Macau gaming industry expects earnings of $2.36 billion in March 2024

Some hotel owners believe in superstitions and are ready to take actions that many would find laughable when they start a business. Such actions sometimes include excluding certain room numbers to make customers wander through the halls in search of room 13 without knowing that they have included room number 12A to avoid bad luck and a shortage of customers in the early days of business.

$307 million selling price:

Such an owner would, therefore, consider it natural for Macau Hotel THE 13 to demand the best bid to sell the property, which has gone bankrupt and is in question at a suggested price of $307 million. The bid will reportedly be overseen by property firm Jones Lang LaSalle and will be available by April 5, 2024, by more than 20 parties who have expressed interest in the property.

The source reported that when hotel owners declared bankruptcy last year, many of the 196 rooms were not completed, so the bidding price would definitely be part of the investment needed for resort accommodation. As reported, THE 13″s insolvency was a direct liquidation result of its sole beneficial owner, New Concordia Hotels Limited. Concordia, under pressure from creditors, was forced by its parent South Shore Holdings to make a voluntary liquidation request in a Macau court, according to the IAG.

Delayed Resort Launch:

The flow of such events reportedly came from the development of a resort that made the launch of THE 13 ill-timed. According to a report by IAG, Stephen Hung, the president of THE 13, envisioned a luxury resort in the early 2010s that would include 66 VIP gaming tables, which were then expected to provide top-notch services for Macau’s booming VIP sector. However, times were changing, as the property was reportedly facing investment and construction delays, and would only open in 2018. According to reports, the hotel spent $1.6 billion witnessing rapid developments in the competitor-handled VIP gaming tables and public gaming sectors.

Failing such a high price, it was reported that the owner, Souther, was forced to suspend all operations and declare bankruptcy in October 2021. The creditor, who made a statutory payment request for the $423 million outstanding debt amid the threat of a court petition, stamped his stamp on the fate of Concorde and THE13. According to sources, Chairman Peter Corker Jr. resigned from his position at the company in October 2022 to close the story of the failure.

Waiting for the highest bid:

From the beginning of the article, the imaginary hotel owner criticized the resort’s name and stuck to a room number pattern. But the U.S. Department of Justice seems to have been less superstitious. Sources said they accused the resigned chairman, Peter Corker Jr., of manipulating stock prices and arrested him in Thailand in January 2023. Thirteen are currently waiting for the best bid to start all over, with good luck.  바카라사이트

Macau gaming industry expects earnings of $2.36 billion in March 2024ultima modifica: 2024-04-26T05:03:40+02:00da cmriindia025

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