Coffee Table Size Guide

With the many options available, choosing the right size table to fit in with your sofa and any other seating arrangements in the space is crucial. An appropriately sized coffee table can enhance the flow and effectiveness of the living area. You don’t want the table to be difficult to reach or too large that it impedes moving to the other areas of the room. To determine the right size of coffee table to fit your space, it is essential to take measurements and evaluate the three main factors that matter such as length, height, and
Coffee Table Height
For the best appearance to look its best, your coffee table must be at the same height, or one to two inches smaller than the top of the cushions on your chairs or sofa. If it is higher, it could overwhelm the rest of your furniture in the space. If it is lower, the table will force guests and you to be able to reach further than is necessary to pick things from the tables.

The typical height of a coffee table is typically 16-18 inches, a size which is a good match for the standard sofa. The normal sofa’s seat height measures 17 to 18 inches between the ground and the edge of the seat cushion. The higher the sofa and the more spacious the coffee table can be. Also, the smaller the sofa is in relation to the table, the lower it is required to be.

Coffee Table Length

In determining the best length for your coffee table it is advisable to consider using your sofa as a guide. The size of the table is a crucial factor and just as a coffee table that’s too tall can overpower your sofa, one that’s too wide can overwhelm your sofa and impede mobility throughout the space. To determine the best length, choose a coffee table that’s around two-thirds long as the width of your sofa. For example, a couch whose length is 84 inches will require a table around 56 inches long. This will ensure that the table will be at hand when you are sitting on either end of the couch, but give plenty of space for walking around.

Coffee Table Placement

Your coffee table should not be a hurdle that you must navigate through when trying to walk around your room. The main thing to consider is how you arrange your coffee table relative to the other furniture in your space. As a general rule, you’ll want to place your coffee table about 12-18 inches from the sofa or chairs. If you place the table too close to your furniture, it can become something you trip over. If it’s not far enough away then you could find yourself and your guests hesitant to use it.

How do you measure and determine the best Coffee Table Size

A table that is not the right size has the potential to make an appearance that makes the furniture’s dimensions appear off. To measure for success, grab your measuring tape . Follow these guidelines:

– Measure starting from your floor and ending at the chair or sofa cushion.

– Find the length of the chair, sofa, or seating grouping.

– Select a table that’s no more than two inches below the top of the sofa or chair cushion. The length of the table should be approximately two-thirds of how long the sofa.

An coffee tables should be one of the first major pieces of furniture you choose for your living space since this will allow you to figure out what size coffee table is best to fill your space much more easily. When shopping for a coffee table, keep length and height in your consideration along with the overall size of your space in order to avoid overcrowding, overwhelming, or underwhelming your space. Choosing the right color, shape, and design of the form of a coffee table is crucial to set the tone in your space. For more tips about how to select the ideal coffee table, look up our Coffee Table Shopping Guide.

Coffee Table Size Guideultima modifica: 2022-02-25T10:08:22+01:00da dianesizemore