Prenatal Yoga and Ayurveda for Pregnancy

ayurveda for pregnancy

During pregnancy, it is common to feel fatigued, uncomfortable and stressed about all of the upcoming changes to your life and body.  Yoga has been shown to help combat some of these common occurrences of pregnancy.  Yoga helps to relieve stress, energize the mind and body, and to bring comfort and relief to achy areas of the body.

The sister science of yoga, ayurveda, has also been helpful for many women during pregnancy.  Ayurveda is the ancient medical system of India and has grown in popularity in western cultures through the last few years.  Ayurveda for pregnancy helps women find balanced nutrition and lifestyle while expecting.

Coming ayurvedic nutrition with prenatal yoga can be pivotal in increasing wellness and health outcomes during pregnancy.  It can also help to ensure a comfortable and safe labor and birthing experience.  It is important to make sure that you’re practicing prenatal yoga safely.  There are certain modifications for prenatal yoga that pregnant women should be aware of before practicing.

Prenatal Yoga and Ayurveda for Pregnancyultima modifica: 2023-01-02T05:25:15+01:00da Makhanaseo