Be weary and leery when it comes to standardized tests

Be weary and leery when it comes to standardized tests and things of
that nature that attempt to gauge your intelligence, aptitude, or
ability to achieve at your given goal or dreams. Please don’t
misunderstand me, such things can and do have their place and even be
quite effective in steering a person towards the right career path,
classes to take in college, or which educational degree to pursue.

The flip side of the coin, however; is that they can also end up
being terribly fatalistic with regards to what *you* believe you’re
suited for, career wise, starting your own business, etc., or
personally capable of achieving for that matter! I can’t help but
wonder how many people have fallen victim to such things simply
because they believed such tests to be all knowing.

Along the same lines, what about how many people were literally
discouraged from doing something they might otherwise have thoroughly
enjoyed doing. Perhaps through shear perseverance even have come to
excel in the given area. One might cite Albert Einstein as such an
example. Following his early years in education one would have Air Hose Reels Manufacturers been
hard pressed to assume he’d earn the label of “genius”.

The problem as I see it, strictly from my observations and personal
experience with a number of “great achievers” if you will, is that
absolute love and excitement for what you do is far more often what
leads to one’s eventual success and achievements in a given area.
Rarely is it how someone may, or may not have scored on a given test.

I’d like to use myself as an example. The simple fact is if you were
to look at absolutely any of my tests, etc. and judge me solely on
that basis you’d say there was no way I’d have been fortunate enough
to experience many of the things I’ve done. Please don’t assume I am
tooting my own horn here, ok? The point I am trying to make is simply

The tests may have been correct. I might have been “better suited” in
other areas of life. Things might have come easier in the short run
had I chosen another career choice. The thing is that I wanted to
take my own path so much, that through my own life experiences I was
able to figure my way around many of the stumbling blocks I’ve run

Certainly I’ve made my share of mistakes. I’ve missed the boat on a
whole lot of opportunities as well I’d bet. Perhaps things might have
even been a bit easier had I followed the advice of others and the
tests I’d taken. The thing is though, I’d have missed so much.

I’d have missed a whole lot of happiness along the way as well.
Perhaps most of all, I’d have missed sharing this very writing with
you. My friend, follow your dream even when conventional wisdom might
suggest otherwise.

Article Tags:         Conventional Wisdom,        Might Have,        Have Missed