Cancer that develops in the prostate is known as prostate cancer. It is one of the most prevalent types of cancers affecting an organ in males which is a little walnut-shaped gland that secretes seminal fluid, feeding and carrying sperm. Most men suffering from prostate cancer do not die from it. Having said that, it is to be noted that prostate cancer is the fifth-leading cause of cancer-related death in males and the most prevalent malignant tumor globally. The development of the cancer in the prostate gland is gradual and localized, and is not designed to do too much harm, although there are instances where the cancer is very aggressive and spreads fast. It is most ideal to treat prostate cancer while it is still contained at the early stage as it provides the greatest scope for recovery. Look for “best sexologist in India” on the instance you are seeking to get tested for prostate cancer, or want to get treated for the same.

Signs and Symptoms

Most men who live long enough will most likely develop prostate cancer at some point in their lives. Unfortunately, most men with early prostate cancer do not display any symptoms or indicators in the early stages. Someone with advanced prostate cancer may exhibit the following symptoms and indications:

  1. Several problems related to urination:
    1. Difficulty starting to urinate
    2. Lack of strength in urine flow
    3. Frequent urination, particularly occurring at night
    4. Difficulty emptying the bladder
    5. Burning sensation and pain during sensation
    6. Blood in the urine
  2. Blood in the sperm
  3. Painful ejaculation
  4. Bone ache
  5. Erectile Dysfunction
  6. Unexplained weight loss
  7. Persistent pain in the pelvis, hips, or back. If you happen to be experiencing any of the abovementioned symptoms, you may search “best sexologist in India” on Google.


Prostate cancer is known to occur when cells in the prostate undergo DNA mutations, even if the exact cause of prostate cancer is unknown. The instructions that inform a cell what to do are encoded in its DNA. Sometimes alterations in the cells instruct the cells to multiply and develop faster than usual, causing the aberrant cells to thrive and multiply when other cells would perish. A tumor formed by the abnormal cells can grow and spread to infect nearby tissue. Some abnormal cells may split and “metastasize” over time (spread to other areas of the body). In medical literature this is understood as the main cause of Prostate cancer in men.


  1. Advanced age: With advancing age, there is a chance of rise in prostate cancer. After 50, it becomes more prevalent.
  2. Family history of prostate cancer: Your risk of prostate cancer may be increased if you have a blood relation, such as a parent, sibling, or child, who has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. If you have the BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene, your chance of developing prostate cancer may be increased.  If you have a significant family history of breast cancer, your chance of developing prostate cancer may also be increased.
  3. Race: Black individuals are more likely than those of other races to get prostate cancer, for unknown reasons. Prostate cancer is also more likely to be aggressive or progressed in Black persons.
  4. Obesity: There is a higher risk of prostate cancer for those who are overweight or obese than for those who are considered healthy weight. The increased risk of aggressive cancers in obese individuals is most likely due to the increased number of cancer cells.


  1. SPREADING CANCER: Prostate cancer is a potentially deadly cancer that can spread to other parts of the body, including the bladder, nervous system, and bones. Prostate cancer that has spread to the bones can cause broken bones. There is a high chance that prostate cancer will spread if it has spread to other parts of the body, but it may still respond to therapy and be managed.
  2. INCONTINENCE: Incontinence is a lack of ability to complete or maintain an action or task. Urinary incontinence can be caused by either prostate cancer or its therapy. Your incontinence is classified by severity, and its likelihood of improving can all play a role in its treatment. There are many potential treatment options for a catheter problem, such as surgery or medication.
  3. Erectile dysfunction: Prostate cancer and its therapies, such as surgery, radiation, and hormone therapy, can also cause erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction can be treated with medications, erection-aid vacuum devices, and surgery.


  1. EAT HEALTHY: To avoid prostate cancer, consume a diet that is well-balanced and has all the necessary elements. Make sure to incorporate whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, pulses, and legumes in your diet.
  2. EXERCISE REGULARLY AND MAINTAIN A HEALTHY WEIGHT:  Keeping your weight in check by working out every day and eating less calories can help prevent prostate cancer. If your weight is healthy right now, make an effort to keep it that way by eating well and working out most days of the week. Add extra exercise and cut back on your daily calorie intake if you need to lose weight. Consult your doctor for assistance in developing a strategy for safe weight loss.
  3. EAT HEALTHY FOODS INSTEAD OF SUPPLEMENTS: Supplements are not definitively shown to play an active role in the prevention or reduction of prostate cancer. Opt for foods with rich in nutritional value instead.
  4. GET ROUTINE CHECKUPS IF YOU ARE ABOVE 40: All men over the age of 40 are advised to have a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood test. This is the gold-standard test for determining blood levels of this protein. The cells in the prostate create a protein that is known as PSA. A rise in your PSA level might be a sign of trouble because malignant cells create more PSA. This will help to treat cancer earlier and may even lead to a cure.

You can schedule a PSA Test by scheduling an appointment to get prostate cancer treated early.


PROSTATE CANCERultima modifica: 2022-11-10T13:59:32+01:00da henryjackson1

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