Digital marketing – what is it and what is it used for?

This is exactly what my grandfather said when he wanted to know about something incomprehensible, in his understanding. Of course, the first words were different, but the essence does not change. In this publication, I will try to tell as much as possible about  digital marketing  and why it is needed.

Digital marketing – a little history

Our world is moving at an incredible speed, everything is changing faster than ever. Ten years ago, basic SEO knowledge was enough to get your site to the top of the search results. Then came paid advertising on Google and social networks – and instead of waiting for the site to rise in the SERPs, you could immediately attract visitors using advertising. This is how  Internet marketing appeared  – a set of tools and practices for promoting your product on the Internet. Every year, there are more users on the Internet, the competition for their attention is higher, services and tools for working with the audience are much wider. If you are interested in business associates background check, follow the link to find out more.

Companies began to redistribute their budgets in favor of Internet channels, and as a result, only knowledge in Internet marketing was not enough, which marked the beginning of the era of  digital marketing . In particular, its new directions: mobile marketing, marketing in Smart-TV, etc., but let’s get it right.

What is Digital Marketing

Digital marketing (digital or interactive marketing) is  the use of all possible forms of digital channels to promote a brand. In our time, this includes: television, radio, the Internet, social media and other forms. Digital marketing  is closely intertwined with online marketing, but it has already developed a number of techniques that allow you to reach the target audience even offline (using applications on phones, sms / mms, advertising displays on the streets, VR, etc.).

Here I wanted to say that  digital  is the evolution of the development of  Internet marketing , but this is a little different. If only because it effectively uses such channels as: mobile marketing, for example, advertising applications or advertising through traditional sms, LCD exhibition stands in stores, data collection and communication with the user via IoT ( Internet of things ) – for example, smart bracelets, refrigerators, home and more. Today, even cars like the Tesla are more of a computer with network access than a simple means of transportation.

So, it is a complex discipline (based on digital technologies), using different types of marketing to promote a product, where Internet marketing is a significant part of it, but not the only part. Today,  digital marketing   is beginning to widely use traditional types of advertising, the main task of which is to “capture” the attention of the audience and drag it into the virtual world. The most obvious example is  QR codes  in advertising posters and magazines.

Popular promotion channels in digital marketing

  • The most important , by right, can be called the  Internet  and devices that provide access to it  ( computers, tablets, smartphones, etc. ). As a means of obtaining information, communication and self-realization of a person.
  • Local networks .   The internal computer networks of companies ( Extranet ) or urban areas are, in fact, self-sufficient information systems. Where users can communicate, play, share the necessary information. At the moment, the integration of local networks with the Internet is gradually taking place. By the way,  Mesh networks  can also fall into this category.
  • Mobile devices and tablets .  Previously, brands delivered messages via SMS messages, now the installation of applications, the use of games and mechanics related to the user’s geolocation (Pokemon Go example) and others are popular.
  • Digital television ,  every year more and more confidently crowds out analog and is gradually integrating with Internet applications . Already now you can use your TV to go to your Facebook page, watch a video on vimeo or find out the latest news.
  • Interactive screens ,  POS terminals.  We often encounter them in the store, on the street, even in subway cars. This is a type of digital media that is gradually replacing standard outdoor advertising, because it allows you to interact much more closely with the consumer and hook him with a message or, like POS terminals, help him make purchases.
  • IoT – Internet of things  – devices that can collect information, use it or transfer it to other media. For example ,  smart watch , smart socket, smart home, cars.
  • Blockchain / DAG systems  are decentralized systems that should replace the traditional Internet and become the new web 3.0. It is placed in a separate category, since it is not necessary to have access to the Internet to access the blockchain, and many solutions completely bypass traditional web 2.0 communication protocols.
  • Virtual Reality / Augmented Reality  and other related systems – of course, in order to use the capabilities of VR, you need a computer, but there are already solutions that allow you to connect directly to the application through glasses, a bracelet, etc. Since this direction is now developing very rapidly, I decided to move it into a separate direction.
  • Digital art  is any form of art where a computer is used to create or reproduce an artwork. It can be a drawing, sound, animation, video, game, website, algorithm, performance or installation. Many traditional art forms are integrating digital technologies, and as a result, the lines between traditional art and digital media are becoming blurred.

Popular promotion tools in online marketing

To complete the picture, I will tell you about the main tools for promoting a company in digital marketing. The classification is conditional and on the Internet you can find dozens of examples of a slightly different distribution, this is purely my vision. To learn more about real estate directory, follow the link.

  • A digital product  can be a website, app, video, infographic, social media account, and more. In fact, this is a means of conveying information to the user. The media can be different – an Internet resource, a digital panel on the street, your smart refrigerator, etc.
  • Native Promotion  – embedding product advertising in feature films, videos, games, blogger interviews, etc. The medium can be a PS game, a message on your Smart TV, or whatever.

Popular online promotion tools

  • SEO  is a set of works to raise your resource in the search results of Google or any other search engine.
  • Paid advertising  – Paying for showing your message on third-party resources through AdWords, Bing, Facebook, a teaser system or any other.
  • Affiliate marketing   is the payment of remuneration to a partner for an attracted client. Often paid as a percentage of the sale made. On the Internet, affiliate networks are often used to search for such offers.
  • SMM  – work in social networks, promotion of your pages and content on Facebook, Tik-Tok, Instagram, Youtube and many other systems. Social media is the main distribution channel for viral marketing.
  • Email marketing  – sending letters to your and partner databases.
  • Content  marketing is the promotion of the necessary message through different types of content: pictures, videos, educational books, online tests, etc. Often, third-party resources are used for promotion: Youtube, Pinterest, Soundcloud, etc.
  • PR / ORM direction –  creation and management of reputation on the Internet. Working with forums, review sites, aggregators, opinion leaders, etc.
  • Product marketing  is the use of product features as a channel of user interaction. Examples: landing page, push notifications, interfaces, application functionality.
  • Chatbots  are programs for working in telegram, facebook, slack and other messengers. Often the main task is to help the user in finding information or automating routine tasks.

 Alternative digital promotion tools

  • SMS / MMS / Bluetooth / other notifications  – use of alternative channels for delivering information to the user.
  • Informational messages in Smart things  – the use of displays of smart things for user interaction.
  • Digital showcases, fitting rooms, smart carts , etc. – the use of digital screens and sensors to convey information or help the user.
  • Automated voice / video messages – for example, a bot that calls you from a bank or an answering machine.
  • Blockchain data –  storage of information in blockchain chains, signatures in transactions, account transaction history and much more.

This is only a small part of the channels and tools in the  digital environment , I hope you were interested in learning about them – if you want more, write your wishes in the comments. You can also take  my free course on digital marketing and learn much more about the profession of a  digital marketer .

 What are digital agencies?

Unlike ordinary media agencies that provide platforms for placing your ads. Digital agencies  offer the following services, which can be used to judge the specifics of working in the digital sphere:

  • Standard services (website creation, media and contextual promotion, design, website production);
  • Development of creatives and a comprehensive strategy for the development of a company in a digital environment (expertise and promotion);
  • Working with online communities (groups and pages on social networks, blogs, forums, specialized sites);
  • Organization of events, competitions (strategy, creativity, execution, performance analysis) in combinations of online / offline promotion;
  • Transferring a consumer from online to offline and vice versa (promotions, activities, etc.);
  • Experimental marketing QR codes, geolocation services, RFD, augmented reality, chatbots, etc.


I am sure that the trends in the development of the digital sphere will be aimed at creating new types of interaction with the audience. The last two words are key in understanding the essence of this trend. For the first time in the history of marketing, there is such an opportunity for interaction when consumers themselves can create a product, such as they want to receive. Say what they think – and be sure that they will be heard. Now even  a small company with a unique and interesting product, without any special advertising budgets, can communicate  in a matter of minutes  its message to millions of potential consumers, and become a large corporation. But on the other hand, one negative product review can critically affect the company’s sales level. The ability to quickly respond to changes has become a critical survival factor. We consume more information in a day than our ancestors did in a year of life. The world has become faster, the world has become more transparent, the world has become more interesting. And only in such a world could  digital marketing  in all its manifestations arise.

Digital marketing – what is it and what is it used for?ultima modifica: 2023-01-22T21:00:08+01:00da milaeryomina

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