Nutritional yeast flakes for savoury flavour

Nutritional yeast is a tasty substitute used in dairy-free dishes to add flavour. Nutritional yeast is a type of yeast called saccharomyces cerevisiae. 

Although brewer’s yeast and baker’s yeast are technically made from the same type of yeast, it is important to note that dietary yeast is a very different product.

Nutritional yeast is one of the innovative food solutions that is grown exclusively for food and used as an ingredient. To produce it, the cells are grown for several days in a medium rich in sugar. The yeast is then heat deactivated, harvested, washed, and dried. It is ready to be ground into powder or flax and added to food.

Yeast cells die during manufacture, so dietary yeast is not alive, it is a fermented inactive yeast that does not grow. Dairy-free recipes are used in cooking to give flavours of cheese, nuts and is a popular food product used in vegan cooking to add extra protein and vitamins and minerals to the diet.

Studies show that due to its nutritional value, yeast in this form improves a person’s energy, boosts their immune system, and protects the body from free radical damage, with a wide range of potential health benefits.

It contains low in calories and sodium. It is free of sugar, gluten, grains (wheat, corn, rice), soy, eggs, starch, dyes or preservatives.

Nutritional yeast is a complete protein because it contains the nine amino acids that our body obtains only from food. It is rich in B vitamins (especially thymine, riboflavin, niacin, B6 and B12). It also contains minerals such as zinc, selenium and manganese.

Diet yeast can boost your immune system and reduce inflammation: Diet yeast contains 2 important carbohydrates, alpha-mannan and beta-glucan.

Studies show that they prevent pathogenic bacteria from attaching to the intestinal lining. They stimulate immune cells, make them more effective in fighting infections and are linked to certain toxins that yeast can produce in food crops and reduce their harmful effects.

Energy Booster – Nutritional yeast has vitamin B12. This vitamin can help increase energy levels, as a B12 deficiency can lead to fatigue and weakness.

Nutritional yeast contains antioxidants glutathione and selenomethionine. They protect our cells from damage caused by free radicals and heavy metals and also help our bodies eliminate toxins from the environment.

It promotes healthy skin, hair, and nails: Recent research suggests that dietary yeast can combat broken nails and hair loss, and improve some common skin problems, such as acne.

As mentioned above, dietary yeast tastes delicious, cheesy or nutty. It comes in flakes, granulated, or powdered form. Use as a condiment for savoury dishes or sprinkle on salads to add extra protein and nutrients. 

You can add nutritional cheese to white cauliflower or nut milk sauces, mix to hot savoury dishes, thicken gravies, stews and sauces, add to stuffing mixtures, stir into creamy type soups, etc.

Nutritional yeast flakes for savoury flavourultima modifica: 2022-01-03T12:08:52+01:00da davidmillers