Few Facts Should Be Know Before Getting A Massage

Getting a massage could be a method to relieve stress, relax, or address a medical issue. It is possible to find a massage practitioner for a variety of different massages. You can also self-massage or have someone else perform massage practices at home.

There is no set of guidelines on the amount of messages you may receive however, a massage practitioner or physician may suggest a frequency and duration that will work best for your needs.

Massages for injury are typically more frequent, whereas massages for pampering or relaxation are not as frequent.

What’s ideal?

Massage frequency and duration will depend on the kind of massage you’d like to have and the region you wish to focus on. Many studies have recommended the use of a specific massage time and frequency in order to treat conditions that are underlying to health, such as injuries or pain.

Speak to a massage practitioner to find out how often you should visit them to discuss your concerns.

If regular massages aren’t within your budget, you can consider stretching out the time between each session. It is also possible get massage techniques that you can practice at home regularly on a regularly basis with a physician, massage therapist, or any other medical professional.

Different types of massage

Lymphatic drainage massage

This kind of massage can be beneficial for draining lymph nodes that are affected by recent surgery or medical condition. It can increase the flow of lymphatic fluid into your lymph nodes and release fluid build-up.

It is possible to require this massage regularly at first, but over time you will be able to try it at least two or three times per week.

Lymphatic drainage massage is best performed by professional professional. They may also instruct you to practice certain massage techniques by yourself.

Deep tissue massage

A deep tissue massage employs forceful, slow strokes that penetrate the deeper muscle layers and connective tissue. This kind of massage is targeted at muscle injuries caused by injuries.

You may seek deep tissue massages daily at least once a week, or a couple of times per month to relieve the pain. Your massage professional can suggest the frequency and time frame to treat the health condition prompting this type of massage.

Scalp massage

A scalp massage can be very relaxing, and it may even lower your blood pressure as well as heart rate.

A study from Korea showed that women working in offices experienced these health benefits as a result of the 15- or 25-minute massages on the scalp every each week over a period of 10 weeks.

You may find a regular scalp massage makes you feel more relaxed and improves your overall outlook.

Full-body massage

An all-body massage is commonly referred to as a Swedish massage. This kind of massage helps to relax. You can seek this kind of massage at least once every few weeks, or monthly to help you feel more centered and less anxious.

Massage chair

There are many options for the massage chair to relieve sore muscles or assists you to relax.

A study pilot found that healthy adults experienced positive benefits of sitting in the massage chair for 20 minutes or more.

You could be able to experience this kind of massage at home with the purchase of an massage chair or locate a space in the outside of your home that you can utilize the chair occasionally or on a regular basis.

For the conditions

Massage can help ease specific pain or discomfort, as well as reduce stress and anxiety. It can also help during pregnancy. You might require frequent massages to provide pain relief, or you could find that less frequent but regularly scheduled messages for emotional well-being are useful.

Back pain

Regular massage can help ease back pain. One study trusted Source showed that deep tissue massage done every day for 30 minutes for 10 days decreased pain for patients.

Neck neck pain

Massage can help alleviate neck discomfort in the short-term, and getting frequent massages may be most beneficial.

Anxiety and stress

It is possible that getting a massage once or twice a month helps calm anxiety and tension.

Consider an hour-long massage specifically designed for relaxation. Based on the Mayo Clinic, this could lower your cortisol levels by 30 percent, and increase the levels of serotonin up to 28 percent. This will relax you and boost your mental health.


A study from 2010, Trusted Source, found that regular, light massage that is performed by someone at home or by a massage therapist could contribute to a healthy psychological state as well as lessening back and leg pain.

A 20-minute weekly massage by an professional, and two one-hour massages by someone at home, may be sufficient to reduce anxiety and stress and physical signs of pregnancy.

The study also found that a 15-minute 출장마사지 in each hour of labor could also shorten the overall duration of labor and lessen the amount of medication you need.



Massages can bring numerous benefits, such as:

– stress reduction

– reduction in pain

– lower blood pressure

– the release of tension in muscles


Massages are not always the best option for you when you suffer from particular health conditions. You should use caution if you are suffering from:

– broken or fractured bones

– a bleeding disorder

– burns or open wounds

– cancer

– osteoporosis

– other medical conditions that are serious

If you’re expecting then your physician or massage therapist might suggest against massage in the first trimester, especially if you have an elevated blood pressure a high risk pregnancy, or had surgery. Choose a massage therapist who is experienced on prenatal massage to ensure that you receive a message that is safe and healthy for your pregnancy.

There are a few dangers that could arise when you go for massage therapy. massage. If you have an enlargement of blood or an background of blood clots, it is recommended to consult with your physician prior to having the massage. During the massage the blood clots may be released and travel through your blood vessels and eventually to the heart or lungs. This can lead to a heart attack or blocked blood vessels.

You shouldn’t continue the massage or request a massage if you experience discomfort.

When should you see a doctor?

Most massages are considered safe. Talk to your doctor before getting one if you have an illness that’s serious. It is possible to ask for massage therapist recommendations from your doctor to ensure you can choose the one that meets your needs.

Massage isn’t a substitute for other medical treatments that are needed to treat an underlying disease. Be aware of any discomfort, symptoms, or other serious symptoms like chest pain, difficulty breathing or loss of consciousness.

The final line

There are numerous reasons to schedule regular, semi-regular, or occasional massages. You may need to address an illness or need an opportunity to relax and unwind from the everyday stress.

Find out what kind you’d like to receive. massage you’d like to receive and discuss your needs with an massage professional or doctor should you have to treat an illness that is underlying.

Few Facts Should Be Know Before Getting A Massageultima modifica: 2022-02-28T11:22:15+01:00da dianesizemore