Learn Expert Techniques: How to make money on onlyfans without showing your face?

Hello guys we are back again with exciting content just to meet the demands of your inquisitive mind searching for answers.


We welcome all our readers as we request all to chime into the exclusive content.

This article is aimed at all the onlyfan content creators who get worried about being on onlyfans due to its association with adult content, as we are here to solve your problems by helping you learn some of the best ways how to make money on onlyfans without showing your face.




What is OnlyFans Important for Content Creators?


There is always a dilemma whenever a content creator is looking to go to a new platform, the firsthand research would show onlyfans is a good way to get paid for your content but then when you realize that onlyfans content creators are known to be associated with adult content it bothers you and maybe force you to avoid using onlyfans.


You may even think of using some other platform but by doing so you are missing out on a golden opportunity as onlyfans provides a huge number of users who pay in the subscription model and hence the chance of earning increases on Onlyfans.


We don’t want our readers to miss out on such a good opportunity to be paid well for their content and hence we would help you explore how to make money on onlyfans under the veil of being anonymous or hiding your face.



Best Ways to make money on onlyfans without revealing the face

  • Hide your face by using a mask, or scarf so that while you make your video content no one can recognize by face, and hence your face remains hidden.
  • Some people do find it difficult to make videos wearing a mask as it may lead to suffocation and muffled voice which deteriorates the quality of the video created hence we recommend blurring your face using a video editing application post you finish making the content video
  • Another easy hack to avoid getting your face on camera is to make sure your face is not within the camera’s range by tilting your webcam.
  • If you believe that having a face is a must for your content one can also get a video created by hiring freelancers and hence your face remains hidden on onlyfans.
  • Simply hiding the face is not enough as someone may recognize you by voice and hence we recommend that one can change the voice modulation while speaking in the content or use an application to change your voice.
  • To further make yourself hidden always make sure to use duplicate email for registration and fake names beyond recognition.








Final Words…


That’s all, for now, we have finished a wonderful reading session on learning the pro-level hacks to earn money on onlyfans without revealing one’s identity.


We hope that the tricks would be easy to implement for your purpose and you will be able to make and sell content freely on OnlyFans.


We would now like to bid farewell to our readers and promise to return with fresh articles just for you very soon.

Monoprice 110010-A Comprehensive Review

Are you looking to buy a new headset? You probably want to know which headsets come with excellent battery life and noise-reduction technology and are comfortable to wear. Here we are introducing you to the budget-friendly and long-lasting headset making your life hassle-free, named Monoprice 110010. In this review, we will take a closer look at the features of this headset, including sound quality, battery life, construction quality, and price.

Let’s dive into the details of this headset without any further delay.


Features of Monoprice 110010 Affordable Headset

Battery Life

If you keep using the headset for almost 52 hours, its battery will work fine. So, we can say that the Monoprice 110010 comes with great battery life. Its Bluetooth 5.0 connectivity is also excellent, and it supports wireless connections. Moreover, the microphone and headband of Monoprice 110010 are of excellent quality. The battery of this headset is gold-plated.


They are also compatible with portable audio devices via their 3.5mm jack. Their minimalist design is pleasing to the eye and feels comfortable to wear. In addition to the headphones, a carrying case and a battery of reasonable size are included. Furthermore, the headphones are made from metal and feature leather earcups. Besides being durable and high-quality, the headphones have a long-lasting battery.


However, the Monoprice 110010’s sound quality is below average regarding critical listening when it comes to noise cancellation. While it is a bit pricey, it still makes an excellent choice for background listening or gaming. However, the Monoprice 110010 is not ideal for travel or loud environments because of its poor battery life and lackluster design. Despite these cons, you may want to look elsewhere if you’re willing to live with them.

Convenient Earpads

Even if you watch your favorite drama or movie for hours, the convenient earpads of this headset will stay longer. We are not saying that this headset is the only top choice of people, but it is better than many others in terms of affordability, durability and reliability. Monoprice 110010 headset has many options, making it a suitable choice for many users. Due to the foldability feature, this headset will take only a little storage space. Moreover, it also comes with a 3.5MM connector.


There are several ANC headsets on the market similar to the Monoprice 110010. This product has a lot of noise isolation, thanks to the sturdy materials used. Comfortable padding and sound-isolating headphones make these headphones very comfortable. Although the buttons on the Monoprice headset are not premium, its price still makes it a significant investment.


In addition to being black and gray plastic, the Monoprice 110010 Noise-Canceling headset also has black accents. There is a discreet Monoprice branding on the back and a glossy finish. Monoprice’s headset has well-placed buttons, but its volume control does not feature tactile input. As a budget-friendly option, the Monoprice 110010 is suitable for gamers who aren’t audiophiles.


How Are Amethyst Crystals Used in Healing?

Generally, it was named the Bishop’s stone since it was worn as an image of lowliness, profound insight, sympathy, and devotion by the Roman Catholic Bishops. Because of its rich tones, it has been utilized in many gems which have been worn by eminences. It is in this way connected with riches and success.


In days gone by it was made into drinking vessels. At the time it was said to have the ability to stop inebriation in the individuals who drank from these vessels. amethyst crystal is classed as a holy stone for contemplation. Many individuals say that it has the most noteworthy energy vibrations of the multitude of diamonds. it is remembered to cause an increased otherworldliness and tranquility level. The antiquated Egyptians accepted that it could avert evil. The capacity to stop pessimistic considerations and sentiments has been noted.


Helping with unwinding, contemplation, otherworldly mindfulness, and clairvoyant ability is accepted. This thing has likewise been connected to quietness, resistance, absolution, and harmony. Many individuals accept that wearing amethyst will help with loosening up the psyche a honing instincts.


This stone is ordinarily utilized as an initial amethyst crystal stone to recuperate with crystals. For this reason, it is effectively accessible as well as reasonable and is perhaps of the most persuading recuperating stone. To involve it in crystal mending they can be worn as adornments. It tends to be put in the pocket or on unambiguous pieces of the body for recuperating.


For actual wellbeing, it tends to be utilized to help with skin illnesses; agony and pressure; migraines; blood purging; swelling or enlarging on the body; gastrointestinal problems, and tipsiness or headaches. It can likewise help with the respiratory parcel and lung infirmities. It has extraordinary potential for use in mental clearness. This will permit imaginative reasoning; unwinding and tranquil rest. It can further develop fixation and help with conquering psychological barriers.


Amethyst crystals are heavenly healers in regard to misfortune, trouble, and pain. It likewise works very well as a fantasy motivation device. Assuming you place it under your cushion around evening time it is intended to advance clear, clear dreams and forestall bad dreams. It is utilized for close-to-home mending and profound turn of events. This is one of the main learn more crystal mending stones as it can help with the advancement of otherworldly mindfulness.


The BioMat and Amethyst Crystals

The antiquated Greeks were forward-thinking in numerous ways. They imagined a present-day vote-based system, made government-funded training, had the most progressive economy in the preindustrial world, created scholars and artists, for example, the world is as yet awed by, set down numerical guidelines actually utilized today, and altered medication.


It was likewise the Greeks who gave the crystal amethyst its name “Amethystos” or “not inebriated.” They named it such, as they found in the wake of going through a late evening drinking and delighting in their love of the wine god, Dionysus, that a headache was a horrendous and serious secondary effect to their gorges. Notwithstanding, one thing that helped men in relieving them through the “following morning” was amethyst. Doctors would have beds or covers of woven amethyst for patients to lay on to quiet them and soothe the impacts of the hangovers.

Farmaceutyki sportowe – dobre czy złe?

Każdy chce mieć piękne, szczupłe ciało, świetną kondycję i niesamowitą siłę. Aby osiągnąć ten cel, należy chodzić na siłownię i ćwiczyć. Jednak mimo długich i ciągłych treningów przychodzi moment, w którym nie widać żadnych rezultatów. W tym momencie każda osoba traci motywację, ponieważ efekty treningu są mało widoczne i wydaje się, że osiągnięcie celu jest bardzo trudne. Aby wyeliminować te niedogodności, można skorzystać z pomocy środków farmakologii sportowej, czyli sterydów anabolicznych. Takie środki farmakologiczne można stosować, aby osiągnąć wyznaczony cel i nie rezygnować z rozpoczętej pracy w połowie drogi. Zanim jednak kupisz produkty farmakologii sportowej, musisz poznać wszystkie niuanse, asortyment i, co najważniejsze, ustalić, gdzie można kupić produkty farmakologii sportowej. Jeśli chcesz kupić sterydy po niskiej cenie, nasz sterydy sklep jest miejscem, do którego powinieneś się udać.

Jakie są rodzaje sterydów anabolicznych?

Sterydy anaboliczne mają wiele zalet, ponieważ są produkowane na bazie testosteronu. Ten hormon pochodzenia syntetycznego poprawia wydolność, regeneruje organizm po kontuzjach, złamaniach i innych uszkodzeniach, a także pomaga budować masę mięśniową i sprawia, że sportowiec staje się bardziej pewny siebie. Testosteron jest hormonem, który nie tylko wpływa na sprawność fizyczną, ale ma również pozytywny wpływ na sprawność umysłową i emocjonalną.

Główne skutki przyjmowania sterydów anabolicznych to:

  • przyrost masy mięśniowej;
  • dodatni bilans azotu;
  • przyspieszona synteza białek w komórkach organizmu;
  • zwiększona wydajność;
  • zwiększona wytrzymałość;
  • poprawia się stan psycho-emocjonalny zawodnika;
  • kształtowanie sylwetki staje się bardziej wyraziste;
  • Przyspieszenie regeneracji między treningami;
  • wzrost wartości wytrzymałości.

W naszym internetowym sklepie sportowym możesz kupić sterydy na masę w najlepszej cenie w Polsce.

Jakie są mity na temat sterydów anabolicznych?

W Internecie można znaleźć negatywne opinie na temat stosowania farmaceutyków sportowych. Opierają się one wyłącznie na niewiedzy, jak prawidłowo przyjmować leki. Istnieje również duża liczba negatywnych informacji zwrotnych w przypadku, gdy sportowiec przyjmował “atrapy” lub podrobione preparaty farmakologii sportowej, a także podczas niekontrolowanego przyjmowania. Aby osiągnąć maksymalny pozytywny efekt, należy wcześniej skonsultować się z lekarzem, odpowiednio dobrać dawkę leku i zadbać o terapię po zakończeniu leczenia. W takim przypadku sportowiec nie będzie miał żadnych niepożądanych reakcji po zastosowaniu anabolików, a doceni jedynie pozytywne skutki przyjmowania sterydów.


A Guide to Become Rich by Playing Satta King Online With Sattaking 786, Black satta king games 2022

Satta king online betting provides a handy way and free of Satta brokers. Before, an individual would request the representative for assistance and charge a hefty commission from their wins. Many parts of India might operate offline Satta games, but individuals have accommodated the wise procedures to play the sport.

Various sites have opened nowadays, each comprising an online Satta King game; locating a strictly dependable and honest broker is futile since it’s almost like looking at a needle in a haystack.

Instead of choosing a site after due concerns, provide more reliability. Factors included in the betting it provides, the bonuses and lot of big rewards connected to the betting amount, depositing methods, etc… When supported about these variables, the street for playing with the Satta king becomes apparent.

Comparison between traditional brokers vs. Satta King websites 

Number of factors distinguish the reliability between conventional agents and Satta King 786 Websites.

Unrestricted access

The places hosting Satta King Bets are prohibited by Indian legislation, and before, the law enforcement agencies could hurry down to their closures.

On the contrary, obtaining a website for an internet Satta King game is unrestricted, and whomsoever many perform with it from anywhere at any time without any issue.

Earlier, there were bunch of opportunities when Fraud agents could exploit the advice of a participant for their advantage, particularly in an illegal manner, mostly inducing identity thefts and frauds.

But with all the Black satta king  Satta effect on the internet, the brokers don’t stand a chance of distributing information because the gamers need to register with the website.

They will be given with password and username, which simplifies the content of this participant without flouting any guidelines

A top quality customer service is always beneficial to gamers. Since the websites put the Satta King results, seeing an agent is not required.

Moreover, you will find brokers who supply 24-hrs support for the playing customers for a Satta draw or any game. The possibilities of winning become more favorable than relying upon a traditional agent.


Why play Satta King Online?

Some numerous reasons why it’s prudent to be educated regarding ways of remaining safe while playing Satta King on the web:

Our basic principle says that a <a href=”https://sattaking-chart.com/”rel=”nofollow”>Sattaking</a> gambler should begin betting with a certain amount of money. While you think about playing Satta King, it becomes important to spare a chunk of the amount and keep a certain portion as a security amount.

A player must control the impulse to play increasingly, particularly when losing. Gamblers should bet with a restricted sum so that if they lose, they can recoup those misfortunes in the betting they’ll play in the future. On the off luck that the money lost in Kalyan Matka will be more, it would be very hard for a player to compensate for these misfortunes.

Set a Clear Objective 

It is right to have a reasonable thought behind the inspirations that drive an individual to bet on the web. Is the individual betting on the web to escape obligation, or would they say they are evaluating better approaches to make some snappy money?

It should be constantly remembered that betting isn’t the response to overhauling mind-blowing principles on the off chance that individual worries about riches; the executives ought to connect with a monetary counsel quickly.

Monitoring Time 

Betting entries these days are furnished with highlights like betting history, where the player is given data about how much time and cash they have spent on <a href=”https://satta-king-786.org/”rel=”nofollow”>Satta king 786</a> online betting. It permits players to settle on educated choices about what they should do next when they should stop, and when to take help from experts if the propensity turns into dependence!


How to Find Slots with High Payouts?

There are a few things that you need to look for when you’re trying to find high-paying slots. First, you must ensure that the casino you’re playing at is reputable and has a good history of paying their winners. You can do this by reading casino reviews online or asking around in gambling forums.

High Variance

Next, you need to look at the slot machine’s variance. Variance measures how often a slot machine pays out and how much it pays out. High variance slots will pay out more often, but the payouts will be smaller. Low variance slots สล็อตเว็บตรง will pay out less often, but the payouts will be more significant. Medium variance slots fall somewhere in between.

Knowing a slot machine’s variance is essential because it will affect your strategy for playing the game.

Progressive Jackpots

Another thing to look for is progressive jackpots. These jackpots grow every time someone plays the slot machine without hitting the jackpot. The longer the jackpot goes without being hit, the larger it will get.

Progressive jackpots can reach massive sizes, sometimes even millions of dollars. Progressive jackpots are always a good option when you’re looking for high payout slots.

Top 8 Slots with High-Payouts


Now that you know what to look for in high payout slots, let’s take a look at 8 of the best options currently available:

  1. Mega Moolah
  2. Cleopatra
  3. Wheel of Fortune
  4. Buffalo
  5. Siberian Storm
  6. Legacy of the Tiger
  7. Narcos Slot
  8. Rainbow Riches


These are just a few of the many high-paying slots you can find online. So, if you want to make some quick money, check out these machines!

  1. Mega Moolah


This is one of the most popular slot games in the world and for a good reason. The Mega Moolah jackpot reaches the millions, making it one of the highest-paying slots.

  1. Cleopatra


This classic slot game from IGT has been a casino-goer favorite for years. The Cleopatra jackpot is usually around $250,000, making it an excellent choice for those looking for a big win.

  1. Wheel of Fortune


This IGT slot game is based on a popular TV game show. The Wheel of Fortune jackpot reaches over $1 million, making it one of the highest paying slots games.

  1. Buffalo


This popular slot game from Aristocrat is a favorite of many slot players. The Buffalo jackpot is usually around $250,000, making it an excellent choice for those looking for a big win.

  1. Siberian Storm

This IGT slot game is one of the most popular slot games in the world. The Siberian Storm jackpot is usually around $1 million, making it an excellent choice for those looking for a big win.

  1. Legacy of the Tiger

The Mega Fire Blaze Jackpots mode is one of the most popular features of Legacy of the Tiger. You can trigger this mode by having 6 or more Moon symbols on the reels. These Moon symbols contain cash prizes and keys that unlock a 1×5 reel structure on top of the 3×5 reel structure. With two keys, you have access to six times the potential winnings!

Although it’s a high-risk slot, Legacy of the Tiger offers the best return-to-player rate on this list at 96.59%.

  1. Narcos Slot


WagerPro’s Real Deal slot by NetEnt, Narcos, is a 3×5 slot with 243 winning pay lines and a 96.23 percent RTP with mid-high volatility. One of the significant features of the game is the Walking Wilds symbol, which remains on the reels and moves one space to the left on each spin. The Drive-By feature, which randomly replaces high-valued symbols with wild ones, gives walks wilds a boost https://casinosite119.com/.

  1. Rainbow Riches

This IGT slot game is based on the famous Irish folklore character Rainbow Riches. The Rainbow Riches jackpot is usually around $1 million, making it an excellent choice for those looking for a big win.


These are just a few of the many high-paying slots you can find online. So, if you want to make some quick money, check out these machines!


Wine History – When Cork Met Bottle

With the Reformation, the church’s role in wine production and marketing declined, especially in northern Europe, but it didn’t upset the wine world half as much as discovering the usefulness of cork nearly a century later. For the first time since the Roman Empire, wine can now be stored and aged in bottles. 


Throughout the Middle Ages wine was kept in casks which presented a double drawback: first, too long in wood could rob the wine history of all its fruit; Second, once the cask is opened the wine inevitably goes bad unless drunk within a few days. The bottle, with its small capacity, solves the former problem by providing a neutral, non-porous material that allows the wine to age in a different subtle way, and removes the latter problem by providing a manageable-sized sealed container for single-session drinking.


However, the cork and bottle revolution was not an immediate success; The bottles were then so bulbous that they would simply stand upright which meant the corks eventually dried out and consequently let the air in. But, by the mid-18th century, tall, flat-sided bottles were designed that would lie flat, keeping their corks moist by contact with the world wine history timeline. As a result, winemaking has reached a new dimension. 


For a winemaker to try and excel becomes worthwhile, wines from specific plots of land can be compared for their merits, and the most exciting can be categorized and distinguished from more mundane plot wines. As a result, today’s great names of Bordeaux, Burgundy, and the Rhine first began to come into focus.


In the early 19th century, Europe seemed like a vast vineyard. In Italy 80% of the people made their living from wine and in France, there were extensive plantations south of Paris. The vine also went abroad for explorers, colonists, and missionaries. It went to Latin America with the Spaniards, South Africa with the French Huguenots, and Australia with the British. Can anything stem this tide of wine expansion?


Well, yes and it came in the form of an aphid called phylloxera, which feeds on and destroys vine roots. It came from America in the 1860s and, by the early 20th century, had devastated the vineyards of all of Europe and the rest of the world. The solution was to graft the weak European vine, Vitis vinifera, onto the phylloxera-resistant American rootstock, Vitis Riparia, naturally a very expensive endeavor. The most immediate effect in Europe was that only the best sites were transplanted and as a result, the total area under vines shrank greatly. Elsewhere the devastation has been comparable and vineyard land is now expanding on old original sites destroyed a century ago.

Top 3 Delicious & Easy Oats Recipes For Breakfast Or Snack

Oats is a nutritious grain, and it can be used in a plethora of different dishes. Oats are now being used in Indian kitchens, despite the fact that they haven’t been traditionally used in the cuisine. Making porridge with oats is the most common way to include them in your diet. Plus, oats price is affordable too. In this article, we will share some of the delicious, nutritious and easy to make oats recipes.

  1. Oats Idli

This Oats Idli has a great blend of nutrition and taste. To make this you need 2 cups oats, 1 tbsp oil, 1 tsp of each chana dal, mustard seeds, urad dal, ½ tsp turmeric powder, 1 green chilli, 1 cup finely chopped carrot, ½ cup chopped coriander leaves, pinch of salt, and for idli batter; ½ tsp salt, 2 cups curd, a pinch of fruit salt.

Preparation Method

  • Put two cups of oats in a pan and dry roast them over medium heat for about 5 minutes, or until they reach a golden brown color.
  • First, allow it to cool, and once it has, grind it up into a powder.
  • To make the fried mixture, heat oil in a wide pan.
  • Add some mustard seeds, let them splatter and then add urad, chana dal, green chilies and turmeric powder. Sauté them until they are golden brown.
  • Add the chopped carrots, coriander leaves. Cook for 1-2 minutes and sprinkle a little bit of salt.
  • Before adding the mixture to the idli batter, you should wait for it to cool down for a few minutes.
  • Now for idli batter place the oats powder in a large bowl, then add fried mixture and salt to it.
  • Add curd to it all at once and give it a good stir in one direction before adding a pinch of fruit salt.
  • Create a batter of a medium thickness, and then let it sit, covered, for a few minutes.
  • Now, using a brush, coat the idli molds with ghee and set them aside.
  • After the oats idli batter has been prepared, divide it evenly among the molds, and then place the molds in the steamer.
  • Steam for approximately 15 minutes while covered with a lid over a medium flame.
  • After 15 minutes, check to see if the idlis have been cooked through properly.
  • Your delicious and nutritious oats idli is ready and serve it with coconut chutney.
  1. Oats Cheela

Healthy and tasty breakfast or indian pancake recipe prepared with quick rolled oats and spices. To make this cheela you need 1 cup rolled oats, 2 tbsp rava semolina / suji (fine), 1 cup water, 1/2 cup curd, ¼ tsp turmeric, 2 chilli (finely chopped), ½ tsp ginger paste, ½ tsp cumin / jeera (crushed), 2 tbsp of finely chopped onion and tomato, ½ tsp salt and olive oil for roasting.

Preparation Method

  • Roast 1 cup rolled oats. As we are adding spices, take unflavoured oats.
  • Roast the oats until they become crisp.
  • Without adding any water, completely cool the oats and blend into a fine powder.
  • Put the oat powder in a large mixing bowl.
  • Add 2 tbsp of rava for binding.
  • Then mix in 1/4 cup curd and 1 cup of water.
  • Mix and whisk it properly for lump free and smooth batter.
  • Add an additional 1/4 teaspoon each of turmeric, ginger paste, 2 chillies, and crushed cumin.
  • Additionally, add 2 tablespoons of onion, 2 tablespoons of tomato, and 1/2 teaspoon of salt.
  • Mix thoroughly to create a thick, flowing cheela batter.
  • Ladle some batter onto a hot tawa and spread it out gently.
  • Add 1/2 tsp of olive oil to the chili.
  • Cook for a minute covered over a medium flame.
  • Cook the cheela on both sides while gently pressing.
  • Oats cheela is now prepared and can be served with green chutney.
  1. Oats Khichdi

It’s a complete meal in itself, and it’s incredibly easy to prepare. An excellent, nutritious, and healthy meal for those who are on the go. To make it even better, I recommend serving it alongside some plain yogurt.

To make this recipe you need 1/3 cup of each quick cooking oats, moong dal, 1/4 tsp turmeric powder, 1/2 tsp cumin seeds, 1/4 tbsp red chilli powder, 1 each finely chopped small onion, medium tomato, small carrot and 45g of green peas, 3/4 tsp finely chopped ginger, 1/2 tsp chopped green chillies, salt to taste, 2.5 cups water, 1/2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil and 1/2 tbsp chopped coriander leaves for garnishing.

Preparation Method

  • In a pressure cooker, heat oil, then add cumin seeds and let them pop.
  • Add the chopped onion and cook it until it turns translucent. Then add the ginger and green chilies and cook for a few more seconds.
  • Add the red chili powder and turmeric powder, then the tomatoes. Cook them until they are soft.
  • Along with the oats, add all the vegetables and moong dal. Sauté for a short time.
  • Add some salt and water.
  • Cook it for 8 minutes.
  • Open the lid after the pressure has gone down.
  • Serve hot with chopped coriander leaves or green chilies on top and yogurt on the side.

Have you tried these recipes? If yes then feel free to share your experience with us in the comment section below.

DoramasYT – Ver Doramas y Peliculas Online gratis en HD

Are you worried about watching this dorama for free in Spanish subtitles? Then don’t worry, I will share the best platform to enjoy all Asian doramas in Spanish with subtitles for free. Here is that platform
Growing up is making choices about what’s important to you. It’s also about learning to decide the things you’re willing to sacrifice and the things you’ll never give up regardless of what. It’s not always good to stay the course and fight; sometimes, you’ll need more maturity and courage to surrender and let go.

There’s a lot of change and development this week, beginning with an entire show devoted (mostly) to Hee Do and her mother. However, here’s where one of my main complaints about this show is revealed as, more than ever, the episode caused me to feel that the same kind of changes in the storyline of the past was taking place in a new way at the moment.
There’s no reason why it’s taking place right now compared to any time over the past ten years.

Perhaps you can claim that we’re viewing the present through the eyes of Min-chae rather than Hee-do’s. And Min-chae may not be aware of certain aspects until she was exposed to the same from Hee-do’s point of view.

However, I wonder what would have been more beneficial to let Hee-do discover her diary and relive her youth while trying to parent teens. This way, the current story will be more relevant.
The primary conflict Hee-do and her mother face this week is with her dad’s death and how the Mom of Hee-do has dealt with this loss. In other words, her approach to it. Hasn’t yet dealt with the loss. In a desperate bid to be a successful newscaster, the mother of Hee-do has tried to put all her feelings aside every time and sacrificed her family to be professional.
She even skipped her husband’s funeral, as she decided to cover breaking news instead to demonstrate her skills after being called out for not doing enough. While they’ve not spoken about it, she has never been forgiven by her.

In the timeline for 1999, As the date for Dad’s funeral is near, Hee-do discovers that the chairs made of wood that he designed for his family are in decay. Mom promises to bring them to the carpenter to repair them; however, you wouldn’t think it? That she promised breaking news repeatedly surfaces on the day she promised. Again, Mom decides to go the extra mile to work, despite her pledge to Hee-do.