

Korea (51st in FIBA rankings) is competing in Group A along with Australia (4th), Indonesia (74th), and Thailand (91st).

Coach Ahn, who was appointed as the new head coach of the Korean men’s basketball team last month and returned to the field as an on-field leader after 12 years, experienced the joy of his first win.

Coach Ahn increased the intensity of pressure from the beginning of the game by sending out Byun Jun-hyung (Sangmu), Oh Jae-hyeon (SK), Yang Hong-seok (LG), Kang Sang-jae (DB), and La Geon-ah (KCC) as starters.

As Oh Jae-hyeon and Byun Jun-hyung, who possess all of the physique, strength, and speed among Korean guards, put pressure on them without stopping, Thailand struggled, making 4 errors in just 3 minutes of the game.

Thailand, which was outrebounded by 7 to 13 in rebounds, was outclassed in both height and speed and was down 15 to 28 from the first quarter.

In the second quarter, Korea’s pressure became even stronger.

Korea, with forwards Sang-jae Kang and Kyo-chang Song (KCC) adding to the pressure, increased the speed of the attack and scored 16 points through fast breaks in the first half alone.

In particular, the time taken to drive the ball to the opposing side right after the rebound was shortened as much as possible, creating the effect that the opponent was facing a fast break every time they attacked.

Guards such as Oh Jae-hyun, Byun Jun-hyung, and Lee Woo-seok (Hyundai Mobis) also showed concentration in defense, lowering the opponent’s main gun Frederick Risch’s field goal success rate to 25%.

Korea took the lead early with a gap of more than 20 points in the first half alone, and at the end of the third quarter, Ha Yoon-gi (KT) scored a refreshing dunk after Song Kyo-chang’s steal to run away with a 30-point lead, 72-42.

Naturalized player La Gun-ah, whose ‘four-party contract’ that includes not only the professional basketball team Busan KCC but also the national team and KBL expires in May, showed off her skills by playing only about 17 minutes and scoring 15 points.

If the parties do not agree on an extension contract, this could be Laguna’s last game wearing the national team uniform.

Ha Yoon-gi also showed off his score from behind the goal with 13 points and 14 rebounds.

The remaining forwards, including Kim Jong-gyu (14 points), Yang Hong-seok (13 points), and Kang Sang-jae (10 points), also played their part.

Women’s Volleyball GS Caltex Defeats IBK and Revives PS

여자배구 GS칼텍스, IBK 꺾고 PS 불씨 살려…남자부 OK 3위 탈환(종합)

Women’s Volleyball GS Caltex Defeats IBK and Revives PS… Men’s OK Regained 3rd Place

4th place GS Caltex escapes 4 consecutive losses, chasing 3rd place Cheong Kwan Jang by 5 points.

OK Financial Group easily overpowers last place KB Insurance.

GS Caltex revived the spark of hope to advance to the postseason. 카지노사이트

GS Caltex defeated IBK Industrial Bank with a set score of 3-0 (25-23 25-19 25-22) in the professional volleyball Dodram 2023-2024 V League women’s home game held at Jangchung Gymnasium in Seoul on the 25th.

4th place GS Caltex (48 points, 17 wins, 14 losses), which broke away from a 4-game losing streak and earned 3 valuable points, narrowed the gap to 5 points with 3rd place CheongKwanJang (53 points, 17 wins, 14 losses), which had a 4-game winning streak.

In the V-League, if the point difference between 3rd and 4th place is 3 or less, a semi-playoff is held.

GS Caltex’s realistic goal is to further narrow the gap with Cheong Kwan-Jang in the remaining five games and make the semi-playoffs.

5th place IBK Industrial Bank (44 points, 14 wins, 17 losses) was unable to add points, making the path to ‘Spring Volleyball’ narrower.

IBK Industrial Bank of Korea finished its match against GS Caltex this season with 2 wins, 4 losses, and an inferiority finish.

Giselle Silva (registered name Silva), the best striker in the V-League women’s division this season, played the role of GS Caltex’s main gun on this day, scoring 28 points with a high attack success rate of 60%.

Korean wing striker Kang So-hwi, who struggled in the 5th round, also helped Silva by scoring 12 points in the first game of the 6th round.

At the IBK Industrial Bank of Korea, Brittney Abercrombie (20 points) and Seungju Pyo (15 points) fought hard, but starting setter Ponpoon Gerpard (registered name Ponpoon) was replaced at the end of the first set due to hand pain and was unable to return to the court.

This has become monotonous.

GS Caltex, which took the lead in the first set thanks to Kang So-hwi’s performance, added one point at 20-18 with a quick open by new Asian quarter player Darin Pinsu-wan (registered name Darin), and made it 22-18 due to opponent Ponpoon’s double attack mistake. It came out.

When trailing again at 23-21, Kang So-hwi created a set point with a quick open, and at 24-23, Silva ended the set with an open attack.

GS Caltex, which easily won the second set, suffered a strong counterattack from IBK Industrial Bank of Korea in the third set.

However, at 16-15 in the third set, a double attack aimed at an empty spot by setter Ahn Hye-jin fell inside the court and took a breather.

Then, when the opponent Seo-young Yook’s hard hit hit Su-ji Han’s head and floated high, Su-jin Han quickly found the spot where the ball fell and saved the ball, and So-hwi Kang scored with an open attack to make it 18-15.

Silva scored a quick opener into the court at 24-22, putting the game on the line.

In the men’s division, OK Financial Group, led by main gun Leonardo Leyva Martinez (registered name Leo), easily defeated KB Insurance, which ranked last, and regained third place.

OK Financial Group won the home game held at Sangnoksu Gymnasium in Ansan with a set score of 3-0 (25-20 25-16 25-21) over KB Insurance.

OK Financial Group reduced Korea Electric Power Corporation (47 points, 16 wins, 15 losses) to 4th place by reaching 50 points (17 wins, 14 losses).

KB Insurance, ranked last (7th), suffered 9 consecutive losses.

This season’s men’s team shows mixed results.

The difference in points from 3rd place OK Financial Group to 6th place Hyundai Capital (44 points, 14 wins, 17 losses) is only 6 points.

The teams ranked 3rd to 6th all have 5 games left this season.

On this day, Leo led the attack with 22 points, the most for both teams, including 2 blocking points and 3 serve aces.

The attack success rate was 60.71%.

Bayard Saihan also played an active role with 11 points, including 4 blocking goals.

Shin Jin-seo Exceeds 600 Million Won in Two Months

두 달 만에 6억원 돌파 신진서, 연간 상금 얼마나 경신할까

Shin Jin-seo Exceeds 600 Million Won in Two Months, How Much will he Break the Annual Prize Money?

360 million won including winning the LG Cup in January… Nongshim pear expected to be worth KRW 278 million.

Expected to win multiple awards in Eungssi pear, Lanke pear, Samsung Fire pear, and Chunran pear

Shin Jin-seo (23), 9th dan, the world’s strongest baduk player in name and reality, is doing something unusual in the early part of Gapjin year.

Shin Jin-seo, born in March 2000, celebrated his year and surpassed 600 million won in prize money less than two months later.

According to the Korea Foundation, which announces prize money rankings every month, Shin Jin-seo earned 360,946,000 won in prize money in January alone. 바카라사이트

This amount is much more than twice that of the second-ranked 9-dan reimbursement (159,512,000 won).

The new 9-dan team achieved a high-flying record of 11 wins and 1 loss in the KB Baduk League and China Gapjo League, including defeating Byeon Sang-il in the LG Cup finals, a major world tournament held in January, and receiving 300 million won in prize money.

In February, the team is on an 8-game winning streak, including the Nongshim Shin Ramyun Cup, which led Korea to its 4th consecutive win with a ‘6-game winning streak’.

Although the Korea Football Association has not yet tallied the prize money for February, Shin Jin-seo is expected to receive a prize money equivalent to winning the LG Cup only in the Nongshim Cup.

The prize money for winning the Nongshim Cup, a team event, is divided according to the national team’s internal agreement, without disclosing the distribution method externally.

According to the Korea Football Association, last year, 70% of the Nongshim Cup winning prize money was distributed equally among the participating players, 20% was paid as a winning allowance, and 10% was paid as a winning decision allowance.

In other words, 350 million won, which is 70% of the championship prize money of 500 million won, is divided equally among the five players as participation allowances, and Shin Jin-seo, who won 6 consecutive wins alone, 8th dan Seol Hyun-jun, who did not have a single win, and 9th dan Byeon Sang-il, Won Seong-jin, and Park Jeong-hwan are equally 7-dan.

Each receives 10 million won.

The winning allowance, which is 20% of the total prize money, is 100 million won, but since Shin Jin-seo is the only player to win this tournament, he will take it alone.

The 10% winning decision allowance of 50 million won also belongs to Shin Jin-seo.

It is known that this method has been agreed upon again this year, and Shin Jin-seo is expected to receive 220 million won out of the total prize money of 500 million won in the Nongshim Cup.

In addition, Nongshim Cup pays match fees and winning streak prize money to individual players separately from the winning prize money.

The match fee is 3 million won per game, and the prize money for consecutive wins is 10 million won for three consecutive wins, with an additional 10 million won paid for each additional win thereafter.

Shin Jin-seo, who won six games in a row at this Nongshim Cup, will receive 18 million won in match fees and 40 million won in prize money for consecutive wins.

Accordingly, Shin Jin-seo’s total income from Nongshim Pear will be 278 million won.

Shin Jin-seo, who has an incredible winning percentage of 19 wins and 1 loss this year, will already exceed 600 million won just by adding the Nongshim Cup prize money to his January prize money.

Since 2020, when Shin Jin-seo established himself as the number one player in Korean baduk, he has surpassed 1 billion won in prize money every year and has been crowned the prize money king for four consecutive years.

The highest annual prize money in KEPCO history is 1.4796 billion won, recorded by Shin Jin-seo last year.

Last year, Shin Jin-seo received $400,000 (approximately 530 million won) for winning the Eungssi Cup, known as the ‘Olympics of Baduk’, and received 140 million won for participating in the Nongshim Cup only for Choi Jong-guk.

Although he did not win any other world tournaments, he won over 1.4 billion won in prize money through six domestic tournament titles and the KB Baduk League and China Gapjorig.

This year, there is a growing possibility that the annual prize money will exceed 1.5 billion won for the first time in Korea.

Considering Shin Jin-seo’s skills that have reached their peak, it is predicted that he will win multiple titles in the remaining world events this year, such as the Eungssi Cup, Lanke Cup, Samsung Fire & Marine Cup, and Chunran Cup.

Shin Jin-seo, who returned to Korea on the 24th after leading the miraculous comeback win of the Nongshim Cup in Shanghai, China, said at an airport press conference, “This year, I want to show that I always win at the world championships.”

Fans are expecting Shin Jin-seo, who is full of confidence as well as his skills to be the ‘world’s strongest’, to reach his most spectacular peak in the ‘Year of the Dragon’ in which he was born.