3 Easy Barbecue Recipes

house with a garden

Summer is here, which means barbecue season. Hosting barbecues in your house with a garden with your family and friends is a much-awaited activity by many people. Therefore, here are three simple and easy food ideas you can cook on your barbecue in your home in Malta garden this summer.

  1. Grilled chicken skewers

Grilled chicken skewers are a barbecue staple however they might be to get just right! Marinating them 3 days before hosting the barbecue ensures perfectly grilled and tender chicken skewers.

  1. Roast tomato salad

This is a great BBQ recipe to wow your friends with – and it’s so simple too! The secret lies in roasting the cherry tomatoes over the grill with plenty of olive oil, sherry vinegar and aromatics until the skins are blistered, so they give off plenty of their juices. These juices make the most flavourful dressing for a salad of delicious Italian staples.

  1. Pulled pork sandwiches

Instead of always grilling chicken or beef burgers another delicious idea is to make some pulled pork sandwiches. Although most recipes indicate that you need a slow cooker to make this recipe, with some aluminium foil and marinating the pork 3 days before the barbecue, one can easily recreate such a recipe on his/her barbecue.

3 Easy Barbecue Recipesultima modifica: 2022-08-18T09:38:47+02:00da Makhanaseo