Kim Ha-sung and Adames are fiercely competing for FA shortstop

Among the shortstop who will become a FA after this season, Kim Ha-sung (San Diego Padres) and Willie Adames (Millywood Brewers) are considered “big fish.”
They are 28 years old, the same age. However, Adames has six years of experience in the Major League, which is larger than Kim Ha-sung, who has four years of experience.

His overall batting average is similar. Adames is 0.249 and Kim Ha-sung is 0.243.

Adames is paid 12 million dollars this year. Kim Ha-sung’s annual salary is 7 million dollars.

Last year, Adames had 24 home runs but only had a batting average of 0.217. Kim hit a career high with a batting average of 0.260 and 17 home runs.

The two players are being considered as candidates for recruitment by the Los Angeles Dodgers. They could be traded in the middle of this season.

Adames is off to a good start this season. He has a batting average of 0.278 with six home runs. Kim Ha-sung hit four home runs with 0.218.

MLBTR focused on Adames on the 3rd (Korea Standard Time).

Three free agents signed for the 29th season were introduced. Dansby Swanson signed a seven-year, $177 million contract with the Chicago Cubs, and Javier Báez signed a six-year, $140 million contract with the Detroit Tigers. Trevor Story also signed a six-year, $140 million contract with the Boston Red Sox.

Adames can sign a contract on a similar scale to them.

Kim Ha-sung is expected to be at a similar level. However, his performance is not enough

BY: 메이저 토토사이트

Kim Ha-sung and Adames are fiercely competing for FA shortstopultima modifica: 2024-05-04T05:17:17+02:00da edwardsrailcarcom01

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