As with most painting jobs proper surface preparation

You want to have the best looking garage floor in the neighborhood? An epoxy floor maybe just which are looking for an epoxy floor can easily be installed in a weekend it is much easier than you may have thought. If you can imagine pulling your car into an immaculate garage with a floor that rivals an auto showroom. Some of Cement mini Buddha Statues Manufacturers the benefits of an epoxy floor are its ability to resist oil and grease; most any liquid can easily be cleaned up off from the floor. If before you begin their are a couple of things that need to be answered first if you’re dealing with a new floor you will want to wait approximately 30 days before applying the epoxy floor. If you’re dealing with an older garage floor you’ll need to test your concrete for moisture, to do this simply take a piece of plastic approximately 3ft. square and tape it down to the surface leave it on for at least 24 hours. Pull off the plastic and look at the surface of the concrete if the surface looks damp you have water seeping up through the concrete if this condition exists the epoxy will not stick to the floor. If you’re cement has a sealer on it the epoxy will also not stick. If your cement passes the tests you are ready to begin to choose a weekend that is dry you do not want to apply a proxy when it is raining outside. As with most painting jobs proper surface preparation is the key to success the first step is to clean any oil spots you can do this with a mild detergent and a scrub brush. Once the floor is clean of any oil you want to etch the floor this is usually done with a mild acid solution check the directions supplied with your paint for this step. If the final step before painting is to fill any cracks that you now want to show up in the new floor. As a tip depending on how dirty your floor is you may want to rent a floor cleaner or if your floor is really bad you may want to rent a cement resurfacing machine. The actual painting of the floor is quite simple you’ll need to mix you’re a proxy according to manufacturer’s recommendation and apply with a roller just like you would paint a wall. Usually the proxy needs to dry overnight and you can add a second coat the following day. Some manufactures it was supply you with small paint chipsChina artificial potted plant Company that you can sprinkle on the final coat while it is still wet giving your floor a speckled look. Depending on the manufacture you may need to wait several days before driving on your new floor.