What Safety Features Are Integrated into Automatic Glass Doors to Prevent Accidents

With their ease and beauty, automatic glass doors have become a necessary component of contemporary construction. They welcome us into malls, medical facilities, airports, and a myriad of other public places. These doors’ usefulness and beauty do, however, raise some possible safety issues. Manufacturers have included a variety of safety elements in automatic glass doors to allay these worries and stop mishaps. This article will discuss these aspects under several subheadings to show how these doors are made safe for everyone.

What Safety Features Are Integrated into Automatic Glass Doors to Prevent Accidents

Moveable Sensors

The motion sensor is the main safety element of automatic glass doors. These sensors pick up when someone is coming or leaving the door. Usually, radar-based or infrared sensors are used. The door opens when the sensors identify a human inside its detection range. This removes the need to push or pull the door, reducing the danger of accidents from abrupt attempts.

Safety Indicators

Safety indicators are used to stop mishaps when someone is in the way of a closing door. These sensors identify anything in the door’s passage using ultrasonic or infrared technology. To prevent closing on a person or item, the door reverses course and opens in the event that it detects an obstruction.

Safety Disconnect

It is important to get out quickly in an emergency. Safety breakaway systems are a common element of automatic glass doors. This enables individuals to quickly leave the building in situations like power outages by pushing open the doors.

Prolonged Closing

Automatic glass doors are configured with a delayed closing function to give visitors more time to enter or escape. The door stays open for a predefined amount of time after sensing movement before gently shutting. This lowers the possibility of mishaps by preventing the door from suddenly shutting on someone.

By Hand Override

Technology may malfunction or fail sometimes. Automatic glass doors include a manual override feature for such situations. By switching the door to manual mode, authorized staff may open or shut it manually.

Low-Energy Mode

Low-energy automatic glass doors may be used in high-traffic areas or for softer door operation. Because the door moves quickly in this mode, there is less chance of an accident because it opens and shuts more slowly.

Presence Indicators

Presence indicators, usually LED lights or signs, tell people whether the door is automated or manual. This clarifies how the door works, preventing accidents caused by miscommunication.

Safety Glasses

For added safety, the kind of glass used in automatic glass doors is essential. To lessen the possibility of harm in the event that the glass breaks, safety glass is either laminated or tempered. These kinds of glass are less likely to cause serious cuts or injuries because they break into little, less pointed fragments.


The ease and beauty of puertas automaticas de cristal are unmatched. As architecture advances technologically, it’s comforting to know that automatic glass doors still prioritize safety in their design and functioning. These doors improve user experience and contribute to the creation of safe, accessible spaces by integrating these elements.

What Safety Features Are Integrated into Automatic Glass Doors to Prevent Accidentsultima modifica: 2023-10-19T11:40:59+02:00da mystories

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