The Calgary Chinese Network: Connecting the Community and Businesses

Calgary Chinese Network: Connecting the Community and Businesses

The Calgary Chinese Network is a group of businesses and community members who have come together to help connect the Chinese community in Calgary.

The group was created with the goal of promoting business and cultural exchange between the Chinese and Canadian communities. They do this by hosting events and networking opportunities, and by providing a platform for businesses to connect with each other.

If you’re a Chinese business owner in Calgary, or if you’re interested in connecting with the Chinese community, then the 尔加里华人网 is definitely worth checking out.

Who Are the Members of the Calgary Chinese Network?

When it comes to the Calgary Chinese Network, there are two types of members: businesses and the community.

The businesses in the Calgary Chinese Network are the backbone of the organization. They’re the ones who provide support and resources to the community, and in turn, they benefit from the network’s connections with local and international businesses.

The community is made up of everyone who’s interested in connecting with China and its culture. They come from all walks of life and range in age, occupation, and background. But what they have in common is a desire to learn more about China and its people.

Both groups are important to the Calgary Chinese Network, and it’s thanks to their collaboration that the network is able to thrive.

What Are the Benefits of Being a Member of the Calgary Chinese Network?

There are many benefits of being a member of the Calgary Chinese Network. As a member, you have access to a wide range of resources, including:

-A directory of businesses and services that cater to the Chinese community

-A calendar of events that celebrates Chinese culture and heritage

-A blog with news and insights on the Calgary Chinese community

Plus, as a member you have the opportunity to network with other businesses and professionals who share your interest in connecting with the Calgary Chinese community. So what are you waiting for? Join today!

How Can Businesses Get Involved With the Calgary Chinese Network?

There are a few different ways businesses can get involved with the Calgary Chinese Network. They can become members, sponsors, or exhibitors at our events.

Membership gives businesses access to our online directory, which is a great way to connect with other businesses in the community. As a sponsor, businesses can put their logo on all our marketing materials and get exposure at our events. And as an exhibitor, businesses can have a booth at our events and promote their products and services to attendees.

If you’re interested in getting involved, please contact us for more information. We would be happy to discuss the different options with you and find the perfect way for your business to get involved.

What Are Some Upcoming Events for the Calgary Chinese Network?

The Calgary Chinese Network is hosting a lot of events in the near future. Here are some of them:

– A Cantonese New Year celebration on February 1st

– A Lunar New Year celebration on February 10th

– A business mixer on February 21st

– A Chinese culture night on March 3rd

These are just a few of the events that the Calgary Chinese Network is hosting. To see a full list, or to register for an event, visit their website.

How Can I Contact the Calgary Chinese Network?

If you’re looking to connect with the Calgary Chinese community, or if you’re a business looking to reach out to Chinese consumers, the Calgary Chinese Network is the perfect place to start.

They offer a variety of services, including online and print directories, networking events, and a China business portal. And the best part is, it’s all free for members!

So how can you contact them? You can visit their website at, or you can call them at (403) 283-9888. They’re happy to help connect you with the right people and businesses in the Calgary Chinese community.


The Calgary Chinese Network is a valuable resource for connecting the local Chinese community with businesses and organizations. Whether you’re looking to connect with other Chinese people in the area or find out about local businesses, the Calgary Chinese Network is a great place to start.


The Calgary Chinese Network: Connecting the Community and Businessesultima modifica: 2022-11-10T14:48:49+01:00da henryjackson1

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