KT Song Young-jin, who is on the defensive, catches Heo Hoon’s cold

“Of course, it’s all-out war. Hur Hoon caught a cold. I went to the hospital in the morning. I took a rest in the afternoon. I think I can take a 40-minute break today, but I think I’ll have to watch it,” KT coach Song Young-jin said ahead of the fourth game against KCC in the 2023-2024 professional basketball championship game at Sajik Gymnasium in Busan on Thursday.

There has also been a change in the starting lineup. “Moon will be out, and Moon will start again. To strengthen his offense capability,” Song said. “Moon is good at rebounding offense, and the key is outside shot. While serving as a defense, he also added Moon Sung-gon who can throw outside shots.”

Paris Bath’ KCC defense is tight. “I think we need to schedule the time to play. I think we need to set the timing for the break considering the matchup as well. I always say I’m confident in my physical strength, but I see that I’m losing weight,” Song said.

BY: 토토사이트

KT Song Young-jin, who is on the defensive, catches Heo Hoon’s coldultima modifica: 2024-05-04T05:58:57+02:00da cmriindiaorgesports0

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