Music Machine :

vMusic Machine

It has been recommended that in my yearly relapse report to the investors, distributed here last month, I disregarded in each of the 5,000 words to at any point once notice why Metal Machine Music is a decent collection.  So here, particularly considering Coney Island Baby, are the reasons:

Free of the guitar:

Assuming you at any point thought input was the best thing that always happened to the guitar, indeed, Lou just disposed of the guitars.I understand that any bonehead with the hardware might have made this collection, including me, you or Lou. That is one of the principal reasons I like it to such an extent. Likewise with the Godz and Tangerine Dream, besides the fact that it carries you nearer to the craftsman, yet sometime in the not so distant future, god willing, I might get to do my own Metal Machine Music.  It’s all people music, anyway.When you get up in the first part of the day with the most terrible headache of your life, Metal Machine Music is the best medication. Since when you initially emerge you’re presumably so screwed (i.e., still alcoholic) that is doesn’t actually truly harmed at this (dislike it’s going to), so you ought to put this collection on right away, not exclusively to get all the poop as far away from you as possible, however to set you up for what the future holds the remainder of the day.

Speaking Skill:

Discussing getting out poo, I once had this companion who might say, “I require corrosive basically like clockwork and JUST BLOW ALL THE BAD SHIT OUTA MY BRAIN!  So I say exactly the same thing regarding MMM. But I take it about one time per day, similar to nutrients.

In his superb liner notes, Lou states that he and the other speedfreaks didn’t begin World Wars I, “or the Bay of Pigs, besides.. What’s more, he’s right. Assuming that everyone took amphetamines, constantly, everyone would see one another. Either that or never tune in or waste time with the other bastard, since they’d be generally too bustling enduring three days defining hallucinogenic boundaries around a piece of steno paper until it’s thoroughly dark, composing eighty-page letters about trivial events to their moms, or making MMM.  There would be no more conflicts, and harmony and concordance would rule. Simply envision Gerald Ford on speed-he could show some glint of character. Or on the other hand Ronald Reagan-a vein in his snapping-turtle lips would quickly explode, maybe freeing us of that cocksucker. As is notable at this point, JFK appreciated standard infusions of Meth and nutrients from blissful croakers. I rest my case. Hello might not have really achieved anything (with the exception of the Bay of Pigs-stand by a moment, Lou hasn’t been getting his work done), yet he had style and an enthusiastic grin.

Music Machine :ultima modifica: 2022-08-16T20:06:36+02:00da henryjackson1

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